Through the Thorns into the Abyss. Danny Osipenko

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Through the Thorns into the Abyss - Danny Osipenko

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to infinity. Wars will end forever! Don’t you want to live in a calm, good world, under wise and caring guidance? You will say: this is a fairy tale. Well, well, let’s make the fairy tale come true!


      It must be said that the witch powers were not the only reason for Laira’s success. The people were really tired of civil strife, they were on the verge of despair, and as the baats say: “a drowning man grabs even a snake.”

      All pretenders to the throne were similar. They made similar – beautiful and pathos – speeches. They poured similar promises… And Laira is NOT LIKE EVERYONE. For a woman! “Something new,” people said. “Perhaps this is a sign of Fate?”

      And to the camp of the former village hooligan, whole crowds were drawn… Many out of curiosity, many out of hopelessness. People were attracted by a half-mad hope – like a desert oasis-mirage. Everyone wanted to hear the speeches of the “Northern Speaker”. And the mirage turned out to be not so ghostly! And when the people rise – like a mighty wave – those who want to ride this wave, lead it, quickly appear. Soon Knowledgeable People began to come to Layrin tent. They began to offer services… Perhaps thanks to the help of dark forces, perhaps at the will of Fate, or perhaps for quite natural reasons, most of the Knowledgeable People turned out to be not scoundrels.

      A wiry black-moustached merchant, nicknamed “Zloty”, offered to help with food. The shaggy head of the northern craftsmen – “Bear” – promised to solve problems with equipment.The barefoot dervish Root of Heaven gave Laira a relic – the saber of Shaniva, an ancient holy warrior. And he began to be responsible for relations with the Light Gods… And the former secretary of Prince Vai – “Sparrow” – brought fifty of his colleagues, and took up the clerical side of the issue. Of course, all the assistants did not serve for beautiful eyes – everyone has their own interest. Especially since they were well paid. But the main thing is that many experienced officers reached out to Laira. They understood: hordes of many thousands are ready to follow the woman. Into fire and into water! And these desperate, furious – but inept “warriors” need worthy commanders… Who will train, train, organize – and receive a fair share of trophies and glory.

      In a word, everything is wonderful. But here’s the bad luck – some Knowledgeable People began to gradually seize the reins of government. To impose her opinion on every issue, to make decisions behind Laira’s back, to conclude agreements without her knowledge… And the future empress took action. She declared publicly that help is wonderful, and she is ready to accept it – but she is not going to give up her power. According to a special order, the most persistent “assistants” were punished. Mitai gathered a detachment of dexterous peasants, explained the essence of the task – they caught the troublemakers, tied them up – and dragged them to Laira. Which publicly cut off their heads.

      Chapter 4. Bloody everyday life

      Campaign life began. “The Seven were busy with chores and meetings, punishing trespassers, planning operations, inspecting the troops, making fiery speeches… And Lyra and her friends slept in the tent, on hard pillows, covered with rough blankets. They drank sour wine and koumiss, and dressed in marching clothes, though expensive… After three years of wandering, the conditions seemed truly imperial!

      The ruler officially proclaimed her friends-lovers to be Honorable Counselors. Each was given a certain “profile” – and corresponding regalia – but all were allowed to argue with each other.

      Mithai became a Military Counselor. Though his appearance was more dueling than martial. Short, lean, and ruddy, he prided himself on his thick brown hair, his thin straight sword, and his noble face. And he hinted in every way that he was the offspring of an old officer’s family – a bastard. Remembering the horrors of vagrancy, he tried to keep himself clean – which was not always possible. His movements were swift and nimble, his voice tinkling, sometimes snide, but more often angrily condescending. The guy became friends with many professional officers – and learned a lot from them. He advocated quick unexpected movements of squads, cunning deceptive maneuvers, and swift attacks. He was often angry, but as a rule, quickly calmed down. However, if he was severely wounded, he could hate for life… He also never smiled, except with just his eyes, and never laughed. He never wore armor, because he thought it restricted his movements.

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