Voyage Of Destiny. Chris J. Biker

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Voyage Of Destiny - Chris J. Biker

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perform all tasks would she be able to direct them properly.

      Isgred was 14 years old and in one or two years she would certainly become engaged to a young man of the same rank as her. Her mother wanted her to arrive at marriage perfectly prepared to play her role as lady of the house.

      Herja was checking the bread baking in the oven when the two men, followed by their respective children, came into the large kitchen.

      "Harald!" she exclaimed, opening her arms wide as she went towards him.

      "Herja, you're always gorgeous! Even with flour all over you!" They burst out laughing, as she pestered him with questions as Olaf took two horns and filled them with mead.

      "Let's toast to your return!" he proposed, offering one to his friend.

      "Drekka Minni! " they toasted in unison, raising their horns, and then emptying them in a single sip.

      Harald ordered his men to bring a large wooden trunk into the house.

      "The gods protected me on this journey and led us to a city called Kiev, one of the largest trading centers I have ever seen. We sold all our cargo at twice the price we did at Hedeby, and we bought goods that earned us a fortune." He opened the trunk and took silk and jewels out of it.

      "These are for Herja and Isgred!"

      "This silk is beautiful," Herja said, opening her eyes wide, "and these jewels! Come and see Isgred!"

      Curious, the girl rushed over and gasped at the sight of those wonders.

      "These silver cups and spices are for the whole family, and this is for you," he said addressing his friend. He handed him an elegant red wool mantle edged with fur and silk decorations and a large gold filigree brooch to close it.

      "If it wasn’t so hot today, I’d put it on immediately," said Olaf, making everyone laugh as he continued to admire his new cloak, fit for a King.

      "Thank you, Harald, my friend! I really appreciate your gift." In their eyes was all the affection and mutual respect that had united them all these years since they were children, when they had chosen to become sworn brothers. Harald then pulled out of the trunk two wooden sheaths beaten in leather, on which he had had the triangular rings of bronze and gold embellished.

      "And these are for you... " he said, giving them to the two boys.

      "They're very beautiful, very nicely decorated, uh... perhaps a little light," Ulfr noticed as he weighed them in his hands.

      "Don't you think something's missing inside them, father," Thorald asked.

      "Not for long... " replied Olaf, who had meanwhile called the blacksmith who came in with a wooden box. He opened it, revealing its contents.

      "How wonderful!" exclaimed the two young Vikings.

      "We had them forged especially for you, with the best iron, the one that comes from Rhineland," he told them proudly.

      The two young men wasted no time in taking them into their hands and were nothing short of enthusiastic about them. Their first sword! The most beautiful they'd ever seen! Both with the double-edged blade, sharp and shiny, the handle embellished with inlays, and gold and copper coatings with their names engraved in silver, so that they would shine like their respective blades.

      "You must give your sword a name to celebrate its strength," Olaf said.

      "Right now?" asked Thorald, somewhat worried because not a single one, worthy of his sword, came to mind.

      "No," replied his father amused, "unless you want to use it right away against someone!"

      "I already have a name! " Ulfr said, pulling it out, "Thunder of Fire, and I will use it for today's battle!"

      "Then I will call mine Lightning of the King of the Seas!" exclaimed Thorald, pointing it towards the ceiling.

      "They seem to be two names really worthy of your swords," Harald commented.

      All the guests had arrived in the meantime and the four went out. The boys finished preparing themselves. Their training was complete: cultured, bold and very skilled in handling any weapon. They had grown up healthy and strong and were about to prove their manhood. They put themselves to the test with fervor in a duel that impresed everyone present, especially their fathers who were so proud of them.

      A lavish feast had been prepared with every kind of delicacy, plenty of beer, wine and mead. When everyone took their place, the banquet and a grand libation began. The atmosphere was joyous and fun, everyone was talking to everyone else and having a great laugh. But the real surprise was yet to come... Olaf stood up and asked for everyone’s attention.

      "Harald and I will set sail in a few days, and we will return before winter comes."

      Thorald fell silent, he could not believe he was hearing those words. His father had just arrived, he couldn't leave again in a few days. His thoughts could be read in the expression that crossed his face, sad and disappointed. He was still lost in thought when he heard these words...

      "Of course our boys will come with us," Olaf declared proudly. "This journey is our gift to honor your adulthood," he added, addressing the two young men.

      The two youngsters jumped to their feet, barely able to contain their enthusiasm. It was very important for a Viking to demonstrate his ability to face a long sea voyage. Because a Viking was first and foremost his ship. Everyone raised their full horns to toast and wish the two boys a glorious future, like that of their fathers.

      Isgred had been talking to a good-looking young man for a couple of hours, who never took his eyes off her.

      "Who's the young man talking to my daughter?" Olaf asked, turning to Harald.

      "Heidrek, he's the son of Gunther, my second cousin."

      "He seems to be rather interested in Isgred."

      "My friend, if that is so you can rest easy, he is a good boy and is of noble rank as well," Harald informed him. "It would be good if you exchanged a few words with him before you leave."

      The two friends exchanged a intoxicated look, raising an eyebrow and bursting into hearty laughter. The effect of beer and mead was making itself felt.

      Isgred went to join her father. "Father, I'm retiring for the night, I'm rather tired."

      "I noticed that you were in good company this evening," Olaf said slyly.

      Isgred's white cheeks turned red. Her eyes, blue as a clear sky, spoke for themselves. She lowered her gaze with a shy smile.

      "You're going to have to wait. When we return from our voyage we will arrange a meeting between the two clans." Isgred's shy smile turned into a small suffocated cry of joy.

      "Thank you, Father!"she exclaimed enthusiastically, kissing his cheek with its bushy, long, reddish beard.

      The young woman set off on her way home, but before crossing the threshold she looked back at Heidrek who was watching her. They exchanged a smile and a slight nod of consent.

      The festivities continued until dawn amid songs, dancing,

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