Скрытые чемпионы – новые правила игры в век Китая. Герман Симон

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Скрытые чемпионы – новые правила игры в век Китая - Герман Симон

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      Giersberg, G. (2020). Interview with Michael Stietz, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August 12, p. 22.




      Freytag, B. (2020). “Impfstoffampullen für die Welt”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 30, p. 22.


      McLuhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


      Accessed on February 16, 2021. This number varies from day to day.


      N.A. (2018), Ein neuer Aufbruch für Europa – Eine neue Dynamik für Deutschland – Ein neuer Zusammenhalt für unser Land, coalition contract between the three parties in the German parliament that formed the government, Berlin, February 7, lines 2804–06.




      IHK Schleswig-Holstein (2019). Made in Schleswig-Holstein, Weltmarkt- und Technologieführer im Portrait, Flensburg-Kiel-Lübeck: IHK Schleswig-Holstein; IHK Südwestfalen (2018). Directory of industrial global market leaders from Southern Westphalia, 5th edition, Arnsberg-Hagen-Siegen: IHK Südwestfalen.


      Initiators of the “Verband Deutscher Hidden Champions e.V”. (VDHC), as the association is called in German, are Dieter Boening, Dieter Beste and Georg Türk.


      https://english.ey.gov.tw/Page/61BF2 °C3E89B856/9543ee48-8e64-4d61-a413-b6c214efa32d.


      N.A. (2021). China Market Insider, February 16; and Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (2021): “Notice on Supporting the High-quality Development of ‘Specialized, New SMEs’”, Beijing, January 23.


      The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (2021). “Notice on Supporting the High-quality Development of ‘Specialized, new SME’,” Beijing, January 23. 财政部、工信部印发 《关于支持“专精特新”中小企业高质量发展的通知》.






      Breiding, J. (2019). Too Small to Fail: Why Some Small Nations Outperform Larger Ones and How They Are Reshaping the World, New York: Harper Business. The eight countries are Switzerland, Israel, Singapore, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden.


      Business Week, January 26, 2004.






      Cf. e.g Büchler, J.-P., Fallstudienkompendium Hidden Champions: Innovationen für den Weltmarkt, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 2017; Greeven, M. J., Yip, G. S., & Wei, W., Pioneers, Hidden Champions, Changemakers, and Underdogs: Lessons from China’s Innovators, Cambridge: MIT; Braček, A. & Purg, D., (ed.) (2020). Hidden Champions in Dynamically Changing Societies, Basel: Springer Nature 2020.


      Büchler, J.-P., Fallstudienkompendium Hidden Champions: Innovationen für den Weltmarkt, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 2017; Greeven, M. J., Yip, G. S. & Wei, W., Pioneers, Hidden Champions, Changemakers, and Underdogs: Lessons from China’s Innovators, Cambridge: MIT; Braček, A. & Purg, D., (ed.) (2021). Hidden Champions in Dynamically Changing Societies, Basel: Springer Nature; Kampfner, J. (2020). Why the Germans Do it Better: Notes from a Grown-Up Country, London: Atlantic Books; Steingart, G. (2020). Die unbequeme Wahrheit – Rede zur Lage unserer Nation, München: Penguin Verlag, S. 84.




      Cf. www.hcmi.kr, homepage in Korean.


      Invitation by the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Zhejiang University, February 27, 2021.


      Personal E-Mail from Julian Schenkenhofer, July 30, 2020.


      Cf. Julian Schenkenhofer, J. (2020). “Hidden Champions: A Review of the Literature and Future Research Avenues”, Working Paper Series 06–20, Chair of Management und Organization, University of Augsburg.


      Julian Schenkenhofer, J. (2020). “Hidden Champions: A Review of the Literature and Future Research Avenues”, Working Paper Series 06–20, Chair of Management und Organization, University of Augsburg, p. 15.


      In Japan Stefan Lippert, in China Deng Di and Jan Yang, in Korea Pil H. Yoo, in Poland Marek Dietl, in Italy Danilo Zatta, in France Stephan Guinchard, in the Netherlands Onno Oldeman.


      McKiernan, P. & Purg, D. (eds.) (2019). Hidden Champions in CEE and Turkey: Carving Out a Global Niche, Heidelberg: Springer; Braček Lalić, A. & Purg, D., (ed.) (2021). Hidden Champions in Dynamically Changing Societies, Basel: Springer Nature.

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