Free еnergy. EE – «The formula of everything». Mn. Elia Kosiński

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Free еnergy. E<E>E – «The formula of everything» - Mn. Elia Kosiński

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changes must take place. I think everyone will agree with me. We buy more and more energy because we need more and more of it.

      – Rescue only in a kind of perpetual motion machine, like Free energy; I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks so – someone from the audience added their own.

      One of the guests got interested. – I’m curious, how much does oil or gasoline cost in your country?

      The representative of the elders replied:

      – It varies, but it has always been and still is too expensive. Our cars run mainly on oil, and now decisions have been made that in ten years, internal combustion cars will no longer be produced. The plans are the most ambitious, but where to get the extra energy? And which one? Will traditional gas stations be liquidated? Such questions only multiply.

      The visitor continued his questions, demanding more information.

      – I heard there’s a new solution, a generator that generates power with a connected motor? What are its costs? What exactly is it about?

      Someone from the back of the room shouted, – This idea is a kind of free energy, or Free Energy. I recommend to everyone!

      Another organizer began to explain the details of Imanuel’s idea to the gathering.

      – I think this unit fits perfectly into the idea of free energy. However, nothing comes for free, as always there are some costs. I will ask my assistant to explain this topic in detail.

      At this, one of the young scholars gets up and continues the description.

      – Of course, dear guests, there are always costs, even the purchase of the device and the operating costs. Only all this creates the right amount and after time we can talk about the rate of return on investment. The purchase price is, for example, 30,000 coins in your currency, once. And electricity and heat cost someone, for example, 5,000 coins per year, so only after six years the machine will pay off – zero – . I am a realist and I do not rule out that the device may fail before these six years. The cost of repair can be, for example, 10,000 coins, and this extends the payback rate to eight years. Unfortunately, this can happen all the time. Summa summarum, such a generator may never pay for itself, but the fact is that it produces Free Energy and, most importantly, it is ecological. It gives a lot of energy for a small cost. These are the facts.

      There were many voices in the hall. – Yes Sir! The cost is not high in relation to the simplicity of operation and predictable profits, and most importantly, in our opinion, it passed the ecology exam perfectly!

      Someone got up and asked another question:

      – To get 1 GW of energy, you need to deposit at least one million of your good morning coins. If so, forgive me, but I don’t think I’ll live to see a return on my investment.

      Another person objected:

      – But in terms of large amounts of energy and light in every home, it is an ideal solution and this should be properly appreciated? Not to mention a slight degree of pollution.

      The next listener added:

      – Atlantis is a place where a nation with free will lives. I personally will opt for the choice of clean, efficient energy and I believe that many of my compatriots will too. Finally, it must be recognized that the time for change is coming.

      – There was a murmur of satisfaction from the room.

      The young man shouted:

      What about the factories? Will this progress not lead to their closure? Will we not endanger our jobs by using Free Energy? The young man turned red in the face.

      – Hi! It’s possible! They will deceive us again! combiners! shouts rang out from the hall

      The old man from the committee thought about it. – Yeah… I remember it was such a bad year. – Across the country, a lot of factories, mostly manufacturing, were closed. Then twenty, maybe even thirty million people lost their jobs.

      The young woman was surprised. – When was it? I don’t remember.

      The older man sighed. – Because you’re too young. – Well, that was when – freedom – came, or rather choking on freedom and, as usual, the wrong people at the helm.

      – I don’t think it’s going to happen again, nobody will let it happen again. People are slowly turning their backs on the – Vanity Fair – . – This is how people start talking about shopping malls and consumerism without any brakes.

      Some of the guests in the audience said that no one will work when the – time of the word – , i.e. the forces of vibration, is the conclusion of Imanuel’s words, his theory of everything.

      The company in the hall perked up. Someone said that the power of vibration and words is a very distant term.

      Unexpectedly, another of the organizers changed the subject:

      – Imagine that nowadays, for example, driving a car is an income. A passenger car generates 100 kW per hour, and a truck even 1000 kW. On the other hand, energy from houses generates from 20 to 100 kW per hour. – Out of nothing, the activist asked.

      A man standing a little aside said that the government collects energy and transforms it in such a way as to store it and use it at the opportune moment.

      The crowd protested vigorously. – What about our energy security?

      The chairman of the assembly assured that everything is properly secured. He reminded that this should be checked, as it is common knowledge that other nations buy energy from us.

      The questions were endless: – And if our entire system fails, what then?

      The chairman reassured that the state was successively developing its generators and increasing their power. But for 40 million cars and 20 million houses, that’s a lot of stock, he addressed the audience directly.

      Someone else said that after all, the best money is made on storage and distribution. There was a slight commotion in the room at this point.

      The oldest member of the committee informed the audience that the government, together with the relevant experts, was working on obtaining as much as 10 TWh of energy from the Imanuel generator. He added that it is common knowledge that in some countries this amount is annual consumption. He summed up his statement by saying that, unfortunately, everything in Poland is based on electricity, so the demand for electricity is increasing day by day, and drastically.

      Someone laughed sarcastically. – Well, now we have completely different miners. In cars.

      One of the women objected vigorously: – This world in its present form only poisons us, it must be changed, and quickly! – We know what air we breathe!

      The chairman once again assured of his willingness to change. But that didn’t reassure anyone.

      A new discussion broke out among the members of the committee, topics constantly intertwined:

      – A civil servant cannot earn more than the minimum wage.

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