A moment before immortality. Juriy Tashkinov

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A moment before immortality - Juriy Tashkinov

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At the end of the Third World War, the forty major powers united the rest. And each of the states became a being-country. And at the head are immortal rulers.

      – Stop! What about the elections? We elect a new ruler every five years!

      – Yes, but from those proposed. They replace each other, the unelected ones rule without showing their real faces. And in 50—60 years, who will remember the face of the president who was already in power once? Cells don’t study history; how would they know about it?

      – It’s just… some kind of bummer!

      – It’s even worse. I have already said that demons are not capable of developing. There have been no changes in the last 200 years, and there will be no changes in the coming years. Same foreign policy. Immortals are like cancer cells. Imagine, our body has been controlled by a tumor for several hundred years!

      During my research, I used Henrietta Lacks cells, code-named HeLa. I really wanted to invent a cure for all diseases, but what good can happen if you try to cure people by injecting them with modified tumor cells?

      People in power have no idea that one day all of humanity will come to an end, and all because of their shortsightedness. Outwardly, everything is fine: enterprises are working, people are buying something. But isn’t it noticeable that there are almost no people left on Earth?

      – You gave me an injection, after which I disconnected from this system and became an ordinary person. What if we cure everyone with this medicine?

      – You were human even before the injection. It so happens that the system does not work for some people, apparently there is some kind of mutation that prevents you from turning into a cell. My medicine just pushed you. But you are rather an exception to the rule.

      Now the cells are part of the system. But if they all suddenly become human: by the way, helpless, without formed critical thinking, unable to take a single step without dictation from above, then the system will collapse, and everyone will be swallowed up by the neighboring country. Those who will survive. I envy you: you people can enjoy your emotions and clear thinking. But now you shouldn’t think about the fact that all the factories will stop at once and all the engines will stall while each part of the system enjoys freedom.

      – And you propose to just watch as the world slides into the abyss?

      – No, not just watch. We will overthrow the demonic rulers and take their place.

      – Do you just want to become in power? But you yourself are not a person, but a cancerous tumor! How do you want to save us?

      «We will be in power for some time.» Then there will be a new coup, and we will be replaced. Although, I hoped to transfer the supreme power to you, as one of the few who were lucky enough to be born such an unusual «ordinary person.»

      – I have to refuse. Power is not for me.


      Until today I have not met Andrey.

      – Well, have you changed your mind? Today we have «X-Day.» Decide whether you are with us or against us?

      – I would prefer the third way.

      – You won’t like him. There are people striving for power – this is the first way. To ensure the system, gears are needed. Can you really become a cell again? After everything you saw and felt? Or do you want to do nothing, not think about how others can live, but simply enjoy the results of their labors? But that’s what parasites do. This is a glorious destiny for you – just a parasite on the body of our society.

      – There is another way. I read about a small island that has not been touched by civilization. There are no cages and no demons. Only people. If you don’t kill me, I’ll go there. and no one will know what I learned from you. Make a revolution by injecting people: I don’t want to know anything else.

      Andrei smiled meaningfully, but remained silent.

      Ending station. The main thing is to get to the airport faster than the cartridges. And then – a free island. A new life awaits me there.

      Faith of Pygmalion

      The hood hums steadily, but it does not completely eliminate the smell of reagents. A fluorescent lamp illuminates a granite tabletop, on which conical flasks and test tubes in racks containing liquids of different shades of blue stand in a row.

      – Do you remember our wedding? A bouquet of white roses, matching the color of the dress. We are young and happy. The priest then asked: «Do you agree to be together in sorrow and in joy, until death do you part?» And I stubbornly answered him: «No.» You should have seen your facial expression! But I immediately added: «Even death will not separate us.» Do you remember?

      In response there is silence, only the monitor makes sounds in rhythm with the heartbeat. The girl is on the bed, a tube is sticking out of her mouth, and several more are connected to IVs.

      – Are you silent? You are always silent, but I believe that you hear every word. It seems to me that you could not forget that day.

      How many years would you give this man? Days of stubble, unwashed hair falling in long, unkempt tufts to the shoulders, bags under the eyes, a hoarse, ragged voice. The snow-white medical robe contrasted with the appearance of the young-aged man.

      – Which goddess should I pray to wake you up? I don’t know any other than Science. As you can see, I’m not much of a Pygmalion. But I believe that I’m not crazy, even though I’m talking to myself. Your relatives abandoned you, but I believe that you can still be saved. Faith is the only thing that makes me hold on to life.

      He walked up to the bed and stroked the girl’s hand.

      – Faith. Verochka. My Sleeping Princess. I’m so sorry that we quarreled before…» I swallowed the lump in my throat. «Your mother and sister signed permission to take you off life support.» They have lost their faith. They felt that they had lost their Faith. But I don’t agree with them. I have often preferred science to you. He spent days and nights in the laboratory. With my last name, another fate was simply impossible. But when I found out about you, I…» His voice often disappeared, and some words were impossible to understand. «I didn’t let them turn you off.» I’m sorry, but I had to kidnap you from your relatives. For the whole world I am a criminal. Do you know what they called the article about me? «Crazy Pygmalion kidnapped Sleeping Beauty.» But I believe I’m not crazy.

      With a shaking hand, he removed the mouse from its cage to take a blood sample.

      – I rarely leave the house: I’m afraid that they will recognize me. I would order food by phone, but my coronavirus vaccination certificate is out of date, and now I can’t unlock my smartphone. He constantly writes: «Bring a code confirming a recent vaccination.» And they still think I’m crazy? Spend so many resources on producing gadgets instead of investing this money in medicine.

      A drop of blood on a watch glass. The man bent over the microscope eyepiece.

      «I want to confess to you that I spent all those nights in the laboratory with a woman named Henrietta Lacks. Of course, not with herself: she died in the mid-twentieth century. But not

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