Tarot and Medici Solitaire. Gallery of examples. Petr Krylov

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Tarot and Medici Solitaire. Gallery of examples - Petr Krylov

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defining feature of the Five of Disks is that it's a place of storage and (or) a source of Matter (or Finance).


      Six of Disks


      Business is the art of extracting money from another person's pocket without resorting to violence.


      "Sixes", according to the Kabbalah, are the system (3) + the system (3). That is, the interchange, interpenetration, circulation, interaction of systems.

      Thus, the Six of Disks is the interchange, interpenetration, diffusion61, circulation of Matter or Finance.

      For example, it may symbolize the mixing of Matter or Finance in some form.


      Fig. 1.6.1 Six of Disks. Interchange, interpenetration, circulation of Matter. A concrete mixer. A mixer of loose, bulk mixtures.62


      Fig. 1.6.2 Six of Disks. A whirlpool. A wave. A centrifugal pump.63


      Fig. 1.6.3 Six of Disks. A turbojet engine. A force-pump 64in an internal combustion engine.65


      Fig. 1.6.4 Six of Disks. A fan. A breeze. The mixing of gases.66


      Fig. 1.6.5 Six of Disks. The Earth's magnetic field. A compass. The magnetic field turns the compass needle.67


      Fig. 1.6.6 Six of Disks. A salesperson. A store. A market. Buying, selling, haggling.68


      Fig. 1.6.7 Six of Disks. The interweaving and interpenetration of various kinds of Finances. A single, unified banking system.69


      Fig. 1.6.8 Six of Disks. An e-store.70


      The defining feature of the Six of Disks – the interpenetration, the circulation of Matter (or Finance).


      Seven of Disks


      – How do you manage to create such magnificent statues?

      – I take a block of marble and chisel away the superfluous material.

      I saw the angel in a piece of marble and carved until I set him free.

      (Michelangelo Buonarotti)


      "Sevens", according to the Kabbalah, represent harmony, harmonization, a geometrically "correct" form, cutting off or eliminating everything superfluous or excessive.

      Thus, the Seven of Disks is harmony, harmonization, a geometrically "correct" form, cutting off or eliminating everything superfluous or excessive in Matter or Finance.

      For example, it may symbolize a tea strainer or some form of economy.


      Fig. 1.7.1 Seven of Disks – this is harmony, a geometrically "correct" form, elimination of all superfluous Matter. Any man-made objects with a geometrically correct form. Bricks, tiles, beams, pipes, corners, etc.71


      Fig. 1.7.2 Seven of Disks. A washbasin. A shower. A toilet. Plumbing. Rain water drainage systems. Garbage disposals. Elimination of dirt and waste products.72


      Fig. 1.7.3 Seven of Disks – elimination of all superfluous Matter. A blowtorch. A CNC flame cutting machine. Accordingly, welding is a "reversed" Seven of Disks – the addition of "extra" Matter.73


      Fig. 1.7.4 Seven of Disks. Cranes, valves, pressure regulators, shut-off valves. Cutting off "excess" gas or liquid flow.74


      Fig. 1.7.5 Seven of Disks – cutting off all excess Matter. Laser cutting.75


      Fig. 1.7.6 Seven of Disks. A protective suit – "cuts off" harmful "excess" air, temperature, acid. Any pragmatic utilitarian clothing.76


      Figure 1.7.7 Seven of Disks – harmony, harmonization, elimination of everything unnecessary or excessive from Finances. Sales, promos, savings, cost reduction, "liquidation" prices.77


      Fig. 1.7.8 Seven of Disks – harmony, harmonization, a geometrically "correct" form, a cutting away of everything excessive in Matter and Finance. A diamond. That is, a natural diamond, which has been given a geometrically "correct" form by eliminating everything excessive. All natural precious stones after being processed, cut, and polished. Processed gemstones are at once both objects of Matter and Finance.78


      The defining feature of the Seven of Disks is that everything excessive from

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