ОГЭ-2024. Английский. Все задания открытого банка ФИПИ. Кирилл Игоревич Вахрушев

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ОГЭ-2024. Английский. Все задания открытого банка ФИПИ - Кирилл Игоревич Вахрушев

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David Beckham was not allowed to wear his favourite number seven, because the right to wear it was written into the contract of another player. Instead, David decided to wear a shirt with number 23, which was the number of his favourite basketball player Michael Jordan. Though David Beckham immediately became very popular with the Real Madrid fans and his shirt sales made a lot of money for the football club, the team didn’t win any serious tournaments. Perhaps, it was one of the reasons why in 2007 Beckham signed a five-year contract to play for the Los Angeles Galaxy and moved to America. However, his career in America was a rocky one – numerous injuries affected him. In May 2013, David Beckham announced his plans to retire.

      It’s important to say that David Beckham has always been a devoted husband and a loving father. David and his wife Victoria have three sons and a daughter. They say the boys are being trained as ‘bodyguards’ for their little sister Harper. The youngest, Cruz, has been practicing Taekwondo, Brooklyn is interested in boxing, and the oldest, Romeo, does karate. They are preparing early so that when Harper is older, “they will all be ready to protect her from noisy fans,” David says.

      13 David Beckham’s parents were professional sportsmen.

      1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

      Ответ: ___

      14 David Beckham’s school teachers supported his interest in football.

      1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

      Ответ: ___

      15 When he was with Manchester United, David Beckham played all the games in the same lucky boots.

      1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

      Ответ: ___

      16 David Beckham left Manchester United because he had problems with the team manager.

      1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

      Ответ: ___

      17 David Beckham wore the same number in Manchester United and Real Madrid.

      1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

      Ответ: ___

      18 David Beckham left Real Madrid for an American football club.

      1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

      Ответ: ___

      19 The Beckhams’ sons want to become professional sportsmen.

      1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

      Ответ: ___

      По окончании выполнения заданий 12–19 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 12 цифры или буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру или букву пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

      Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике)

      Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 20–28, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 20–28.

      20 Dad usually comes up with original ideas. Last Sunday Dad __________________ that we should all go on a camping trip.


      21 The idea came to him while he __________________ an article about camping. The article said that camping brings families together.


      22 “Not true”, I smiled. “What about television? It usually __________________ families to feel a lot more united.”


      23 “If the weather is fine, we __________________ on a trip next weekend,” Dad said and put his magazine on the coffee table.


      24 I quickly looked over at my __________________ brother, Paul.


      25 He gave me a knowing smile, “Do you remember __________________ last trip?”


      26 I certainly did. Last summer Dad told us that fishing would be a great family activity. We bought four expensive fishing rods and drove for three long hours to a big lake in Virginia. When we got there, we discovered that we __________________ to take the fishing rods.


      27 Ten minutes later we made another unpleasant discovery: we __________________ the tent which meant we couldn’t stay overnight and we had to drive all the way back home again.

      NOT HAVE

      28 We __________________ tired and disappointed with the trip.


      Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 29–34, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 29–34.

      29 Can people live

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