The mystery of wolf’s cliff. Danny Osipenko

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The mystery of wolf’s cliff - Danny Osipenko

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not tell that you returned?

      – I reported about it to your mother, – the girl answered.

      – The father looked for you, – the man continued slightly more loudly, and then smiled again, – without you and Tomasz nobody can cope with herds of sheep.

      – Tomorrow I will return for work, – Ilina answered.

      – We lacked you … – the man thoughtfully told, – I lacked you too…

      His eyes flashed in a dim reflection of light flowing from a window.

      – It is fresh in the evening … – Shandor thoughtfully spoke, having looked round, – good time for walks… Isn’t it?

      – Probably, – the girl shrugged shoulders.

      – Let’s go? – the man took an interest, having slightly raised the left eyebrow.

      – I am waited by houses. I was promised to return soon, but was already late too long, spending time for an idle talk, – poshipet Ilin, trying to give to a voice the same respectful coldness.

      And before the man managed to object something, was developed and a fast pace went away on a path. Having gone down on the small hill on which there was a house Viera, down, Ilina looked back to make sure that Shandor left. After that the girl looked on the left, trying to find a look the house among dozens of other buildings. She decided not to come back home – after the unpleasant meeting she could not show the face to family indignant and angry.

      Having reached a wattle fence which surrounded sheep shelters, the girl the dexterous movement jumped through it and went further – to the wood. Shady centenary trees resignedly accepted Ilina under the protection. Carved, as if lace, the shadows cast by foliage of trees danced on the trampled-down, damp forest laying.

      In the valley it became absolutely dark, but is slightly higher, from the mountain on which there was a temple, still the last beams setting the sun were visible. The girl clambered up a steep slope, grabbing hands a grass, roots and branches of trees. She remembered that about ten years ago, there was a path which let is washed away and speckled by cracks, but nevertheless a path. Perhaps, hundreds years ago when this temple just was under construction, on this path could pass even carts on which brought a stone for construction…

      Having reached top, Ilina stopped for a second to recover the breath. From fast rise pinned up in a side, and the head began to spin, but the show which opened before the girl was worth it. From the mountain it was possible to consider without effort each lodge below though they also seemed so small, as if toy. The white snow caps lying on the mountains seeming such far if to look from below, were much closer here. But the most amazing was how played the last beams of the sun on silvery snow in the distance, on yellowish-orange tops of trees, on colored glass of stained-glass windows of the temple. Having smiled and having sharply exhaled, Ilina approached the temple.

      The huge building gloomy looked at the girl who, struggling with internal awe and fear of this majestic construction, with curiosity examined each detail of its external furniture.

      She often was here in the childhood. The building seeming gloomy and repellent for other people is inexplicable attracted the girl to itself. And now, having thrown the head back, Ilina stopped at huge entrance gate.

      The cold stone walls which lost the initial luster and gloss came to life in imagination of the girl, and it seemed to her, as if the plaster showered from them revived in some magic way from ashes, taking the lawful place. Skillfully executed reliefs framed the lancet window openings executed in the form of a few profound niches. Huge columns, as if pressed half in walls lasted from the earth to a roof. The heavy clay tile of a roof broke the begun to rot wooden rafters in some places, and now the temple looked at the star sky the gaping black holes. But the magnificent sculptures executed in human growth which represented the beings resembling not people, not birds, not bats or even dragons were the most surprising detail of the building…

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