Boredom of the immortals. Juriy Tashkinov

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Boredom of the immortals - Juriy Tashkinov

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Carriages with firewood scurried back and forth. It had been raining for several hours, the city streets were covered with mirrors of puddles. The merciless wind tore the last clothes from the trees that were preparing to fall asleep until spring. He waltzed with yellow leaves.

      Leivead’s detachment entered Dream without being noticed by anyone. Near the city gates, people are too busy preparing for winter, but in the center, in the square, a whole crowd has gathered.

      – What’s happened? – Christell asked one of the men. -What kind of meeting?

      – Do not you know? Duke Rigerd will give a speech. He is preparing us for a great war! We will get rid of the oppression of Beelzuvik! Finally we will be free!

      Leivead couldn’t understand what was happening. He decided to immediately go to his uncle, but the guards did not let him inside.

      – I am Viscount Leivead! Do you know my name?

      – It is known. But Duke Rigerd ordered not a single person to be allowed in.

      Leivead did not know the guards.

      – Maybe they’re new? Although, such familiar faces! Where could I see them?

      The epiphany came a few moments later.

      – This can’t be! Sigurd and Will! They… They’re dead! Did your uncle really resort to direct use of necromancy? War can still be avoided! I’m sure!

      The Viscount ran up to the guards.

      – Let me in immediately! Otherwise… – he babbled some threats, he didn’t even remember what exactly he said. The guards remained uninvolved. Then Leivead risked breaking through by force. He was grabbed by the arm.

      «It’s not worth it,» Will said in a sepulchral voice. «The Duke will come out himself when he’s ready.»

      Leivead went to the square where his comrades were waiting for him. After a while the Duke came out onto the balcony. He wore a golden crown over his black hair. He looked younger, his wrinkles smoothed out.

      «For a long time we endured the oppression of the damned Belsuvians. It’s time to get them off our necks. Eldoras and Morelia will be able to live without Beelzuvik, and, especially, Suthering. Anyone who dares to cross the border of our kingdom will be killed.

      – Hooray! – the crowd chanted. Leivead himself succumbed to the general madness for a time. It is impossible to listen to Rigerd calmly, there is something enchanting in his words. Ready to instantly take off and go to war… Against whom? The man shook off his obsession and looked around. There are only madmen around. It doesn’t matter what Rigerd said. The important thing is that people were ready to jump into the abyss right now, headlong. Black eyes that looked straight into the soul.

      – Let it be so! Men who can stay in the saddle are from fifteen springs! Sharpen your swords, patch your chain mail. The Battle is Coming Soon!

      He said his last words and disappeared behind the curtain. And the crowd continued to roar.

      – Uncle! – Leivead shouted. – I want to talk to you!

      «Let him in,» a voice was heard from the depths of the balcony.

      Accompanied by guards, Leivead entered the throne room.

      – Everything is serious with you, uncle! Since when do I only meet with you in the presence of guards?

      «These are the times,» said Rigerd. – I don’t know who to trust.

      Leivead clenched his fists. But he did not respond to the Duke’s taunt.

      – What happened to you! You have changed since our last meeting!

      – Life is such a thing that leaves no one unchanged!

      – But why are you preparing for an uprising?

      – Rebellion, you say? These lands belong to my family! After my death they will go to you. My son died of smallpox, so the crown will go to you. But we must not obey Beelzuvik! Gartaur sold our lands to Suthering. Do I really have to endure this in silence?

      – Do you think we can resist the entire empire?

      «Now yes,» Rigerd grinned, revealing his shoulder, on which a tattoo in the form of a black crown appeared.

      «This can’t be,» Leivead whispered. – Uncle, why did you do this?

      – Yes, I am the Dark Lord. Now I have no less right to the throne of Beelzuvik than their «blessed» emperor!

      One of the many curtains fell and Nisa ran out. She clutched a dagger in her hand.

      – Father is right! But I didn’t believe him! Die, spawn of darkness!

      She plunged the blade into the Duke’s chest. But he laughed, taking out the bloody steel. Before the eyes of the surprised Leivead, the wound healed.

      – A mere mortal cannot defeat the Dark Lord!

      He clenched his fist, and some invisible thread began to strangle Nisa. She held her throat, choking.

      – Let her go! Uncle, can you hear me? Let her go!

      Rigerd looked at his nephew with eyes mad with hatred. And then his gaze softened.

      – You are right! I didn’t think you were so savvy! Gartaur will not attack Eldoras while his daughter is in my captivity! Willie!

      The dead guard entered.

      – Take her to prison. Make sure our guest doesn’t get bored.

      – Uncle, please don’t do this! You know how I feel about Nysa!

      «I also know how she treats you and our family.» She’s already married to someone else! Do you hear, Leivead? Gartaur sold Morelia, and the price was your beloved.

      – What are you saying! How dare you say these words?

      «It’s true,» Nisa whispered. «I went to Eldoras to prove to my father that he was wrong. He called your lands black, he promised to cleanse them. I was hoping to bring him proof of your innocence. But it turns out the emperor is right. Morelia and Eldoras are now ruled by evil spirits!

      – Uncle, let her go, please! Do you hear, she came to protect us!

      – And she almost killed me. Protector! In the best traditions of Velzuvik!

      Nisa was taken away. She was silent as she walked to her new shelter.

      – What happened to you, Rigerd the Wise? Where has your intelligence gone, for which you were famous throughout the United Kingdom? What’s wrong with you, answer me?

      – Wisdom is not a vice to boast about in crazy times. The audience is over! – Rigerd turned his back to the Viscount. «I have too much to do to listen

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