Опыт реформирования оборонной промышленности США после «холодной войны». Михаил Александров

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Опыт реформирования оборонной промышленности США после «холодной войны» - Михаил Александров

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style="font-size:15px;">      Ibid. P. 26–27.


      After the Cold War: Living With Lower Defense Spending. Congress of the United States. Office of Technology Assessment. OTA-ITE-524, NTIS order #PB92-152537, February 1992. P. 193.


      Ibid. P. 10.


      Ibid. P. 193.


      United States General Accounting Office. Defense Industry. Trends in DOD Spending, Industrial Productivity, and Competition. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO/PEMD-97-3. Washington, January 1997. – P. 11.


      United States General Accounting Office. Defense Industry. Trends in DOD Spending, Industrial Productivity, and Competition. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO/PEMD-97-3. Washington, January 1997. P. 13.


      Gholz Eugene, Sapolsky Harvey M. Restructuring the U.S. Defense Industry. International Security, January 2000. P. 45–46.


      Ibid. P. 5.


      Weidenbaum, Murray L. The Future of the U.S. Defense Industry. Occasional Paper 90, doi:10.7936/K75D8Q13. Washington University in St. Louis, 1991. P. 1


      After the Cold War: Living With Lower Defense Spending. Congress of the United States. Office of Technology Assessment. OTA-ITE-524, NTIS order #PB92—152537, February 1992. P. 193.


      Department of Defense. Adjusting to the Drawdown. Report of the Defense Conversion Commission. December 31, 1992. Washington, DC.P. 1.


      Ibid. P. 7–8.


      Weidenbaum, Murray L. The Future of the U.S. Defense Industry. Occasional Paper 90, doi:10.7936/K75D8Q13. Washington University in St. Louis, 1991. P. 5–6.


      National Military Strategy of the United States. Washington. January 1992. P. 1, 7.


      Ibid. P. 19–20.


      Department of Defense. Adjusting to the Drawdown. Report of the Defense Conversion Commission. December 31, 1992. Washington, DC. P. 9, 18.


      National Military Strategy of the United States. Washington. January 1992. P. 7–8.


      National Military Strategy of the United States. Washington. January 1992. P. 10.


      Ibid. P. 25.




      Augustine Norman R. Reshaping an Industry: Lockheed Martin’s Survival Story. Harvard Business Review, May-June, 1997. P. 83–94.


      Department of Defense. Adjusting to the Drawdown. Report of the Defense Conversion Commission. December 31, 1992. Washington, DC.P. 7.


      Report on the Bottom-Up Review. Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense. October 1993. P. 1.


      Ibid. P. iii.


      Ibid. P. iv.


      Ibid. P. 28.


      Report on the Bottom-Up Review. Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense. October 1993. P. 107


      Report on the Bottom-Up Review. Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense. October 1993. P. 33.


      Ibid. P. 44.


      Система обороны района путем высотного перехвата на конечном участке.


      Report on the Bottom-Up Review. Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense. October 1993. P. 47–48.


      Ibid. P. 36.


      Report on the Bottom-Up Review. Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense. October 1993. P. 36–37.


      Ibid. P. 38.


      Report on the Bottom-Up Review. Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense. October 1993. P. 37.


      Ibid. P. 38.


      Report on the Bottom-Up Review. Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense. October 1993. P. 55, 57.


      Ibid. P. 55.


      Ibid. P. 57.

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