Elven heritage. Juriy Tashkinov

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Elven heritage - Juriy Tashkinov

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jester, came out. Most jesters are dwarfs, but this tall fellow is as thin as a pillar. He pulled a coin from behind Still’s ear. The guests applauded. Then, to the sound of a lute, he sang:

      Glory to you, great one, our fat king,

      This is your unenviable role.

      You are angry like an animal, well, always drunk!

      The wolf is evil on the inside, but the boar on the outside!

      Absolute silence reigned in the hall for a minute. Even the musicians stopped playing. Hundreds of eyes are directed at the impudent jester. Dinor broke the silence. He laughed loudly:

      – I wouldn’t forgive anyone else! Long ago any minstrel who dared to sing such a thing, even in a whisper, would have burned at the stake. But I forgive you. Sing some more! Cheer up the old man!

      The jester sang again, without hitting a single note:

      The eldest prince lives in a distant land,

      He sold his soul to Satan,

      His soul obeyed the witch,

      He is slowly making plans for the battle!

      – Enough! – Dinor hit the table with his fist in anger. – You need to know when to stop! Go away!

      The jester laughed evilly. Each time the meeting between the king and the jester ended with Dinor driving Dangam away in anger, but then calling him again the next evening to sing a new song about some nobleman or about the king himself.

      – Or what, Dinor? Will you cut off my balls?

      Dangam was castrated by a nobleman when he found him with his wife. Since then, Dangam’s jokes have become angrier. And he began to fear less for his life, which is why he allowed himself liberties that others would have been afraid of. He would be happy if he were hanged. What kind of life is there without women?

      – Get out! – Dinor shouted.

      – Okay, okay, I’m coming! But don’t call me today! – said the jester, closing the door behind him.

      For some time there was silence in the hall. But then Dinor said, smiling:

      – We have gathered today on a joyful occasion: today Prince Still turned seventeenth spring. Let’s drain the cups to the bottom!

      All the guests put cups to their lips.

      – But that’s not the only reason I gathered you. Dangam is right. There will soon be a war with Morelia.

      The guests whispered:

      – War?

      – War again?

      – Morelia?

      – But I know where the weapon is with which we can defeat Silver. I plan to send an expedition to the Unknown Lands!

      The guests looked at each other in fear.

      – Unknown Lands? Didn’t I hear it?

      «It also seemed to me that the king said exactly that.»

      – Your Highness! – Colonel Darsu expressed the general idea louder than others. – It’s suicide to go to the Unknown Lands! No one returned from there alive!

      – So, there won’t be a single volunteer who will go to distant lands, perhaps to certain death, but for the sake of saving the Motherland? – Dinor looked around at those present.

      «I’ll go get the book,» Still said quietly.

      – What, son? – Dinor asked. – Do you want to say something?

      – I will go to the Unknown Lands! – Still said, this time his voice echoed throughout the entire hall.

      – No, son, what are you talking about! How can you go there! – Dinor laughed nervously. – It is unknown what awaits the traveler along the road! There will be others who will risk their lives. And you are the crown prince, your life must be protected.

      – Will they respect me when I become king if I sit in the castle, sending others to their deaths? – Still looked carefully into his father’s eyes. – Did you ever sit out your time?

      Didn’t sit back! People loved Dinor because he always walked ahead of the squad. Lately the king had almost gone mad, but people still respected him for his old exploits.

      – I will go! Still insisted.

      – You’re not going anywhere!

      – Father!

      – Are there anyone who wants it? Are there really no more candidates?

      – Father, give me a birthday present!

      – Your Majesty! – Anilix said. – All the kings of antiquity, before ascending to the throne, performed a feat. Give your son this chance too! How is he worse than his ancestors?

      – Dad, please!

      A single tear ran down the drunken king’s cheek.

      – So be it. I prepared another birthday present for you – Councilor Wind personally chose the prostitute. I wanted you to become a man today, but I was too late. You are already a mature husband if you can make such decisions! I am the city with my son! So it’s destined – you will go on this dangerous journey. But I won’t send you away yourself. Who will go with my son?

      – I will go! Lewis was the first to shout. «I can’t send my faithful friend on a dangerous journey myself!»

      – And I’ll go! – said Nermall.

      – You’re already old! – said Councilor Wind.

      – Yes, but I will give most of the young people a head start. I taught Still a lot, but I didn’t pass on a lot of knowledge to him.

      – I’ll go too!

      – And I!

      – And I want to go!

      Many warriors’ hands reached up.

      – We can’t send a large detachment! – Dinor laughed. «Even a blind sentry will notice such a detachment.» Colonel Darsu, choose the best.

      – I myself wouldn’t mind going for the princes Still! – Colonel Darsu said.

      – No, Colonel. You, together with Advisor Wind, will prepare our troops for war. No one can say for sure whether this book exists. We can’t bet all our cards on just the lost elven tome!


      Still had a fair amount of wine. But the girl who was brought to his bed dispelled his intoxication for a while.

      – What is your name? – the

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