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Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
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В конец
Fluid Mechanics Experiments - Robabeh Jazaei Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Graph Representation Learning - William L. Hamilton Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Introduction to Graph Neural Networks - Zhiyuan Liu Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Introduction to Graph Neural Networks - Zhiyuan Liu Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Lifelong Machine Learning - Bing Liu Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Adversarial Machine Learning - Yevgeniy Vorobeychik Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Predicting Human Decision-Making - Sarit Kraus Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Game Theory for Data Science - Boi Faltings Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
General Game Playing - Michael Thielscher Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
An Introduction to Constraint-Based Temporal Reasoning - Roman Barták Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Markov Logic - Pedro Domingos Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Essentials of Game Theory - Kevin Leyton-Brown Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Introduction to Logic Programming - Michael Genesereth Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Federated Learning - Yang Liu Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
An Introduction to the Planning Domain Definition Language - Patrik Haslum Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Reasoning with Probabilistic and Deterministic Graphical Models - Rina Dechter Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Learning and Decision-Making from Rank Data - Lirong Xia Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Strategic Voting - Reshef Meir Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Multi-Objective Decision Making - Diederik M. Roijers Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence - Luc De Raedt Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Representing and Reasoning with Qualitative Preferences - Ganesh Ram Santhanam Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Metric Learning - Aurelien Bellet Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Introduction to Intelligent Systems in Traffic and Transportation - Ana L.C. Bazzan Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning - Amarnag Subramanya Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Robot Learning from Human Teachers - Sonia Chernova Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Judgment Aggregation - Gabriella Pigozzi Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Essential Principles for Autonomous Robotics - Henry Hexmoor Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Case-Based Reasoning - Beatriz López Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Answer Set Solving in Practice - Martin Gebser Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
A Concise Introduction to Models and Methods for Automated Planning - Blai Bonet Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
В конец