Staying Strong. Victoria Montegro

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Staying Strong - Victoria Montegro

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Set your watch five minutes fast – but only for important meetings. That way, you'll always arrive on time (even if it's just in your own mind).

      • Create a "procrastination playlist" and blast it whenever you're feeling the urge to put things off. Bonus points if you dance around your living room while doing so.

      • Delegate tasks to your pets. They might not be able to do them well, but at least you'll have a good laugh while watching them try.

      • Schedule in "nap time" as a non-negotiable meeting on your calendar. After all, who can argue with the need for a mid-afternoon siesta?

      • Hire a personal timekeeper to follow you around and remind you when it's time to switch tasks. They can also provide motivational speeches and encouraging words.

      • Create a life-sized flow chart for all of your daily tasks and decisions. You'll never get lost again!

      • Use a high-tech gadget to zap your brain into hyper-productivity mode. Just be careful not to turn yourself into a robot.

      • Write all your tasks on balloons and juggle them to prioritize. Just make sure to avoid sharp objects.

      • Hire a professional time traveler to go back in time and give you more hours in the day. It's expensive, but worth it.

      • Set up a complex Rube Goldberg machine that triggers a loud alarm when it's time to move on to the next task. It's the most fun you'll ever have being productive.

      Laughter is the best medicine – even for managing your time effectively!

      Engage in hobbies or activities you enjoy: Participating in activities you enjoy can help reduce stress levels and promote a sense of well-being and happiness.

      Partaking in leisure activities or hobbies that bring you joy is an effective way to reduce stress and to improve your overall well-being. When you're doing something you love, it's easier to forget about the stressors of daily life and focus on the present moment.

      Some examples of hobbies and activities that can help reduce stress include:

      • Reading: Getting lost in a good book can be a great way to escape the stresses of daily life and improve your mood.

      Reading can be a hobby because it involves actively engaging with a piece of written work, whether it is a book, article, or other form of written content. Reading can provide a form of escapism or entertainment, allowing the reader to immerse themselves in different worlds and perspectives. Additionally, reading can provide a form of mental stimulation and cognitive exercise, improving vocabulary, critical thinking, and communication skills. Many people enjoy reading as a way to relax and unwind, while others enjoy the challenge of reading more complex or academic material. Some people may also enjoy discussing or sharing their thoughts on what they have read with others, making reading a social activity as well.

      You can start reading by choosing a book or genre that interests you. You can browse bookstores or libraries to find books that catch your eye or ask friends and family for recommendations. Once you have a book, set aside some time each day to read, whether it's during your commute, before bed, or during breaks at work. You can also join a book club or online reading community to connect with others who share your interests and discuss books. Remember to choose books that you enjoy and that bring you pleasure, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or something in between.

      "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.» – Frederick Douglass

      The quote suggests that reading can open up new worlds and experiences to individuals. It implies that reading is a way to gain knowledge and expand one's horizons beyond their own immediate surroundings. The quote highlights the importance of reading as a means of personal growth and development.

      Here are some additional tips on how to make reading a hobby:

      ✓ Make a reading list: Create a list of books that you want to read and prioritize them based on your interests. This will give you a clear idea of what you want to read next and help you stay motivated.

      ✓ Set aside dedicated reading time: Schedule a specific time each day or week for reading. This could be before bedtime, during lunch breaks, or on weekends. Having a dedicated time for reading can help make it a habit.

      ✓ Join a book club: Joining a book club can help you connect with other readers and provide an opportunity to discuss and share your thoughts on books.

      ✓ Read what you enjoy: Reading should be an enjoyable experience, so don't force yourself to read books you don't like. Instead, focus on genres and topics that interest you.

      ✓ Create a cozy reading space: Make your reading experience comfortable by creating a cozy reading space with good lighting, a comfortable chair, and a peaceful ambiance.

      ✓ Try audiobooks: If you find it difficult to make time for reading, try audiobooks. You can listen to them while driving, doing household chores, or working out.

      ✓ Experiment with different formats: Experiment with different formats of reading, such as e-books, graphic novels, or short stories, to find what works best for you.

      One funny story about a famous person and reading comes from the life of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States.

      Lincoln was known for his love of reading and his extensive personal library, which he often used to educate himself on a variety of topics. However, he was also known for his absent-mindedness and tendency to get lost in thought.

      Legend has it that one day, Lincoln was reading a book while riding on horseback. He became so engrossed in the book that he failed to notice his surroundings and rode right past his destination. When he finally looked up from the book, he realized that he had gone several miles past where he intended to go.

      Embarrassed by his mistake, Lincoln turned his horse around and rode back to his destination, but not before making a joke about his absent-mindedness. He reportedly said, "I have often wondered whether some of the good people who come to see me in Washington think I have nothing to do but listen to stories. Now, you know better; for I have a book with me all the time.»

      Despite his occasional absent-mindedness, Lincoln was a voracious reader and a highly intelligent individual. His love of reading played a key role in his education and his ability to lead the United States during one of its most challenging periods in history.

      • Painting or drawing:

      Engaging in a creative activity like painting or drawing can be very therapeutic and help you relax.

      Painting or drawing can be a great hobby for those who enjoy expressing themselves visually. Here are some ways you can start painting or drawing as a hobby:

      ✓ Start with the basics: If you're new to painting or drawing, start with the basics. Learn about different brushes, paints, and techniques, and practice creating simple shapes and lines. As you become more comfortable with the basics, you can start experimenting with more complex compositions.

      ✓ Get the right materials: To get started with painting or drawing, you'll need some basic materials like paint brushes, paint or pencils, sketch pads, and erasers. You don't need to invest in expensive supplies to get started, but make sure to get materials that are of good quality.

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