The Labyrinth of Inter-Time. Juriy Tashkinov

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The Labyrinth of Inter-Time - Juriy Tashkinov

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to this forest, where the line between the worlds is so thin. The Monians defeated him a second time.

      Since then, I have been guarding these forests to prevent the Ancient Evil from returning again.

      But there is a prophecy that the Chosen One of Fate will be able to destroy Evil forever, so that for many years it will not be able to return to our lands. But there is another prophecy.

      Once upon a time, even before the arrival of the elves, some of our ancestors took an oath to the higher elements. They became Lords. The Light Lords healed people from any disease, the Dark Lords brought destruction and anger with them. Lords could bend the will of the people. And one day a fierce war broke out between the Lords of both colors, in which all the Lords died, and with them tens of thousands of people. But legend says that another Dark Lord will appear. And his appearance will be the end of everything. And only a Lord of a different color can stop him.

      – Are the Lords really omnipotent?

      – No, what are you talking about, Eleon! Lords are only Lords. But no one denies that the Lord will be able to bring the Prince of Darkness with him. Or even the King. And this is already worse.

      But you don’t need to think about sad things, so as not to invite trouble! Come on, Eleon, let’s join the feast!

      The guests ate and drank. Beer flowed like a river, the tables were laden with food. And only Dorian was sad in the corner, looking at the photo of his beloved, which he took out of his breast pocket.

      – Can I have a look? – Sienna asked to dispel the guest’s loneliness. – Beautiful. Is it your wife?

      – No, this is Angel. She is my girlfriend, but we were planning to get married soon. Who would only know how much I miss her!

      Sienna touched his cheek with her lips, but Dorian pushed her away.

      – No. I have a favorite.

      Siena lowered her eyes. But no one loved her so much. And she remained callous to all signs of attention from the guys.

      Dorian was consumed by memories of the past.

      But he wasn’t always like he is now.

      When the father was taken away, accused of conspiracy, he was left as the sole breadwinner for his mother and younger brother. Jobs were not easy to find on his home world, so he became a member of one of the gangs that ruled the city at night. He robbed stores and random passers-by, defended the local drug lord. Later, his brother also started down this slippery slope. Together they became a stronghold of evil, which everyone they met was afraid of. The government turned a blind eye to the gangs’ activities. After all, it is better to let them fight among themselves than, united, to become a force that can deprive them of power. But soon a new Senator came to power, and he decided to carry out a grand cleaning of the streets. This time, soldiers of the Government Army came to the aid of the patrolmen.

      In one of the shootouts, Sam, Dorian’s brother, was killed. And Dorian himself had to give up his dirty profession, since now this crime was punishable by death.

      Dorian went to university. Studying never interfered with sports: he attended the volleyball section regularly.

      For a very long time he was unlucky in his personal life. Dorian tried dating a good dozen girls, but many attempts to find happiness ended in betrayal by the girls and subsequent breakups and quarrels. He had already become disillusioned with his weaker half when he met Angel. She was perfect for him. She became the core of his life. He broke off all old connections, stopped seeing friends, and even gave up sports. If only I could have more time with her.

      So they lived in perfect harmony for several years. Dorian graduated from university and found a job.

      But his personal life began to crack more and more often. Maybe before he was so carried away by his beloved that he did not notice her shortcomings. But now not a single day passed without quarrels. Dorian began smoking again, and very often quenched his grief with whiskey, which, of course, did not make the relationship stronger.

      But now he was so sorry for all the words he said out of emotion. After all, she remained the only possible center of the Universe for him. Every evening, as now, he again and again took a small photograph from his breast pocket.

      Chapter 6. Ghosts of past mistakes

      Gloomy sky. It had been raining for several hours now, and only a lone lightning dared to disturb the darkness of the extinguished torches. Even she was afraid of the upcoming events. And the mysterious smell of rain, gently cooling the summer heat of the tired earth.

      And in the castle no one wanted to share the worries of nature. The sounds of the ball thundered and could be heard many miles away. So a candle was burning in the queen’s chambers. It is this small piece of wax that will ignite the flame of betrayal, which will incinerate innocent souls for many years to come. After all, a good deed dissolves like a drop in the ocean of evil and falsehood, which, like a chain reaction, digs into more and more hearts.

      Two people in a room upholstered in golden silk. The red-haired woman was reclining on the bed. She is not tall. Long hair flowed in fiery waterfalls to his toes, and you could drown in bottomless green eyes. And this heady aroma of lilac. The dark-haired man looked to be no more than thirty years old. But he was already wearing the uniform of a general, and under the sleeve of his rich outfit there was a tattoo that showed the title of head of the royal guard. His youth was hidden by a neat mustache on his clean-shaven face.

      – You said that you love me, Simon! – said the woman, lowering her face onto the golden pillow, unable to hold back her tears.

      – Yes, Mistress! I still don’t go back on my words! – the man answered angrily.

      – These are just words, my young friend! And when it comes to the real deal… – she quickly looked around from head to toe. There was not a single trace left of the tears in the eyes.

      – Anything! – Simon fell to his knees. He covered the pale skin of the beauty’s hands with gentle kisses; but she did not want to see him, so she pushed the admirer away.

      – I already asked you for something, but you refused me so cruelly! – the woman said, lowering her head into the pillow.

      – Ask for anything except this!

      – But why? – the girl said without raising her head from the pillow.

      – Treason to the Motherland goes against my honor! This is a violation of an officer’s oath. I made a vow to protect the ruler, and you ask me to take his life with my own hands!!! Never!!! – With these words, Simon easily rose from his knees.

      – But you swore an oath to protect not only the Supreme, but the queen too! – the woman said with a hint of resentment in her voice and with an imperceptible movement she opened her shoulder; there was a tattoo on it in the form of a crown.

      – My husband is a tyrant! He will lead me to the grave, and it seems that no one will protect me,» she buried her head in the pillow again. The man hugged her.

      – But

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