Infinity’s reveal / Откровение бесконечности. Thank you. Just Someone

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Infinity’s reveal / Откровение бесконечности. Thank you - Just Someone

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style="font-size:15px;">      So the planet changed.. There were people who were healing everyone from different illnesses.. All the illnesses you can imagine..

      For example, feeling shame.. Or too good mood.. Or love to sweets.. Or too often falling in love.. And so on..

      People were told that all these things are illnesses and you need to heal them..

      There was a store near that centre, where you could buy all the needed pills… To «heal» all that..

      Luke started to earn lots of money..

      He and his team made some pills that didn’t help people.. They were killing people and making them addicts.. The man couldn’t live long without them, he wanted more… But he didn’t solve the problem which he wanted to solve.. He just got new problems… For example, he got some new problems with his voice.. Or hands.. And he was told to take new pills to handle that… And so on..

      That people started to call themselves doctors.. But they had nothing in common with the doctors.. The only thing they had was the paper which showed that they had finished the medical university.. And that’s all..

      They were pretending they were healing someone.. But in fact they were not.. They were just killing people..


      The Queen received the information how much money they earn.. And she announced to the whole planet:

      «We have the people on our planet, who earn more than others.. I mean our new friends, our new doctors.. I give them one month to handle all that.. No one can earn more than 100 000!!!»

      After some time Luke started a campaign against the Queen.

      He was telling the people:

      «Look what she is doing!!!!! She is suppressing our rights!!!!! Really!! We want to earn money, but she doesn’t give us such opportunity… Just look!!!! We can’t earn the money. And do you see how many ill people now we have? It’s all because of her… So we should do something!!!!! We should stand up against her!!!!! Let’s change our government!!»

      People agreed.

      And after some preparation all the people went to the streets and started shouting:

      «No Queen! No Queen!»

      They walked along the Main Street and started their way to the palace.. The Queen looked out of the window and scared a lot… She whispered to her husband:

      «We need to hide.. I know where to go..» she was using their new language..

      Inny and Salt took some food and went downstairs. There was a room in the basement. No one knew about that place.. They closed the door.

      People were closer and closer…

      The Queen was really scared… And she started to tell Salt everything… She told him everything she had ever done, hoping it would help… She was speaking the usual language, because for her it was not important at that moment.. She felt that her death is near. She thought she had nothing to lose. But no one wanted to kill her… People just wanted to change the ruling system… They didn’t want the Queen to rule the planet… They wanted the citizens to rule the planet… Luke helped them to get that idea..

      Inny was continuing and continuing telling everything… And when she finished they came… They started to knock on the door…

      «Open! Open, Queen!!» people were shouting…

      The Queen was very scared!!! She jumped out of the body fast as a bullet…

      Her husband Salt looked at her body and thought: «Dead..»

      The Queen’s body was burnt as it was traditionally done on that planet…


      The thing is that the Queen had a daughter at that moment… And she was old enough… She was twenty years old and she was pregnant…

      People sued her as they wanted the full democracy on the planet… And according to the law she had to become the new Queen of the planet..

      Well, to be honest, it was the first time when someone was suing someone.. There was no court before that moment.. They had to create it..

      Before that moment people were solving all the problems themselves.. They were just communicating with each other and that’s all.. The problems were solved.. People were in good relations and if there was some argue they solved it just with the help of communication… And that’s all..

      But not at that time.. Some things changed… And it was difficult for some people to watch other people’s eyes… And it was difficult for some people to communicate with each other… So they had to create a court which was between two people..

      The Queen’s daughter’s name was Tina. She won the case, because of the laws.. And Tina became a new Queen of the planet Dzin.. That’s how she called it..

      That word was taken from the language Inny created.. It meant «kindness». Tina also knew that language..

      The word Dzin was the only word left from that language.. Tina decided not to use it anymore.. She thought that people should be open with each other, they shouldn’t hide anything from each other..

      So the new motto of the planet Dzin was «Do good things, help each other..»

      First of all, Tina closed «The Centre for healing mental disorders». She didn’t like it that «the doctors» in that centre lied to people and gave them the non-existent disagnoses.. And also they got money for all that.. It’s not fare..

      After closing the centre the atmosphere on the planet was becoming better and better… It was more and more calm…


      Inny was without the body at that moment..

      She was really afraid to come back to the planet.. But she decided to try.. And she decided to get back her role of Queen.. So her idea was to continue ruling the planet, but with a new body..

      So she had to take a body in the same family.. Happily her daughter Tina was pregnant, and Inny decided to use her chance..

      So the new baby had to be born… Some time was left… Inny thought: «Now I will do that! I will!»

      Inny wanted to take that body…


      She was late…

      Someone else took it..

      «No problem… I will not give up..»

      Inny decided to take another body..

      And she did it..

      But it was not a small body.. At all..

      When Inny was looking at the planet, she saw a body.

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