English grammar with Kudjo. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Part 1. Larisa Lubimova

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English grammar with Kudjo. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Part 1 - Larisa Lubimova

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watching a documentary about dogs

      7 As I came in,

      8 While other dogs were fighting because of the bone,

      9 Kudjo was sitting and waiting

      a when Kudjo came up with his ideas.

      b Kudjo found a hedgehog.

      c when a fire alarm went off and frightened him.

      d Kudjo was listening to an audiobook about the first people.

      e Kudjo was licking clean his bowls.

      f while I was looking for his leash.

      g Kudjo stole it.

      h Kudjo was lying in bed under my favorite duvet.

      i when the ball fell in the water.

      EXERCISE 6

      Напишите, что происходило вокруг вас, когда вы вчера вышли на улицу.

      Можете использовать глаголы-подсказки в Past Continuous:

      For example, snow – It was snowing heavily outside.

      1 run

      2 play

      3 walk

      4 sing

      5 chase

      6 shout

      7 bark

      8 drive

      9 blow

      EXERCISE 7

      Поставьте глагол в форму Present Continuous или Past Continuous:

      1 Listen! Kudjo / bark/ at something or somebody.

      2 He /dig/ under the tree when I saw him.

      3 I /sleep/ very fast and didn’t hear him jump onto my bed.

      4 I /buy/ some treats for Kudjo when he took a toy from the shelf.

      5 Shhhhh. Kudjo is /kip/.

      6 Don’t open the drawer. I /hide/ Kudjo’s toys there and he mustn’t see them.

      7 We /talk/ about flying to France when Kudjo came up with his passport in his teeth.

      8 Kudjo /eat/ my dinner while I /talk/ on the phone in the next room.

      9 I didn’t see Chilly because he /shelter/himself under Kudjo.

      EXERCISE 8

      Найдите ошибки в 7 предложениях:

      1 We walking home yesterday when a big fat rat ran into Kudjo.

      2 He breaked his leg last winter in a skating-rink.

      3 Kudjo was walking me in the park when you called.

      4 We are having grilled meat or fish almost every day in summer.

      5 Kudjo is try to find something to eat now.

      6 When we were on a sea holiday, Kudjo sleeped in the fresh air.

      7 Where did you flew last June?

      8 I didn’t bought anything for my pet yesterday

      9 They were arguing very loudly when Kudjo started barking at them.

      Кстати, если вы помните, мы используем Present Continuous с маркером always, чтобы показать недовольство. То же самое происходит в Past Continuous. Например, He always splashes water while drinking звучит нейтрально, а вот He was always splashing water показывает, что нас это раздражает.

      EXERCISE 9

      Определите в каких предложениях лучше поставить Past Continuous, чтобы выразить недовольство, а где лучше просто Past Simple.

      1 Kudjo always / jump/ and /run/ around when he was little.

      2 Kudjo always /roll/ in the dirt when he was a puppy!

      3 Little Kudjo always /jump/ onto big dogs and they didn’t like it!

      4 Little Kudjo always /run/ to everyone to kiss them.

      5 Kudjo always /whine/ when he was alone!

      6 When Kudjo was little, he always /tear/ new sheets!

      7 Kudjo always /ask/ me to let him out when it was necessary.

      8 Kudjo always /steal/ food from the table!

      9 Kudjo always /smile/ when he was a puppy.

      EXERCISE 10

      Отметьте правильный вариант:

      1 He ***** what to do. He is a clever dog.

      a is knowing

      b knowed

      c knows

      2 Kudjo ***** when a mosquito bit him.

      a was sleeping

      b is sleeping

      c slept

      3 Kudjo ***** a cat while the cat ***** a rat.

      a is chasing/chases

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