Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction. Aiden A. Bruen

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Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction - Aiden A. Bruen

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(theoretically) The security of some IoT devices is of major concern. We shall discuss this further in Chapter 27 on the IoT.

      Privacy concerns

      Privacy and security go together. Biometrics are important as they have both applications and privacy concerns. You might use a fingerprint or facial recognition software on your phone, tablet, or computer to unlock it. Some airports now use facial recognition software to identify travelers so as to improve efficiency for processing the vast number of people that pass through an airport each day. See [Oli19] or [New19b], for example.

      Security and privacy

      Together, these add up to the need for security and privacy to be part of the decision‐making in the development of software and hardware of devices at every stage and level. Security and privacy breaches are reported regularly on the news. Programmers must be ever vigilant to make sure that they write code in a “safe” way so as to ensure privacy and security. Will input provided to the code always be friendly, or could it be malicious? If input could arrive from an outside source (such as via the Internet), then you should assume that there will be malicious attacks. For example, for the C programming language, we recommend two wonderful books on this topic: Secure Coding in C and C++, second edition by Seacord, [Sea13], and C Programming: A Modern Approach, second edition, by King, [Kin08]. We discuss this more in Section 7.20.


      Postquantum cryptography

      Less than 20 years after the adoption of AES, the United States is preparing for a postquantum world. See [NIS19f]. We will discuss this more in Section 4.12


      Blockchains are being used increasingly because of their immutability. In April 2020, during the COVID‐19 pandemic, IBM used blockchains to help the health‐care industry. In [Wei20], Weiss writes that IBM is using blockchains to connect “pop‐up medical mask and equipment makers with hospitals.” They quote Mark Treshock, the IBM blockchain solutions leader for IBM healthcare and life sciences as saying, “It's the immutability component. If I am a supplier and I create a profile and include my information for onboarding as a new supplier, there's a qualification process I have to go through… It is done to determine if they are legitimate, ethical, that they comply with required laws and, in this case, with needed FDA certifications.” [Wei20]. We will discuss this more in Chapter 26.

      1 1 United States National Security Agency.

      2 2 Britain's Communications Electronics Security Group.

      3 3 di meaning two, graph meaning character or symbol.

      4 4 A poly‐alphabetic cipher uses several substitution alphabets instead of one.

      5 5 Published as Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) standard 197.

      Goals, Discussion In this chapter, we survey some historical ciphers which have been used since antiquity. (They are all symmetric ciphers. Public key ciphers were not invented until the 1970s and are discussed in Chapter 3.) Although the ciphers presented here are obsolete, they still provide good examples of cryptographic procedures. For example the Vigenère cipher, being a block cipher, is a forerunner of modern block ciphers such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). From these classical ciphers, we can also learn about various attacks in cryptography. This subject is pursued more fully in Chapter 7.

      New, Noteworthy We discuss the Vigenère cipher and show how it can be broken by finding the length of the keyword and then the keyword itself. We explain clearly the simple principles involved without getting bogged down in lengthy formulae. We also give a detailed but accessible description of the famous Enigma system used in World War II both from the mechanical and the mathematical point of view.

      While Julius Caesar was building his empire, he needed a method to transmit vital messages without risk of the enemy obtaining any crucial information. To achieve this goal, he employed one of the first known ciphering methods. The idea was to substitute each letter of the plain text with the letter appearing three spaces to the right in the alphabet, i.e. a is enciphered to D, b is enciphered to E, and z is enciphered to C (the alphabet wraps around). Thus, “six” is enciphered to “VLA.”

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