The Perfect Match. Sergey Redkin

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The Perfect Match - Sergey Redkin

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style="font-size:15px;">      The next day went pretty much the same way. Tests for Lizzy and cultural catching-up59 for Marco (The Shawshank Redemption, Misery, Good Will Hunting, and Pulp Fiction). When it was time to stop for the day60, Albert showed Lizzy the prototype of the device that his team had been working on before they met her.

      “It looks like a glove that you would use for a workout at the gym,” she said, looking at it.

      “That’s the idea!” Albert was obviously happy to hear it. “We don’t want people to think that they are looking at a weapon.”

      “Is that what it is? A weapon?”

      “Of sorts. It’ll be using your blood to destroy the virus.”

      “How will it work? I’ll just wear it and what will happen next?”

      “The idea is for you to use it without spilling your blood literally, but sending impulses that destroy the virus – even through glass. Provided61 that it’s not bulletproofed, of course. We still need to work on that.”

      “I don’t think I understand that.”

      “It sounds a bit science fiction, I know.”

      “A bit?”

      “You’re right,” Albert laughed. “It sounds a lot like science fictions, but we believe that we’ve found a way to use your blood’s unique qualities and transform them into … sort of, waves that could penetrate62 the virus coat, or membrane, split it apart, and eventually destroy its molecular compounds. The glove generates the wave and sends it, together with your blood, to do its job.”

      “So, hypothetically speaking, someone will have a vial with my blood connected to this glove and … just go around and touch people or things with viruses. Is that how it’s going to work?”

      “I wish it was that easy. As things stand now63, I’m afraid it only works if you wear it. It must be connected to you.”

      “Like Ironman’s reactor,” Lizzy said, still looking at the glove. “The proof that Tony Stark has a heart64.”

      Albert’s face lit up.

      “It’s more like a repulsar, you know, those little reactors on the palms of Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit, but you get the gist65,” he said with a smile.

      “So, this is Mark One66, Tony’s first suit from Iron Man One, we’re working on, right?” Lizzy asked.

      “Well technically, this particular prototype is Marco Two, if we use that logic. It ‘flies’ well, but it needs a pilot to navigate it.”

      “That would be me.”


      “Ok, so, when are we going to take this baby for a spin67?”

      “We’ll do it tomorrow.”

      “Big day, huh?” Lizzy said and gave the glove back to Albert. “Should I eat something special or starve myself before the test?”

      “Have your regular breakfast. We need to attune68 the glove to all possible situations.”

      On the way back home, Lizzy suggested Marco watch all Ironman movies. It was Man of Steel in his world and the name of the superhero was Tim Scott. He was a member of the “Punishers’ Club.


      When Lizzy and Marco were getting out of the car the next morning, Irene came out of the center with Yana following her.

      “Good morning,” Yana said, smiling. “Good to see you two in flesh69.”

      “Hey, Yana,” Marco said. “Good to see you too.”

      “I believe you’ve been briefed about today’s test,” Irene said, looking at Lizzy.

      “Should I change my name to Tonya70?” she asked, changing Tony Stark’s name to Tonya.

      No one got the joke. Either Lizzy wasn’t nerdy71 enough to pull it off 72or it was the wrong crowd. She decided it was both.

      “No need for any name changing,” Yana said, seemingly puzzled. “We’ll just see if Albert’s idea actually works.”

      “I hope it does,” Irene said. “Shall we?”

      They all proceeded to the house, where Albert and his team (Shawna and Latosha) were as excited as little children before a birthday party. A special enclosed space was arranged for the test to make sure that no one got hurt. There was a transparent glass container with some vials containing viruses (not lethal

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      пояс, кушак




      знали, что лучше не

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при условии




как сейчас обстоят дела


Прим. авт.: здесь Лиззи цитирует надпись, которая была на подарке вымышленному герою Тони Старку от его ассистентки Вирджинии «Пеппы» Поттс в фильме Марвел Студиос «Железный человек».




Прим. авт.: здесь имеется в виду первый костюм, который создал Тони Старк, вымышленный персонаж из истории Марвел про Железного Человека.


протестируем эту крошку (прим. авт.: выражение take for a spin означает протестировать или попробовать что-то, обычно автомобиль)




во плоти, в живую


Прим. авт.: Лиззи пытается пошутить, имея в виду, что она как Тони Старк.




преуспеть в достижении или победе в чем-то сложном