The Female Leader. Sonja Becker

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The Female Leader - Sonja Becker

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making country if films weren’t subsidized. Not only because you get the money in advance, but also chiefly because a crowd of investors and skeptics incessantly point to the script, demand that the characters be explained to them, and so subsequently everything has to be rewritten. “Everything has already been explained to death before the shooting, so nothing happens in the film anymore”, said Lemke. “I would like to say to filmmakers, do your own, small thing without money. At least it’s your own then!”

      We are all colleagues, fathers, mothers, sons, grandchildren. Even if we play the role expected of us perfectly, we will always lose something. We are not in the world to play out roles or to give in to the pressure of custom. Our bodies are aware of that. They send out signals of our condition: aches and pains, illnesses, feelings of hopelessness, despair, disappointment. You can read disappointment in particular in many faces, because the great dream of their lives has at some time been put aside and they have then found themselves somewhere where they didn’t want to be. No problem. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Many people are suddenly a lot happier when they take the first step towards becoming completely free in order to live their dream and pursue their goals. Often illness, redundancy, divorce or bankruptcy open people’s eyes to recognizing the value of their lives and to pay heed to the time that is left to them to do the right thing. We teach this awakening experience in our self-awareness seminars. We research the curiosity in people, delve into the sources and recommend to them projects, out of which small and then large companies grow.

      You can create a life that is based round your personal interests and whatever is close to your heart. “The female leader” shows you your career and shows you that the road is worth it. If you turn things which you love the most into products and services that benefit others, you will soon discover what it feels like to be genuinely financially independent. And you will have found the inner peace that goes with it. Yes, money does bring happiness. And a career brings satisfaction.

      “The female leader” is not a “how-to-” book. It tells you the rules of the game of entrepreneurship and when to change gear so that you can move forward. Business is not simple, and so we don’t simplify it by giving you helpful hints that you can’t use in everyday life. If you want to live your life, we will show you how you can use your own sense of curiosity to do it. It is like the scout on the path. Follow your sense of curiosity and you will always see a light in front of you, regardless of whether you are still contemplating a product or have already placed it on the market. Wherever you are, there is always a step in front of you. You will find it difficult, but there is no going back. Real success is complicated. “She is a Natural Leader” is written for intelligent and motivated individuals who regard their careers as a game. Not a game of chance, but a sport, which they learn, train for and during which they continually encounter new challenges their whole life long. They know what they want to achieve. We show how it can be achieved.

      Most people don’t lack courage for a career; they lack the footing and the attitude. If you don’t have the orientation, you will change direction more often. Every time that costs a lot of time and money. Because we show you the way, you learn how to place time and money respectively in relation to your plan and thereby learn how to use them as instruments for yourself effectively and successfully. This is the right way. For while the number of steady jobs is rapidly sinking and the number of unemployed drastically increasing, the number of people become self-employed is growing – and not only since the government scheme supporting the self-employed. People who are waiting for changes can wait a long time. If you want security, you make your fate dependent on others. If you follow your sense of curiosity, you will radiate joy and will arouse the curiosity of others. And perhaps their greed, too.

      Go another way. Find your own. Drop out of the statistic. Become self-employed. Offer a service that is near to your heart and you will find millions of people who have been waiting for it. They will be infected by your enthusiasm. You career will have its ups and downs and smiles and frowns. But with this book you always know what you can do for or against them.

      This book is the outcome of experience with thousands of clients that I have had since 1993. We have learned from these countless training sessions. And we are still learning. And out of this has arisen the model of the “performance scale”, which will stand you in good stead as a personal career road map. But something has to be clear from the start: what type of businesswoman are you? Do the following quiz. The result may possibly surprise you.




      Satisfaction depends on whether we know who we are and what we want. Then we can do things which correspond to our talents and temperament. We all know that leaders are very different in character.

      We have taken three types that we have come across again and again and who had blazed a trail. And one of them will most resemble you.

      For your business to be successful you need all three. You have aspects of all three in you. At first you have to play all three roles. But a leading role is designed for you.

      However we should be honest. There are no right answers and wrong answers. Have fun with the “She is the Natural Leader” personality test – and especially with the results.

      1.At the moment you are reading:

      a.The Little Prince. Againandagain. Really from another planet.

      b.Harry Potter. I want to know what people find so fascinating about it. And if you can keep a secret: I can’t stop any more.

      c.Machiavelli for Women. Simple,effective, efficacious.

      2.What is your house like?

      a.A sexy apartment in Bauhaus style with a lot of room for meditation.

      b.Trendy, colorful and lively. No need to change it round for a party.

      c.Classical with a hint of country style. Another world where you can wind down and feel comfortable.

      3.What did you want to be as a child?

      a.A diva

      b.A Nobel Prize winner


      4.Which of these things would be the most desirable?

      a.A silver wedding

      b.Multiple orgasms

      c.A meteoric career

      5.You are sitting in your favorite bar with a glass of Bailey’s in front of you, when your dream man walks in and gives you a cheeky grin. What happens next?

      a.I can already see us waking up together the next morning. I play the siren and get him to come over and sit with me.

      b.I buy him a Bailey’s before he does.

      I teach him some manners. If he behaves, he will pay my check. Otherwise he gets what he deserves.

      6.Your worst vice is?

      a.Nice shoes

      b.Soft drugs (nicotine, alcohol)


      7.What do you like to wear best?


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