Ловушка для Мыслеформы. A Trap for a Thought-Form. Премия им. М. Булгакова / M. Bulgakov Award (Билингва: Rus/Eng). Александра Крючкова

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Ловушка для Мыслеформы. A Trap for a Thought-Form. Премия им. М. Булгакова / M. Bulgakov Award (Билингва: Rus/Eng) - Александра Крючкова

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чудо совершит, вернее – ПОЗВОЛИТ ЧУДУ ПРОИЗОЙТИ. А обычный человек – нет. Он не предполагает, не ожидает, не хочет или не готов…

      – Эти смежные миры – Королевство сплошных Кривых Зеркал! И Там – как здесь… И здесь – как Там… Но ведь должно, должно же быть какое-то отличие между Мирами!!! Его не может не быть!!!»

      Метания души главной героини в самоопределении себя и, как следствие, в ответе на вопрос о предопределённости судьбы, нарастают со страшной силой, чтобы подобно цунами обрушиться в финале на застывшее время, поскольку: «… каждому человеку в какой-то момент времени нужно-таки определиться: жив он или мёртв, и вообще – кто он такой на самом деле…»

      Неожиданная развязка сопровождается мудрым посланием в будущее: «…Передай эту книгу тому, кто пока ещё не стал Волшебником!..»

      И я желаю вам прочитать эту книгу!

      Вадим Шильцын,

      член Союза писателей России, лауреат литературных премий

      Газета «Литературные известия» №7 (193), 2021




      V. Shiltzyn, «Bulgakov award „Master“ 2020»

      On June 15, 2021, the Great Hall of the Central House of Writers hosted the annual summing up and awarding ceremony for the winners of the literary competitions of the Moscow City Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia together with the NP «Literary Republic», although that time, due to the pandemic, the results were summed up for two years at once, 2019 and 2020. Of particular interest was the «Master» award after M.A. Bulgakov, since the competition had been announced in 2020 for the first time.

      The winner of the competition «Master» after M. Bulgakov for 2020, awarded with a name plated statuette, became Alexandra Kryuchkova, poet and honored writer of the Moscow City Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, host of a literary salon in the museum & theater Bulgakov House, author of the cycle of poems «To Woland» (one of the main characters in «The Master & Margarita» by M.A. Bulgakov) and the laconic novel «A Trap for a Thought-Form».

      The action of the novel takes place exactly in the Bulgakov House, where, judging by the intriguing annotation, during the breaks between presentations, Alice, the main character, who is not reflected in the mirrors, holds a magical workshop on the fulfillment of wishes and on the construction of one’s own Happy Reality.

      Is the novel as simple as it seems at first glance?

      Variations based on the ancient Greek myth of Pygmalion and the revived Galatea were born in world literature more than once. Bernard Shaw, and Oscar Wilde, and Alexey Tolstoy, and Daniil Andreev took up the case. The latter explained in detail in his novel «Rose of the World» how Cervantes’ Don Quixote could acquire an independent consciousness in order to live and act in the Heaven Synclite not as a literary hero, but as a real person.

      However, none of the famous authors has yet approached the idea of incarnating a character from the point of view of the literary hero himself. In this sense, Alexandra Kryuchkova’s book «A Trap for a Thought-Form» is absolutely innovative. This is a real breakthrough in the field of knowledge of the human spirit! Before the eyes of the reader, the character becomes a personality, independent of the script.

      The enchanting brevity of the novel speaks of a rare talent – to fit a wise depth in a few words.

      From the first lines you can see the author’s handwriting, which cannot be confused with any other. In fact, Alexandra Kryuchkova managed to create her own new language in prose, and this achievement is comparable to the new language that Joseph Brodsky painfully gave birth to in poetry. Alexandra uses textual possibilities in a peculiar way, thanks to which the narrative is saturated with symbols that carry a hidden meaning unknown to an unprepared reader. The most important for the author details of landscapes, significant figures and objects are invariably indicated with a capital letter, «I’m catching stars at the Dark Tower. It looks like your Tower…»

      The novel is built on dialogues, brief and unusually powerful, filled with a secret, mystical meaning.

      «You remind me of that man, so…»

      «The sorcerer?» Roman asked.

      «The Magician,» I clarified, mentally staying in the Other Reality in search of my gloves. «We are going to give a performance on the 14th of February. I want you to play him.»

      «Whatever you want,» Roman smiled… «What is the role?»

      «You will come to me out of the Mirror every night. Until you take me away from here…»

      The use of the author’s text in the review is inevitable, but I have to restrain myself so as not to quote the entire work.

      For a thorough dive in the Universe of Alexandra Kryuchkova, one should read her other novels in the same «Playing Another Reality» series, much more voluminous, for example, «The Book of Secret Knowledge» and «Confession of a Ghost» about the Matrix of Time Space. Only then, having comprehended the depth of the author’s inner world, one will see that everything in the «Trap» is not just for fun, and some characters have a serious

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