Slave War. Juriy Tashkinov

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Slave War - Juriy Tashkinov

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of the magic of the sign on his hand that Latrich left. It seems that whoever leads the movement of slaves has a portable source of power over the bearers of the brand, or the sorcerer himself has gone in search. It is unlikely! What could a squad of runaway slaves mean to a lord? Or does it still mean something?..

      Dorhand did not have time to fully think this thought through. An emotionless voice sounded very close:

      – I see them.

      One of the slaves hit him on the shoulder, right in the place where the brand was red.

      “What if we just peel the skin off this place? Maybe this will remove the spell cast by the sorcerer? – thought Dorkhand.

      Tam cut off three heads of his pursuers with one blow. But several crossbow bolts hit his chest. He sank to the ground.

      – No-no! – the boy shouted to the whole area. Tears flowed from the eyes. The last time he experienced this was three years ago, when bandits killed his father. Will your whole life be filled only with losses?

      – Dorhand, I am very glad that I was with you these days!

      He closed his eyes. Forever. Dorkhand grabbed the blade, with anger in his eyes, and tried to attack the nearest pursuer. But Murray, the head of the detachment, shook his head.

      – You are surrounded. There is no use in resisting. Either you all die, or go back to the owner.

      Murray dismounted his mare.

      – On knees!

      Dorhand felt his hand burn from the inside in the place where the brand glowed bluish. He could not resist someone else’s will. He knelt down, and with him other slaves, including those in the pursuing squad.

      – That is great! – Murray laughed, and Dorhand clenched his fists. A tear ran down my cheek.


      When the fugitives were brought in, Latrich was chewing ham, drinking wine from a crystal goblet. The castle stank of dampness, the walls were covered with black mold. Cold. The dim, flickering light of the torches barely chased away the darkness. The sorcerer laughed.

      – They couldn’t escape far, as I see.

      He began to pace around the room, looking into each of the fugitives’ eyes. For a while, only the sound of his steps broke the silence.

      – Bring Tom.

      Murray went to prison. Latrich looked into Dorhand’s eyes.

      – The struggle for freedom means someone’s death and blood, and most often not of enemies, but of relatives and friends. Sometimes, your own blood. And no romance or justice. I studied with Hallon from early childhood. Do you know him? One day I got tired of the taunts of a sorcerer, whom you may know as the King-Behind-the-Mountain. I also decided to run away, like you today. And he punished me severely, teaching me a lesson that I will not be able to forget for the rest of my life. He forced to kill the guard who missed the fugitives. I was seven years old then.

      Tom was brought in. The big guy lost a fair amount of weight during the time Dorkhand was away. His face is bruised, a tooth is knocked out.

      – Please, Latrich! I served you faithfully!

      – Kill him! – said Latrich, and Dorhand, unable to resist the magic, headed towards the guard.

      – Boy! Remember! I protected you! I gave you food that other slaves did not see.

      Dorhand burst into tears. He loved this clumsy man with all his heart. But the enchanted brand will free the boy.

      “Please don’t do this! I don’t want!”

      “Kill him! Kill!”

      A blow to the heart with a dagger – and warm scarlet blood poured into the boy’s hands. She splashed her face and shirt. Tom groaned and fell to the floor. So Dorkhand became a killer at the age of eleven.

      – One day I will take revenge on you! – the boy whispered. – I will kill you, Latrich, I promise! And your magic won’t save you!

      – No need for loud words. Every attempt you make to resist me will cost you dearly. Next time I’ll make you kill one of your friends. And maybe not just one. Do you want Lina dead? She’ll be next.

      – Nooo! – Dorkhand shouted. – Please, not this!

      The slaves did not move.

      – Be a good girl. She will die next. She will pay for your disobedience if it happens again. I am stripping you of your name, Dorhand. From now on everyone will call you Namlis, the Nameless One!

      Many hid their real names so that the sorcerers would not gain power over them. Only the best friends knew the true name. But to lose a name forever is a terrible shame even for a slave.

      Most people over fifty begin to think about death. They sew clothes in which they will go on a long journey to a better world. Old people try to correct the mistakes of their youth so that nothing drags them down. But Dorkhand, at eleven years old, knew more about death than many mortals. First, the death of my father. No one closer to Linder appeared for the boy. Then the death of two friends on the same day. But should he give up? Will he be able to forgive himself if he gives up, unable to fight? Dorhand left a small scratch on his arm as a sign of yet another revenge plan.

      The boy did not yet know what blow Fate was preparing for him.

      Chapter 4. Revenge of the Nameless One

      When you’re fifteen, the world seems full of color and perspective. You can handle everything. If you stretch out your hand, you can even grab a star, and, if you wish, the Moon. And then everything changes and becomes gray, meaningless and boring. And so on two hundred times a day. Love at this age is first, but until the grave, friendship is forever, although the closest person may be the first person you meet. Black and white, no shades. In five years, the attitude towards the world will change dramatically. Parents talk about this: “When you grow up, you will understand everything yourself.” Or maybe they do not become wiser, but simply resign themselves to the injustices of the world, unable to fight them? This is the easiest way: pretend that you understand everything, and throw yourself into the river and float with the flow.

      But now Dorkhand woke up with thoughts about Lina and fell asleep. Even in his dreams she appeared to him, beautiful and naked. On these nights, he woke up earlier than expected, sweating, with rapid breathing. One fine evening she honored him with a kiss. Lina was an adult. You can’t hide your feelings from her, they are in full view. Girls always get older before boys. Such is their mysterious nature.

      But she kissed not only Dorkhand. Very often, approaching the door, when Latrich called the girl to him, Dorkhand heard rapid breathing and moans. He knew now what it meant, but he couldn’t fix it. Lina is a concubine. One of several. In Beelzuvik, the law has long prohibited this kind of relationship, but will such laws soon come to Sartoll? “One day I will become a king, and I will fix everything.” The young man clenched his fists and beat them against the stone wall in order to somehow take out his anger. He is only a slave, Nameless. And Lord Latrich is also a powerful sorcerer.

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