Mr. Mellone’s unique сollection. Mila Pavlova

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Mr. Mellone’s unique сollection - Mila Pavlova

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could lead to consequences and, possibly, very unpleasant. «I’ll have to investigate everything another time… Yes, well, God help him, tomorrow promises to be very interesting!», – she sedately left the cabinet, but as soon as the door closed behind her, she galloped into the kitchen to discuss everything with Mona.

      The morning plunged the girl into despondency. The sky was covered with powdery white clouds that hung so low that the treetops tickled their thick sides. There was no sign of the sun. «Well, that’s what a fun weekend is about to come…», – glancing longingly out the window again, she trudged to the kitchen. But, to her surprise, there was a cheerful animation in the kitchen. The driver, a middle-aged man, tall and sturdy, who was also a gardener and a housemaid, was putting groceries in a backpack, joking with Mona. After greeting, Mellie expressed her bewilderment about what was happening with a look. Without interrupting her studies, Mona explained that the weather was just what they need to visit a house in the mountains, and indeed for long walks: the sun was not very active, there was pleasant coolness and humidity in the street. «Aha! And it will be absolutely wonderful if the downpour kicks in and we all get wet to the skin!», – the skeptical mood did not want to leave her, but, pushing this mood into the farthest corner, Mellie gladly joined the fun commotion.

      Mr. Mellone was already waiting on the porch when the merry trio fell out of the house. There was no limit to Mellie’s amazement again – he looked stunning even in a tracksuit and a baseball cap, and his hair was still carefully arranged in a ponytail. The boss wore glasses only while working with papers, the rest of the time he did without them, so she could see the cheerful rays of wrinkles in the corners of his eyes when he looked at all three of them, smiling. «How does he do it? Be sure to figure it out! How does he manage to immediately attract the eye to his person, having an outstanding appearance and figure? So much so that it is impossible to look away. How does he manage to look like a victorious king with his inability to move?», – Mellie added another note to her piggy bank of questions and found that there was almost no spot left. But the piggy bank of answers was absolutely empty.

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