The Yuletide Rescue. Margaret Daley

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The Yuletide Rescue - Margaret Daley Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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entered the reception area and found Aubrey stretched out on his sofa asleep. Her long blond hair spilled over her shoulders like a waterfall caught in the golden rays of the sun. His gaze traveled down her petite body, then returned to her face. Her expression was peaceful, as though she hadn’t nearly died the day before.

      She saved lives, whereas he’d taken more than he wanted to count. For a few seconds, his final mission before he’d returned stateside and retired, wheedled its way into his thoughts. Faces of the men who had died under his command haunted his dreams, especially Lieutenant Adams. He squeezed his eyes closed, as though that would stop the images. His last tour in the Middle East had been one too many, leaving its mark on him more than all the others before it.

      Bree stirred, her eyes slowly opening. They captured his and held him prisoner for a long moment before she averted her gaze and swung her legs to the floor to stand. “It’s my turn to ask. Are you all right? Did you get some bad news?”

      Only my memories. If only I could forget... “No. When the storm clears, I’m going to recover Jeremiah’s body. I talked with my friend—Chance O’Malley—who will help me. He’s a state trooper.”

      “I’m also going.”

      “You don’t have to.”

      “Yes, I do. I owe Jeremiah my life.”

      “I understand, but—”

      “Please. It’s important. If I’m going to volunteer for Northern Frontier, then this should be no different.” Although weary from her ordeal, she tilted up her chin and met his look with determination.

      He shook his head, chuckling. “You’re one tough lady. It’s okay if you come. I thought it would be difficult for you to return to the scene of the wreck.”

      “I didn’t say it wouldn’t be, but I have to see this to the end. I want to know what those men were there for if they weren’t part of the search and rescue.”

      “Me, too. When I talked with Chance, he said there haven’t been any reports recently of people going to downed planes and robbing them before rescuers can reach them. But there were a few a couple of years ago.”

      “Like modern-day pirates? If that’s what those guys were doing, they didn’t get anything worth their time and trouble.”

      “Good thing I started out before dawn, or we might have met in the air.”

      Bree rubbed her hands up and down her sweater-clad arms. “Not a pretty thought, especially with the weapons they were carrying. God was looking out for us.”

      David picked up Aubrey’s coat from the back of one of the chairs and handed it to her. “Let’s go before we won’t be able to leave here.”

      “Sounds good to me.”

      “That red Jeep in the hangar is mine.” David followed her to his vehicle.

      He started the engine and warmed the car up. After pushing the remote door opener, he slowly made his way into the heavy blowing snow to the road, and then drove toward Aubrey’s house. With his full attention focused on the few feet in front of his SUV, the long ride was completed in silence.

      When he turned onto her street, he glanced over at her. Her eyes were closed, her head resting on the window next to her. He smiled, glad his home wasn’t far from hers. It had been a long day, and sleep lured him, as well.

      He pulled into her driveway close to her front entrance, switched off his car and shifted toward her. “Aubrey, we’re at your house.”

      Her eyes opened, and, as before in his office, they connected with his. Again he felt a bond with her, more than anyone else he’d ever rescued. The sensation surprised him, causing him to break their visual link. Keeping his emotions checked while rescuing a person always helped him do what needed to be done. But the second he’d seen Aubrey’s brown eyes at the wreck site, something had changed. He must be more exhausted than he realized.

      “Call me Bree. All my friends do.”

      Her soft voice floated to him, pulling him back to her. “Ready?”

      “Yes, but you don’t have to go with me. I can carry my duffel bag. No sense in you getting cold and wet. It’s not like this is a date or anything.” She reached behind her and pulled her bag over the seat. “Thank you. Please let me know when you’ll be recovering Jeremiah’s body. I have some downtime between assignments. I volunteer at a free clinic in Anchorage, but I can change my hours if need be.”

      He removed his wallet and withdrew a business card, then gave it to her. “Call if you need anything. My cell phone number is on there.”

      “Thank you. I hope in a few days I can repay you with dinner. I love to cook.”

      “Sure. Let me know when.”

      A blast of cold air and some snow swept inside when she opened the door and slid out of the SUV. He waited for her to round its front and make her way to her house. He might not walk her to her door, but he would at least stay until she was inside. When he looked out the side window, she still stood by the door, facing the house next door.

       Is something wrong?

      He climbed from his Jeep. “Bree?”

      She peered back at him. “There’s a light on in Jeremiah’s house. I think someone is inside.”


      In the driving snow, David rounded the hood of his Jeep and stopped next to Bree. “He probably just left a light on.”

      Her teeth digging into her lower lip, Bree didn’t have a good feeling about this. “No, Jeremiah never does. He doesn’t like to waste electricity. There’s a switch right by the door, so it’s easy for him to come in and flip it on.” She pointed toward the back of the house. “I think there’s one on in the kitchen. I want to check to see. What if someone heard he was dead and came to rob him?”

      “I know the news can spread fast when one of the bush pilots dies in a wreck, but someone would have to be crazy to do something like that, especially in a storm. There’s no vehicle around, and I can’t see the intruder escaping far on foot.” He waved his hand toward the front. “And there are no footprints leading to the porch.”

      “How about around back?”

      “What’s behind your houses?”


      “Which would make it hard to remove his valuable possessions that way and carry them through the trees to where they parked their car.”

      Maybe she was overreacting, but ever since those guys showed up at the wreck site, she’d been unsettled. “Okay, chalk it up to a curious, tired woman, but I’m still going to check. What if they came earlier and the new snow covered their tire tracks and footprints? It won’t take much in this storm. Besides, he has a cat I need to bring over to my house. I know Ringo is used to being alone, but I still don’t want to leave him by himself any longer.”

      “If you think there’s

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