The Men In Uniform Collection. Barbara McMahon

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The Men In Uniform Collection - Barbara McMahon Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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by…how would it look? She leaned back a little. ‘You can’t stand here alone all night.’

      ‘I don’t have to be alone.’ Large hands reached out and snaked around her waist, stealing her breath and pulling her gently against him, hot and exciting where they touched. ‘We never got to finish our dance.’

       Walk away, Romy.

      What had happened to the smart, savvy woman who’d raised a child, protected a family and sacrificed everything for her son? She fled completely in the face of the blatant desire pulsing from the oversize testosterone bomb in front of her.

      A surge of want answered deep in her body. The primal creature hungering for satisfaction. How bad could it be to give Cinderella one last dance with the prince? Clint sensed her acquiescence and pulled her gently into his arms. She let herself lean into his solid frame, tucked in closer than she needed to be even in the close confines of the doorway, and pressed her cheek to his shoulder. He gathered her up against him. Their feet started moving in time with the distant music but it was automatic. Romy couldn’t hear a thing over the march of his heart under her ear. It took only seconds for her own to fall into sync.


      Her hands slipped around behind him, spread across his massive back, splayed and sure. He cocooned her until her face buried in the crook of his neck, comfortably, snugly. Like the safe harbour of her fantasies.

      Nothing could harm her while she was in these arms.

      They shuffled left and right, barely moving in the evening breeze. Seasons came and went, ages passed, continents drifted, and still they pressed together, swaying.

       Clock’s ticking, Cinders.

      It felt entirely natural to tilt her face and nuzzle the place below Clint’s jaw. To breathe in the scent of him. To press her mouth into the heavy, thumping pulse there. To taste smooth, male skin for the first time. Her lips roamed his throat, her breasts lifting and falling against his chest, and she pushed onto her toes so she could reach his ear to take one perfect lobe softly between her teeth. It took an eternity.

      The rumble in her ears sounded like thunder, but it came from deep inside Clint. The primitive growl excited the blood in her veins as his hands slid up to pull her harder against his straining body. She pulled one hand free and shoved it roughly through his hair, anchoring herself there and using it to hoist herself upwards so she could feast on the heady taste of him. She sank into his throat like a vampire starving for blood.

      ‘Romy…’ It was more choke than word. Male and raw.

      Her breasts strained against the bodice of her dress, almost coming entirely free as she stretched towards him. His hands found the bare, hot skin of her shoulders. The soft, sensitive flesh of her nape. The wild, flushed heat of her cheeks. They braced her jaw, tore her away from her decadent feeding and tilted her gaze upwards. She had just enough seconds to suck in a breath before those magnificent, sinful lips dropped decisively onto hers.

      The heavens exploded into brilliant colours as his mouth touched hers for the first time. There was no gentle teasing, no careful initiation. Clint forced his way straight into the depths of her mouth, using only the power of his raw sexuality. She’d dreamed about those lips but even her most fever-inducing fantasies were nothing on the real deal. The actual taste and feel of his hot mouth crushing against hers. His powerful tongue thrusting in and out. His strong hands clenching in her hair.

      He lifted her off her feet and spun around to press her into the wall, not leaving her lips for longer than it took to groan into the night and heave in a shuddering breath. His body alone pinned her against the bricks, leaving his hands free to roam wildly over her.

      Up, down, up again. And all the while he plundered the depths of her mouth, dangerously hard and fantastically hot.

      And utterly, utterly mind-blowing.

      Romy moaned and pure sexual instinct made her hook her legs around his hips, securing her position, wanting to get closer. Anything to relieve the ache building deep at her core. She sank her fingers into the thick, short crop of his hair, panting heavily, and met his assault on her mouth.

      He pushed the fabric of her dress hard up her legs and stroked the rounded flesh of her thighs and bottom. Her sensitised skin screamed at the torture. She thrust her head back for air. He zeroed in on her throat.

      ‘Whoa! People, get a room!’

      Romy froze. Clint stiffened and dragged his mouth off her. In the same moment, they both seemed to realise what they were doing. And where. And with whom. The stranger wobbled away from them laughing, carrying a half-drunk beer and a spare one for later.

      The bright explosion of light wasn’t in her mind, Romy realised. It was real. The fireworks entertainment had started, bringing all the fundraiser guests out into the garden, only twenty metres from where she was half naked in a doorway with her legs wrapped around a Special Forces operative.

       Chapter Eight

      ‘LET me down.’

      Her voice was tight and cold where moments ago it had been hot and wet against his lips, moaning against his ear.

      Clint lowered her carefully to the ground, using his body to shield her from the view of any other drunken idiots who might wander by. He was in no condition to turn around, anyway, so giving Romy a moment to pull herself together was a win for both of them.

      What the hell had he done?

      Her chest heaved with her gasping breath, highlighting her perfect cleavage a treat from his height. The shadowed curves begged him to worship them. That’s what he’d done. Let his hormones overrule his head. The thing he was trained never to do. Sex, alcohol, fear—none of which were supposed to affect his judgement or his precision.

      Except it wasn’t only hormones. His heart was getting involved now, and where in his many years of training did anyone say anything about hearts?

      ‘I need to get out of here…’

      Her face was pale, her hair and makeup dishevelled. No way could she go back in there tonight looking as if she’d been doing exactly what she had been. It was hard to tell what upset her more, getting hot and heavy with him…or being caught doing it.


      She thrust both hands in front of his face. ‘Don’t, Clint.’

      He stepped away. Her shields came up faster than on the Starship Enterprise.

      ‘I need a minute…’ Her breathing was erratic.

      She pressed past him and his stupid, starving body still leapt at her touch. It hadn’t been that long surely? Did he have no resistance left whatsoever? Blinding flashes of colour went off above them. Each one painted her face a different shade of pale.

      She started to stumble off. ‘I’ll meet you by the car.’

      ‘I’ll just go in and give our—’ she was gone before he’d finished ‘—apologies.’

      He closed his

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