Trust In Us. AlTonya Washington

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Trust In Us - AlTonya Washington Mills & Boon Kimani

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the wrong chick can turn a beautiful life into hell on earth.”

      “Where’s all this comin’ from, man?”

      “Coming from one friend to another.”

      “Jay might not see it that way.” Gage went back to girl watching and nursing his beer.

      “We usually don’t see it that way when being told something for our own good.”

      “Right.” Gage left Dane’s counter-remark unchallenged and pushed away from the bar. “Guys, we can take this stairway down to find our lunch!” he called out to the rest of the group.

      Gage waited for Alythia, offering her his arm when she broke away from her friends.

      “Thanks.” She leaned into him a little. “Those mojitos were no joke.”

      “There’s more where they came from.”

      Alythia tilted back her head. “That’s good to know. Being around my girls for ten days will definitely put me in the mood for more.”

      Gage slanted a look toward Dane, who responded with a mock toast of his beer bottle. “I know what you mean,” he said.

      Chapter 3

      It went without saying that the lower deck of the jet made quite an impression on Gage Vincent’s guests. Myrna and Orchid were very vocal in their appreciation of the sumptuous layout of the combination dining room and sitting room. Myrna oohed and aahed while breaking into a light sprint down the wide aisle. She trailed her fingers across the silk-covered beige sofas and chairs with embroidered finishes. Even Orchid, who had seen her fair share of private jets, seemed impressed by the understated decor of the grand space. She didn’t let too much of it show, preferring instead to use the opportunity to school her fiancé. Simply put, if Jayson was confused about what to look for when he bought his jet, use this for an example.

      Jeena was equally as impressed. She was busy trying to get Gage to agree to a time when they might chat.

      “I know neither of us are in the mood to discuss business, but you’re so busy every time I call,” Jeena rambled while tapping furiously at her mobile as she scrolled through the calendar there. “I’m pretty sure your assistant is sick and tired of talking to me while we try to work on a good time to meet. But I’m flexible with whatever we can...”

      While Jeena talked, Gage only half listened. It was of no consequence. If need be, he could have recited her spiel verbatim. A good thing, too, because taking a more avid interest in the woman’s rambling wasn’t a top priority just then.

      Gage kept his gait to a leisurely stroll.

      So much the better for Jeena. She hoped she might be on the verge of nailing down a meeting with the elusive entrepreneur. Aside from her, the one thing Jeena’s...clients all had in common was Gage Vincent. They were either in business with the man or they wanted to be. Jeena hoped to be on the in business with Gage Vincent side of things. Having him on her side to smooth the way regarding certain ventures would be a coup indeed. But Jeena didn’t realize that she was pretty much carrying the conversation alone, with only Gage’s intermittent “mmm-hmms” to punctuate the discussion.

      “I’ll have my assistant get in touch with you,” he managed just as they rounded the corner into the dining area. He didn’t spare Jeena a glance. His stirring gaze was set on Alythia as he and Jeena walked into the room, among the last to arrive.

      Gage saw the smile enhancing Alythia’s profile when she angled her head to look up at the recessed lighting that added a golden glow to the cream, beige and cocoa color scheme. The space was devoid of windows, and woodgrain-based lamps had been added to provide warm illumination. Gage dipped his head, hoping to shield the smile that emerged as he studied her reaction.

      “And here I thought the bottom of a plane was only for storing luggage,” Aly teased. Turning just as Gage looked up, she favored him with a smile across her shoulder.

      Alythia’s comment closed off whatever attention Gage had been paying to Jeena.

      “So when should I expect your assistant’” Jeena finished disapprovingly when she saw Gage walk on ahead to catch up with her friend.

      Jeena’s cool, unreadable smile mimicked the one Zeke Shepard wore when he rounded out the group arriving in the dining space. He’d taken a deep interest in the sight of his old friend leaving one beauty to catch up with another.

      “My friend has a one-track mind sometimes,” Zeke noted to the petite woman Gage had left behind.

      Jeena ceased working at her phone. “One-track?” she queried of the slender dark man next to her.

      “One reason Gage agreed to this trip is because all of Orchid’s friends are dimes.” Zeke grinned.

      “That’s cold,” Jeena chided, though lightly. She pulled a stylus pen from her bag and blandly regarded the man in question. “I’d like to think he really wanted to do something special for his friend.”

      “Well...that, too.” Zeke gave a little shrug. “But being surrounded by four beautiful women won’t be a hardship.”

      “Hmph.” Jeena tapped a finger to her cheek and slowed her pace a bit. “Are you saying that he plans to sleep with all of us?”

      “Nah.” Zeke’s response was softer, reassuring then. “My man’s already made his selection.”

      Jeena stroked the soft hair tapered into a V at her nape while studying Gage and Alythia. The two stood discussing an oil canvas that was on display inside a cozy alcove a ways down from the dining room. She gave a sideways glance up at Zeke.

      “And what about you? Have you made your selection, as well?”

      “Not much point in making a selection if your choice is otherwise occupied, is there?” He gave a pointed look toward Jeena’s phone.

      “Oh, this?” Shrugging, Jeena dipped into a sultrier mode. “It’ll do until something better comes along.” She used one hand to tuck the phone into the back pocket of her coral linen capris; the other she linked through the crook of Zeke’s arm.

      * * *

      “You live very well,” Alythia told Gage once he had finished the story of how he’d acquired the piece adorning the alcove wall.

      “Thanks.” He gave her a gracious nod. “It’s not without a lot of hard work.”

      “Just don’t work too hard,” Alythia advised with a playful gleam in her light eyes.

      “Don’t work too hard without having anything interesting to show for it.” Gage edited the advice and then smiled encouragingly. “Would you agree?”

      Aly regarded the vibrant hues that seemed to shimmer within the canvas and draw the observer’s eye to the brilliant meshing of colors. “I’d definitely agree.” She sighed as though imagining herself in the seascape depicted in the painting. “I might get around to living that truth if I ever get past the ‘working hard’ phase.”

      Gage turned his attention back toward

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