Do not worry, and worry. Explore Anxiety and Depression Through the Eyes of Marilyn Monroe. Jack Armstrong

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Do not worry, and worry. Explore Anxiety and Depression Through the Eyes of Marilyn Monroe - Jack Armstrong

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activities. Set healthy boundaries and pay attention to your needs.

      Unable to cope alone

      Now let’s consider situations when it is necessary to seek medical help.

      1. If symptoms of anxiety or depression do not improve or worsen over a prolonged duration, it may be a sign of a more serious mental disorder, and professional help is necessary.

      2. If you have thoughts of self-harm or suicide, immediately seek help from a doctor or call a local helpline or emergency service.

      3. If you have accompanying physical problems, such as unexplained weight loss, heart problems, or chronic pain, it is important to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of possible medical causes.

      4. If the symptoms of anxiety or depression cause significant discomfort, suffering, or impact your ability to function normally, it is important to seek help from a doctor for assessment and treatment.

      It is important to remember that each person is unique, and reactions to anxiety and depression may vary. When experiencing symptoms that bother you, it is best to consult a doctor for an individual evaluation and treatment recommendations.

      Practical part

      Exercise 1. Create a list of your own symptoms of anxiety and depression.

      You need to make a list of symptoms that you personally experience when feeling anxiety or depression. Then, indicate the frequency and degree of influence of each symptom on your life.


      Worry often arises, strongly affects my concentration and ability to perform tasks.

      Tremor sometimes occurs, slightly affects my behavior.

      Feeling of fatigue often arises, greatly affects my energy and motivation.

      Exercise 2. Keep a mood diary for a week.

      You will need to keep a mood diary for a week, noting your emotional state and events that may cause mood changes. You should record your emotions throughout the week and pay attention to any anxious or depressive states you experience.


      Monday: I feel tired and down. It may be related to a heavy workload.

      Tuesday: I have anxious thoughts and worries. There was an important interview today.

      Wednesday: Suddenly, I feel anger and irritation. There was a conflict with a colleague at work.

      About her…

      In her letters and notes, Marilyn Monroe described her emotional fluctuations and mood, which indicated her anxiety and depression. In one of the letters, she wrote about her constant feeling of loneliness and inability to find true meaning in life. These writings serve as vivid examples of her inner state.

      Marilyn Monroe often acknowledged her severe depression after divorces from Joe DiMaggio and Arthur Miller. She described feelings of alienation, pain, and disappointment. Her depressive state sometimes led her to refuse work and isolate herself from the outside world.

      Quotes from Marilyn Monroe’s life that confirm her specific problems.

      «It’s far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone – so far».

Marilyn Monroe

      «I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and, at times, hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best».

Marilyn Monroe

      Chapter 3

      How to Relax?

      Breathing Exercises and Deep Relaxation Techniques

      The practice of meditation is a powerful tool for enhancing emotional well-being and developing emotional intelligence. It allows us to consciously face and accept our emotions, as well as cultivate the ability to self-regulate and reduce stress levels. Meditation is a form of practice that requires dedicating some time each day to sit on our «quiet island» and find inner peace.

      One of the primary methods of meditation for improving emotional well-being is mindfulness meditation. In this practice, we sit in a comfortable position, close our eyes, and focus on our breath. Every inhalation and exhalation becomes the object of our attention. We approach each moment of breathing, perceiving it with full presence. When our mind wanders, we notice it and bring it back to observing the breath. Such practice helps us become more mindful and diminishes the influence of distracting thoughts on our emotional state.

      Another effective method of meditation for enhancing emotional well-being is loving-kindness meditation, also known as metta meditation. In this practice, we sit in a comfortable position, concentrate on our heart area, and silently repeat phrases aimed at cultivating compassion and benevolence. This practice promotes the emergence of positive emotions, the creation of more harmonious relationships, and the assurance of our well-being.

      Additionally, one of the options for meditation to improve emotional well-being is body scanning. In this practice, we pay close attention to each part of our body, starting from the head and ending with the toes. We notice sensations, tension, or relaxation in each area of the body.

      Progressive muscle relaxation

      Progressive muscle relaxation is an effective technique designed to release tension and relax our body. This technique is based on the principle of systematically tensing and relaxing muscles, which helps us become aware of and release physical tension, as well as reduce stress and anxiety levels.

      To start practicing progressive muscle relaxation, find a comfortable and quiet environment, sit or lie down in a position that is comfortable for you. Then, close your eyes and focus on your breath, bringing your attention to your body.

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