Perfect Passion. Day Leclaire

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Perfect Passion - Day Leclaire Fast Fiction

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deliberately lifted her chin in response. “And you must be PM-5468.”


      He stepped across the threshold and walked toward her, pausing a scant foot in front of her. Dear God, he was gorgeous, even more gorgeous than his hologram suggested—and far more powerful and intimidating. How many times had she replayed his recording? Countless. And yet, it didn’t do the reality justice. It didn’t come close.

      He had to stand a full foot taller than her, his eyes almost the exact same shade as the water filling the lagoon. Best of all, it confirmed what she’d sensed from his hologram. Not only was he gorgeous, but intelligent. It was written all over him. She continued her appraisal, approving of everything she saw. His hair was a nutty brown streaked with blond highlights, and his face, while cut using a mold off the Beware: Heartbreaker shelf, had been beaten into even more intriguing lines by experience and character.

      While he studied her, she took her time studying him, allowing her gaze to wander from his face down over a body carved into tight, muscular angles and ridges—not to mention perfect masculine bumps and bulges—that would have left an envious Hercules crying like a little girl. When she looked up again, her gaze clashed with his. His eyes turned incandescent, burning with unmistakable desire.

      Without a word, he reached for her. His huge hands gently closed around the lapels of her blouse and he tugged her the final few inches separating them, allowing her to discover that all those angles and ridges, every bump and bulge was indeed, rock solid. And then he took her mouth. Set her world on fire and confirmed one key fact.

      This man would definitely rock in bed.

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