The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung

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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays - Theresa Cheung

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      March 9-born are innovative explorers willing to venture boldly into the unknown or to experiment with new ideas. Their courageous, curious nature is admired by others. and because they are so independent, their lives are often packed with excitement. They have a zest for life and often move so fast it can wear themselves and others out. They can flit from one job or relationship to another, as they love variety and challenge. Although others may find them reckless, they are far less impulsive than they appear. From an early age they have learned to trust their intuition because it frequently leads them in the right direction. Despite their independence, they can be oversensitive to others’ opinions, easily getting hurt when criticized.

      Born campaigners with a sense of justice and empathy for the underdog, they can often be found pushing for social reform. Indeed, whatever career they choose—be it sport, art or charity work—they fight for social and humanitarian concerns. Their ability to solve problems and advise may draw them to teaching, counseling, psychology, writing and management, while their intuitive ability may draw them to healing or the New Age or psychic worlds. Learning to recognize physical signs of stress, such as upsets stomachs and insomnia, can help them avoid burnout. For self-care, treat yourself to a relaxing warm bath with your favorite essential oil, such as clary sage and juniper, whenever you feel run down.

      These people are highly intuitive and for this reason others often seek their advice, becoming dependent on them in the process. Such emotional dependency, however, can cause feelings of frustration. With a tendency to take things too personally, it is important for those born on this day to learn to calm down, especially before the age of 40, when their lives are full of new ventures. After the age of 42 there is greater emotional steadiness. A part of them always longs to escape, but, once they have found a way to be more responsible and committed without losing their sense of adventure, their destiny is to push forward social reforms and make the world a better and fairer place.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hermit, 3, 9, Thursday, Tuesday, turquoise, red

      Born today: Yuri Gagarin (astronaut); Bobby Fischer (chess player); Brittany Snow (actor)

      Potential: Intuitive, bold

      Dark side: Selfish, restless

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

      Текст предоставлен ООО «ЛитРес».

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