The Reckoning. Robert W. Chambers

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The Reckoning - Robert W. Chambers

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      Thus it happened that, instead of entering the south drawing-room where I saw the ladies at the card-table playing Pharaoh, I turned to the right and crossed the north, or "state drawing-room," and parted the curtains, looking across Broadway to see if I might spy my friend the drover and his withered little mate. No doubt prudence and a dislike for the patrol kept them off Broadway at that hour, for I could not see them, although a few street lamps were lit and I could make out wayfarers as far north as Crown Street.

      Standing there in the dimly lighted room, my nose between the parted curtains, I heard my name pronounced very gently behind me, and, turning, beheld Miss Grey, half lying on a sofa in a distant corner. I had not seen her when I entered, my back being turned to the east, and I said so, asking pardon for an unintentional rudeness—which she pardoned with a smile, slowly waving her scented fan.

      "I am a little tired," she said; "the voyage from Halifax was rough, and I have small love for the sea, so, Lady Coleville permitting, I came in here to rest from the voices and the glare of too bright candle-light. Pray you be seated, Mr. Renault—if it does not displease you. What were you looking for from the window yonder?"

      "Treason," I said gaily. "But the patrol should be able to see to that. May I sit here a moment?"

      "Willingly; I like men."

      Innocence or coquetry, I was clean checked. Her white eyelids languidly closing over the pure eyes of a child gave me no clue.

      "All men?" I inquired.

      "How silly! No, very few men. But that is because I only know a few."

      "And may I dare to hope that—" I began in stilted gallantry, cut short by her opening eyes and smile. "Of course I like you, Mr. Renault. Can you not see that? It's a pity if you can not, as all the others tease me so about you. Do you like me?"

      "Very, very much," I replied, conscious of that accursed color burning my face again; conscious, too, that she noted it with calm curiosity.

      "Very, very much," she repeated, musing. "Is that why you blush so often, Mr. Renault—because you like me very, very much?"

      Exasperated, I strove to smile. I couldn't; and dignity would not serve me, either.

      "If I loved you," said I, "I might change color when you spoke. Therefore my malady must arise from other causes—say from Sir Peter's wine, for instance."

      "I knew a man who fell in love with me," she said. "You may do so yet."

      "Do you think it likely?" I asked, scarcely knowing how to meet this cool attack.

      "I think it possible—don't you?" she asked.

      I considered, or made pretense to. My heart had begun to beat too fast; and as for her, I could no more fathom her than the sea, yet her babble was shallow enough to strand wiser men than I upon its sparkling shoals.

      "I do like men," she said thoughtfully, "but not all men, as I said I did. Now at supper I looked about me and I found only you attractive, save Sir Peter, and he counts nothing in a game of hearts."

      "When you come to mingle with New York society you will, no doubt, find others far more attractive," I said stupidly.

      "No doubt. Still, in the interim"—she looked straight at me from under her delicate level brows—"in the meanwhile, will you not amuse me?"

      "How, madam?"

      "I shall not tell you if you call me 'madam.'"

      "Will the Hon. Elsin Grey inform me how I may amuse her ladyship?"

      "Nor that, either."

      I hesitated, then leaned nearer: "How may I amuse you, Elsin?"

      "Why, by courting me, silly!" she said, laughing, and spreading her silken fan. "How else is a woman amused?"

      Her smooth hand lay across the velvet arm of the sofa; I took it and raised it to my lips, and she smiled approval, then drew a languid little sigh, fanned, and vowed I was the boldest man she had ever known.

      I told her how exquisite her beauty was, I protested at her coldness, I dedicated myself to her service, vowing eternal constancy; and presently my elaborate expressions rang truer and grew more simple, and she withdrew her hand with a laugh, looking at me out of those beautiful eyes which now were touched with curiosity.

      "For a jester, Carus, you are too earnest," she said.

      "Does pretense frighten you?"

      She regarded me, silent, smiling, her fan at her lips.

      "You are playing with fire," she said.

      "Tell me, heart of flint, am I the steel to strike a spark from?" I asked, laughing.

      "I do not know yet of what metal you are made, Carus," she said thoughtfully, yet with that dim smile hovering ever upon her lips.

      She dropped her fan and held up one finger. "Listen; let me read you. Here is my measure of such a man as you: First of all, generous!—look at your mouth, which God first fashions, then leaves for us to make or mar. Second, your eyes—sincere! for though you blush like a maiden, Carus, your eyes are steady to the eyes that punish. Third, dogged! spite of the fierce impatience that sets your chiseled nose a-quiver at the nostrils. There! Am I not a very gipsy for a fortune? Read me, now."

      After a long silence I said, "I can not."


      "Truly. I can not read you, Elsin."

      She opened her palm and held her fingers, one by one, frowning in an effort to be just: "First, I am a fool; second, I am a fool; third, I am a fool; fourth——"

      I caught her hand, and she looked at me with a charming laugh.

      "I am," she insisted, her hand resting in mine.


      "Why, because I—I am in love with Walter Butler—and—and I never liked a man as well as I like you!"

      I was astounded. She sighed, slowly shaking her head. "That is it, you see. Love is very different from having a good time. He is so proud, so sad, so buried in noble melancholy, so darkly handsome, and all afire with passion—which advances him not a whit with me nor commends him to my mercy—only when he stands before me, his dark golden eyes lost in delicious melancholy; then, then, Carus, I know that it must be love I feel; but it is not a very cheerful sentiment." She sighed again, picking up her fan with one hand—I held the other.

      "Now, with you—and I have scarce known you a dozen hours—it is so charming, so pleasant and cheerful—and I like you so much, Carus!—oh, the sentiment I entertain for you is far pleasanter than love. Have you ever been in love?"

      "I am, Elsin—almost."

      "Almost? Mercy on us! What will the lady say to 'almost'?"

      "God knows," I said, smiling.


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