Pocket Guide to Clinical Microbiology. Christopher D. Doern

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Pocket Guide to Clinical Microbiology - Christopher D. Doern

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      1  Cover

      2  Preface

      3  About the Author

      4  SECTION 1: Taxonomic Classification of Medically Important Microorganisms Taxonomic Classification of Bacteria Taxonomic Classification of Human Viruses Taxonomic Classification of Fungi Taxonomic Classification of Parasites

      5  SECTION 2: Indigenous and Pathogenic Microbes of Humans Microbes Responsible for Human Disease Summary of Notifiable Infectious Diseases: United States, 2015

      6  SECTION 3: Specimen Collection and Transport Virology: General Specimen Guidelines Virology: Specific Specimen Guidelines

      7  SECTION 4: Bacterial Diagnosis Microscopy Primary Plating Media: Bacteria Primary Plating Media: Mycobacteria Specific Diagnostic Tests for Pathogen Detection

      8  SECTION 5: Viral Diagnosis

      9  SECTION 6: Fungal Diagnosis Mycology Specimen Collection and Transport Guidelines Specific Diagnostic Tests Identification Tables

      10  SECTION 7: Parasitic Diagnosis Specific Diagnostic Tests

      11  SECTION 8: Vaccines, Susceptibility Testing, and Methods of Organism Identification

      12  Index

      13  End User License Agreement

      List of tables

      1 Section 2Table 2.1 Human indigenous floraαTable 2.2 Arthropod vectors of medically important diseasesαTable 2.3 Fungal pathogens and geographic distributionTable 2.4 Parasitic pathogens and geographic distribution

      2 Section 3Table 3.1 Bacteriology: Collection and transport guidelinesa,bTable 3.2 Specimen collection and transport guidelines for infrequently encounte...Table 3.3 Guidelines for collection of specimens for anaerobic cultureaTable 3.4 Recommended blood volumes to collect for blood culturesaTable 3.5 Mycology: Collection and transport guidelinesa,bTable 3.6 Parasitology: Specimen guidelinesaTable 3.7 Guidelines for processing stool specimens for parasitesa,b

      3 Section 4Table 4.1 Detection methods from clinical specimens for clinically relevant bact...Table 4.2 Recommendations for Gram stain and plating mediaa,bTable 4.3 Screening specimens for routine bacterial cultureaTable 4.4 Processing specimens for mycobacterial identificationTable 4.5 Differential characteristics of catalase-positive Gram-positive cocciTable 4.6 Differential characteristics of most common clinically significant Sta...Table 4.7 Differential characteristics of catalase-negative Gram-positive cocciTable 4.8 Differential characteristics of beta-hemolytic streptococciaTable 4.9 Differential characteristics of viridans streptococciTable 4.10 Differential characteristics of common Enterococcus speciesTable 4.11 Differential characteristics of Gram-positive rodsTable 4.12 Differential characteristics of common Corynebacterium speciesTable 4.13 Differential characteristics of selected coryneform bacteriaTable 4.14 Differential characteristics of selected Bacillus species and related...Table 4.15 Differential characteristics of selected actinomycetesa,bTable 4.16 Differential characteristics of selected Nocardia speciesaTable 4.17 Differential characteristics of select, slow-growing Mycobacterium sp...Table 4.18 Differential characteristics of clinically relevant, rapidly growing,...Table 4.19 Differential characteristics of medically relevant Neisseria speciesTable 4.20 Differential characteristics of selected members of the Neisseriaceae...Table 4.21 Differential characteristics of selected Aggregatibacter, Actinobacil...Table 4.22 Differential characteristics of selected Capnocytophaga, Dysgonomonas...Table 4.23 Differential characteristics of Haemophilus speciesTable 4.24 Differential characteristics of selected members of the Enterobacteri...Table 4.25 Differential characteristics of Citrobacter speciesaTable 4.26 Differential characteristics of select Enterobacter, Pluralibacter, C...Table 4.27 Differential characteristics of Klebsiella and Raoultella speciesaTable 4.28 Differential characteristics of Proteus, Providencia, and Morganella ...Table 4.29 Differential characteristics of Yersinia species after incubation at ...Table 4.30 Differential characteristics of Aeromonas speciesaTable 4.31 Differential characteristics of Vibrio speciesaTable 4.32 Differential characteristics of Pseudomonas speciesaTable 4.33 Differential characteristics of Acidovorax, Brevundimonas, Delftia, C...Table 4.34 Differential characteristics of selected Bordetella speciesTable 4.35 Differential characteristics of selected oxidase-negative, oxidative,...Table 4.36 Differential characteristics of selected oxidase-positive, nonferment...Table 4.37 Differential characteristics of selected oxidase-positive, nonoxidati...Table 4.38 Differential characteristics of selected Campylobacter, Arcobacter, a...Table 4.39 Differential characteristics of select non-spore-forming, anaerobic, ...Table 4.40 Differential characteristics of selected Clostridium speciesTable 4.41 Differential characteristics of anaerobic Gram-negative bacteriaTable 4.42 Differential characteristics of the Bacteroides fragilis group

      4 Section 5Table 5.1 Detection methods for virusesaTable 5.2 Cells used for viral isolationaTable 5.3 EBV serologic profiles under different conditionsa,bTable 5.4 Hepatitis B virus markers in different stages of infection and convale...Table 5.5 Clinical diseases of parvovirus B19 and method of diagnosisa

      5 Section 6Table 6.1 Methods for the identification of fungiTable

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