Act Of War. Don Pendleton

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When crisis demands skill, stealth and the kind of diplomacy that comes from a mandate to strike down terror, the call to action goes to Stony Man. Under presidential directive, the crack commando teams of Phoenix Force and Able Team, backed by the most sophisticated cybernetics team in the world, bring the fight to the enemy…and take no prisoners.Technology capable of exploding cached nuclear arsenals around the globe has fallen into the hands of a group of unidentified terrorists. Mushroom clouds are appearing from the deserts of New Mexico to the mountains of Asia, as warhead stockpiles become radioactive fallout. Facing an untenable decision on whether to disarm or stand and fight, the Oval Office can only watch and wait as Stony Man tracks the enemy to the far-flung reaches of the Balkans, where fifteen families of organized crime will be masters of the universe–or blow it out of existence.

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