Филантропия в Америке. Фридрих Фурман

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Филантропия в Америке - Фридрих Фурман

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      Peter D. Hall, Philanthropy and the Welfare State (1945–2000), 2000.


      Merle Curti, The History of Philanthropy as a Field of Research, The American Historical Review, Vol. 62, No. 2, Jan., 1957, pp. 352–363, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1845188


      Merle Curti, American Philanthropy and the National Character, American Quarterly Vol. 10, No. 4, Winter 1958, pp. 420–437, http://www.jstor.org/stable/2710584


      Merle Curti, American Philanthropy Abroad, 2nd ed., Transaction Publishers, 1988, 651 pp.


      – W. K. Jordan, Philanthropy in England, 1480–1660: a Study of the Changing Pattern of English Social Aspirations, George Allen & Unwin, 1959; – David Owen, English Philanthropy, 1660–1960, Belknap press of Harvard university press, 1964.


      David Hammack, Waves of Historical Interest in Philanthropy and Civil Society, HistPhil, June 24, 2015. http://histphil.org/2015/06/24/waves-of-historical-interest-in-philanthropy-and-civil-society/


      Robert H. Bremner, From the Depths: The Discovery of Poverty in the United States, New York University Press, 1956.


      Alice O’Connor, Robert Bremner’s «From the Depths»: An Appreciation, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Sept. 2003, vol. 32, no. 3, рр. 441–443. http://nvs.sagepub.com/content/32/3/441.full.pdf+html


      Robert Bremner, American Philanthropy, University of Chicago Press, 1960 (1988). Далее – American Philanthropy, 1988.


      Daniel J. Boorstin, Editor’s Preface – in Robert Bremner «American Philanthropy», 1988, pp. v– vi.


      Children and Youth in America: A Documentary History, 3 vols, Robert H. Bremner, editor, Harvard University Press, 1970.


      R. Bremner, The Public Good: Philanthropy and Welfare in the Civil War, Knopf, 1980.


      R. Bremner, Giving: Charity and Philanthropy in History, Transaction Publishers, 1994.


      Наиболее полную оценку наследия Бремнера можно найти в материалах посвященному ему посмертного симпозиума 2003 года на страницах журнала ARNOVA: Robert Bremner and the Study of Philanthropy in the United States: Four Appraisals. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 3, September 2003 439–449.


      Friedman and McGarvie, 2003, p. 5.


      Clifford S. Griffin, Their Brothers» Keepers: Moral Stewardship in the United States, 1800–1865. Rutgers University Press, 1960. К морализаторским благотворительным обществам относят American Bible Society, American Tract Society, American Education Society, American Sunday School Union, American Anti-Slavery Society, American Peace Society и American Society for the Promotion of Temperance.


      David J. Rothman. The Discovery of the Asylum: Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic, Revised edition, Aldine Transaction, 2002.


      Rich Yeselson, What New Left History Gave Us, Democracy. The Journal of Ideas, Issue #35, Winter 2015. http://www.democracyjournal.org/35/what-new-left-history-gave-us.php?page=all


      Peter D. Hall, Inventing the Nonprofit Sector and Other Essays on Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Nonprofit Organizations, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992, pp. 70–72.


      См.: – Tax-Exempt Foundations – In CQ Almanac 1967, 23rd ed., 14—1141—14—1143. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 1968. http://library.cqpress.com/cqalmanac/cqal67-1311376.- Patman Investigations – in Joseph Charles Kiger, Philanthropic Foundations in the Twentieth Century, Praeger, 2000 p. 31–39.


      Gabriel Kolko, Wealth and Power in America: An Analysis of Social Class and Income Distribution, Praeger, 1962.Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900–1916, The Free Press, 1963. G. William Domhoff Who Rules America? The Triumph of the Corporate Rich, McGraw-Hill, 1st ed. – 1967, 7th – 2013.


      Ferdinand Lundberg, The Rich and the Super-Rich: A Study in the Power of Money Today, Lyle Stuart, 1968.


      Waldemar Nielsen, The Big Foundations, Columbia University Press, 1973. В 1985 году Нильсен подготовил ее уточненное и дополненное издание под названием The Golden Donors, в которой продолжил эту линию конструктивной критики.


      – Ben Whitaker, The Philanthropoids: Foundations and Society, Morrow, 1974; – Carl Bakal, Charity U. S. A.: An Investigation Into the Hidden World of the Multi-Billion Dollar Charity Industry, Times Books, 1979.


      Заключительный доклад комиссии Файлера здесь: https://archives.iupui.edu/bitstream/handle/2450/889/giving.pdf?sequence=1;

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