The Heavenly Lord’s Ambassador. A Kingdom Like No Other. Book 1. Андрей Кочетков

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The Heavenly Lord’s Ambassador. A Kingdom Like No Other. Book 1 - Андрей Кочетков Мастера прозы

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wasting your time worrying about it. No matter what he’s up to, he isn’t worth your attention.”

      “That’s jealousy talking, Groki.” Sanery chuckled. “The boy will be a key figure in the game, once it starts. I can tell that much. And if Ronko wants to use him, let him try. I may just turn around and use him against Ronko.”

      “Do you think it’s possible?”

      “Why not? People like Uni are easily influenced. They don’t like being ordered around, but they’ll tell you everything they know if you make nice with them. Ronko will be too far away to control his protégé. He conceived of this delegation as his own personal triumph, but he’ll get the opposite result.” Sanery’s lips curled into a smile. “This will be worth my playing a comedy for a little while.”

      “Licisium Dorgoe will be very pleased. He may even make you head of the Diplomatic Chamber!” Groki rejoiced.

      “I doubt it. He is keeping Eusenium Hamery for that purpose, even though you couldn’t make the old toad do his job if you threatened to hang him. I heard he skipped the meeting with the Emperor to discuss this delegation. Heart pains, you see. He lets Dorgoe handle all of our foreign affairs without actually having a title or any responsibility. There’s no way Dorgoe will get rid of him. He knows I’d put a stop to his meddling right away.”

      Groki had another idea. “Your Honor, what if Ronko has other people on the delegation who will try to interfere with your plans?”

      “If it were only Ronko’s people. You can’t imagine how many nobles have approached me about getting their people put on the delegation. I won’t be surprised if someone offers me a bribe equal to that paid for the position of a guild minder just to get some relative or other assigned to the delegation as a baggage carrier! I’ve served the Emperor for many years, but this is the first time I’ve seen such frantic interest in a diplomatic mission.”

      “There is too much at stake this time. A trade treaty is a delicate morsel, and many mouths are watering.”

      “True. But how am I supposed to captain a ship where every sailor is trying to tip the boat? Impossible!”

      “Do you know who the deputy ambassador will be?”

      “I’m afraid I don’t,” Sanery sighed. “Time is short, but the mighty and powerful will continue to fight until the Emperor chooses someone they all equally dislike, just to make my life unbearable. Mark my words, that’s exactly what will happen!”

      “That is too bad. Still, it would be useful to identify the people who have their own agendas.”

      Sanery’s eyes narrowed. “I expect Virando will be useful in that regard. Once we reach Manibortish, I will announce that we are hiring another interpreter. Those who object will out themselves as Ronko’s men. I call it ‘fishing with live bait.’”

      “That’s an excellent plan. What about the rest of them?”

      “The rest of them? Did you bring the list of candidates? Give it to me and we’ll see what’s going on.”

      Chapter 6. Friends

      The Sleepy Fish Tavern was an establishment with an unmistakable reputation. It was not the kind of place where a carpenter from the River district or a scribe from one of the city squares could eat and drink his fill after a day of hammering or writing. No, the Sleepy Fish was a place for epicures and gourmands. Passing under its modest sign, lucky visitors encountered true culinary magic, where the food was created – not merely prepared – by masters of gastronomy. Guests were drawn in by more than the opportunity to enjoy the best dishes from among twelve different regions of the Empire. What really lured them in was the chance to observe the mystic rituals performed in the service of gluttony, and they were only allowed to enjoy the final product if they had reservations and a sizeable wallet.

      Of course, Sevelia Virando was opposed to the scheme from the very beginning. When Uni remarked cautiously that he and his friends had decided to celebrate at the Fish, she merely smiled the smile of a loving mother and inquired in the same tone why they didn’t want to celebrate at the restaurant in her inn. She offered good, simple home cooking, and his friends could spend the night in some of the rooms upstairs. Uni nodded politely as she spoke and waited for her to run out of ammunition.

      When she was done, he took a deep breath. “That’s exactly what I told my friends, Mother. It was my idea to have them come to the Happy Trout.”

      “What did they say to that?” Sevelia asked, brows raised. What she was really thinking was: You certainly don’t need friends who think they’re too good for us!

      “They said what they always say, Mother. That your inn is perfectly hospitable and comfortable. They stop by the inn often enough: you must know they like it.”

      “Did you not agree with them?”

      “I’m always happy to eat your cooking! But if you think about it, what with my appointment…”

      Sevelia’s voice went up a notch. “It’s a celebration for all of us. I raised you alone, I bought you shelves full of books, I found you that job at the archive, and now that the Emperor has noticed you and you’re being sent on an important delegation for who knows how many months, you refuse to spend your last evening at your mother’s restaurant.”

      “Mother, how could you possibly see it that way?”

      “Is that an accusation?”

      “Mother!” Uni was losing patience. “We would be perfectly happy to spend all day here. But. There is one thing. That I have to warn you about. As your son. To avoid unpleasantness.” It cost Uni a great deal to keep his voice down. “Sorgius Quando will be with us.”

      “Merciful Sun, what do you want with him?”

      “I know he has a bad reputation, but he’s one of my best…”

      “Reputation?” Sevelia stared at her son in horror. “What kind of reputation do you think he has earned? He seduced a young woman who was supposed to become a Virgin of the Sun, and he only escaped death because of his father’s ties to the Emperor’s chancery!”


      “Hush. Everyone knows about it! And do you know what else people are talking about? About how he vomited all over the wheels of the priest’s carriage during the Great Sunrise procession, and it happened right after he left my own inn. He earned his reputation. I’m not sure how you expect me to feel about that.”

      Uni began to wonder if he had made a tactical error. After the incident during the procession, Sorgius had become a hero among certain circles.

      “I’m sure he’s the one who came up with the idea of going to the Fish.” His mother’s face was flushed. “Tell me, did he promise to pay for everyone? Did he? Everyone in the capital will say that you sold out to that villain as soon as you were appointed to an important post. Is that what you want?”

      “Oh no, Sorgius wanted us to get together at the inn. He knows he had a little too much beer that one time, but now he’s…”

      “He will not set foot in here. And as for you…”

      “He’ll have a lady

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