Just Patty. Jean Webster

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Just Patty - Jean Webster

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      Just Patty






       Just Patty, J. Webster

       Jazzybee Verlag Jürgen Beck

       86450 Altenmünster, Loschberg 9



       ISBN: 9783849658809



       [email protected]




       I. Reform... 1

       II. The Romantic History of Cuthbert St. John. 12

       III. The Virgil Strike. 23

       IV. The Third Man from the End. 35

       V. The Flannigan Honeymoon. 42

       VI. The Silver Buckles. 52

       VII. "Uncle Bobby". 63

       VIII. The Society of Associated Sirens. 69

       IX. The Reformation of Kid McCoy. 79

       X. Onions and Orchids. 85

       XI. The Lemon Pie and the Monkey-Wrench. 94

       XII. The Gypsy Trail 107

      I. Reform

      "IT'S a shame!" said Priscilla.

      "It's an outrage!" said Conny.

      "It's an insult!" said Patty.

      "To separate us now after we've been together three years—"

      "And it isn't as though we were awfully bad last year. Lots of girls had more demerits."

      "Only our badness was sort of conspicuous," Patty admitted.

      "But we were very good the last three weeks," reminded Conny.

      "And you should see my new room-mate!" wailed Priscilla.

      "She can't be any worse than Irene McCullough."

      "She is!—Her father's a missionary, and she was brought up in China. Her name is Keren-happuch Hersey, after Job's youngest daughter. And she doesn't think it's funny!"

      "Irene," said Conny gloomily, "gained twenty pounds through the summer. She weighs—"

      "But you should see mine!" cried Patty, in exasperation. "Her name is Mae Mertelle Van Arsdale."

      "Keren studies every second; and expects me to walk on tiptoe so she can concentrate."

      "You should hear Mae Mertelle talk! She said her father was a financier, and wanted to know what mine was. I told her he was a reform judge, and that he spent his time putting financiers in prison. She says I'm an impertinent child," Patty grinned feebly.

      "How old is she?"

      "She's nineteen, and has been proposed to twice."

      "Mercy! Whatever made her choose St. Ursula's?"

      "Her father and mother ran away and got married when they were nineteen, and they're afraid she inherited the tendency. So they picked out a good, strict, church school. Mae doesn't know how she's ever going to fix her hair without a maid. She's awfully superstitious about moonstones. She never wears anything but silk stockings and she can't stand hash. I'll have to teach her how to make a bed. She always crosses on the White Star Line."

      Patty scattered these details at random. The others listened sympathetically, and added a few of their own troubles.

      "Irene weighs a hundred and fifty-nine pounds and six ounces, not counting her clothes," said Conny. "She brought two trunks loaded with candy. She has it hidden all over the room. The last sound I hear at night, is Irene crunching chocolates—and the first sound in the morning. She never says anything; she simply chews. It's like rooming with a cow. And I have a sweet collection of neighbors! Kid McCoy's across the hall, and she makes more noise than half-a-dozen cowboys. There's a new French girl next door—you know, the pretty little one with the two black braids."

      "She looks rather desirable," said Patty.

      "She might be if she could talk, but she only knows about fifty words. Harriet Gladden's rooming with her, as limp and mournful as an oyster, and Evalina Smith's at the end of the corridor. You know what a perfect idiot Evalina is."

      "Oh, it's beastly!" they agreed.

      "Lordy's to blame," said Conny. "The Dowager never would have separated us if she hadn't interfered."

      "And I've got her!" wailed Patty. "You two have Mam'selle and Waddams, and they're nice, sweet, unsuspicious lambs; but the girls in the East Wing simply can't sneeze but Lordy—"

      "Sh!" Conny warned. "Here she comes."

      The Latin teacher, in passing, paused on the threshold. Conny disentangled herself from the mixture of clothes and books and sofa cushions that littered the bed, and politely rose to her feet. Patty slid down from the white iron foot-rail, and Priscilla descended from the top of the trunk.

      "Ladies don't perch about on the furniture."

      "No, Miss Lord," they murmured in unison, gazing back from three pairs of wide, uplifted eyes. They knew, from gleeful past experience,

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