Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side. Boris Shabrin

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Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side - Boris Shabrin

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for example, a leader who wants to expand his territory or influence. We demons can whisper in their ear, encouraging them to take whatever action is necessary to achieve their goals. We can offer them victory, wealth, or status in exchange for their loyalty. This may encourage the leader to engage in unethical behavior, such as lying, cheating, or even violence, to achieve their goals.

      Another example is the temptation to pleasure. People are driven by desire, and we demons skillfully exploit this weakness. We can offer people the promise of pleasure, such as indulging in excessive use of alcohol, drugs, or sexual promiscuity. When they give in to their desires, we can use their addiction to keep them under our control.

      Finally, there is the temptation of wealth. People often seek wealth and financial security, and we can take advantage of that. We can encourage them to engage in dishonest business practices or to accumulate wealth at any cost, even if it means harming others. When they become wealthy, we can use their greed to manipulate them and keep them under our influence.

      In conclusion, people can fall under the influence of evil in many ways, and everyone must be vigilant to guard against the influence of darkness.

      [Author’s note: We discuss temptation in more detail in PART 3: The Nature of Temptation. There is also detailed advice from our esteemed Devil, with which the reader can easily manipulate people or resist manipulation by others.]

      Fose: That’s a sobering thought. How can people protect themselves from the influence of evil?

      Lucifer: People can protect themselves from the influence of evil by being vigilant and making conscious choices according to their values and beliefs. Here are some ways people can protect themselves from the influence of darkness:

      Develop self-awareness: People need to be aware of their weaknesses and vulnerabilities in order to protect themselves from them. They should reflect on their values, beliefs, and motivations and examine how they might be affected by outside influences.

      Surround themselves with positive influences: People should look for people who share their values and who will encourage them to stay on the path of righteousness. Friends, family members, mentors, and spiritual leaders can be positive influences.

      Be Informed: People need to be aware of the dangers of evil and the tactics that demons use to tempt them. They must be informed about the world around them and alert to negative influences.

      Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help people stay focused and in the present moment. It also helps to recognize when negative thoughts or emotions are affecting them.

      Seek spiritual guidance: Many people find strength and guidance in their spiritual convictions. They should seek out spiritual leaders to help them deal with life’s difficulties and not stray from the path of righteousness.

      People can prevent the influence of evil on themselves by being mindful of it, staying aware of it, and seeking positive influence. Only by making conscious choices according to their values and beliefs can people overcome the influence of darkness and create a better world.

      Fose: That’s great advice, Lucifer. Will humans ever be able to defeat evil completely?

      Lucifer: Humans can never completely defeat evil because it is an integral part of human existence. The struggle between good and evil is a fundamental aspect of the human experience and will always be faced.

      However, although people cannot eradicate evil completely, they can resist its influence.

      It is important to realize that people are not alone in this struggle. They may seek support from others who share their values and can help them stay on the path of righteousness. In addition, many people find strength and guidance in their spiritual beliefs, which can be a source of comfort and inspiration in dark times.

      The Consequences of Evil

      Fose: Lucifer, what are the consequences of evil in the world?

      Lucifer: The consequences of evil are often devastating and far-reaching. Evil actions can cause pain and suffering to individuals as well as entire communities. They can lead to violence, oppression, and injustice.

      Evil can also have long-term effects on the environment, the economy, and the social fabric of society.

      In some cases, the consequences of evil can even lead to the death of civilizations…

      It is important to remember that every action has a ripple effect, and the consequences of evil can be felt for generations.

      Fose: Can you give us an example of the lasting effects of evil?

      Lucifer: Of course. One example of the lasting effects of evil would be the destruction caused by war. When nations go to war, they often cause significant damage and destruction to each other, resulting in the loss of countless lives and resources.

      The effects of war can last for generations, and families and communities struggle to recover from the trauma and losses. In addition, the political and economic effects of war can affect a society for many years, further compounding the damage caused by the conflict.

      This is just one example of how evil can have a lasting effect on the world around us.

      Fose: That’s a strong example, and it’s very relevant now. What about the consequences of evil on an individual level?

      Lucifer: Where to begin? Let me tell you, my dear mortal, that the path of evil is treacherous, and those who choose to follow it must be prepared for the consequences that come with it.

      The first and most obvious consequence is the corruption of the soul. When a person voluntarily chooses to do evil things, they invite darkness into their heart and soul. This darkness can consume them, leading them further down the path of evil until they are lost to me forever.

      But the consequences don’t end there. Evil actions often have negative consequences in the physical world as well. For their transgressions a person may go to prison, exile, or even die. Even if they manage to escape punishment in this life, they cannot escape the judgment that awaits them in the afterlife [Author’s note: Part 2 of the Afterlife and Judgment deals with this topic in detail].

      In addition, committing evil can have a profound psychological impact on a person. Guilt, shame, and feelings of worthlessness can weigh heavily on the soul, leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

      In short, the consequences of evil on an individual level are enormous and far-reaching. They can affect the soul, the physical world, and the mind. And once a person sets out on the path of evil, it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to turn back. So choose your actions wisely, mortal, for they will ultimately determine your destiny.

      Fose: Can evil be justified?

      Lucifer: Ah, that eternal question… Let me tell you that as a demon from hell, I have seen countless instances where evil has been justified in the eyes of those who have committed it.

      Many people believe that the end justifies the means and that they can use evil actions to achieve the greater good. They may believe that their evil actions are necessary to protect their loved ones, defend their nation, or promote a particular ideology.

      From my perspective, however, there

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