Sunday Hindsight Diaries. Nastya Fall

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Sunday Hindsight Diaries - Nastya Fall

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to regret, to amend.

      when the lunacy of existence starts flooding my thoughts

      there is always a thread i fold close to my heart and hold on.

      it is lovingly weaved out of different scenes you can capture:

      out of window views and daydreams in the middle of boring lectures,

      hugging someone so tight that their heartbeat vibrates inside you,

      knowing someone so well that it actually terrifies you.

      running into infinity through fields not confined in horizons,

      bursting into laughter till feeling like coughing your lungs out,

      dancing with careless freedom of any prejudice or contempt.

      telling somebody you love them, dead sure that you meant it.

      staying up to watch the sky turning golden, then finally going to sleep.

      pathetically bawling cause this exact moment will never repeat.

      making wishes on shooting stars, magic numbers and dandelions.

      wanting something so desperately you start to believe in signs.

      breaking the rules, because you are fully entitled to it.

      never needing approval to make you valuable and complete.

      looking at the world from the hills, as if it’s in your hands.

      happiness is when it doesn’t matter that everything ends.



      before our vanity dies in vain

      i’ll carve my refrain in every vein,

      i’ll place your ill heart into a frame,

      my vengenerosity bears your name.



      maybe i managed to kill my past,

      it was kinda brutal, stabbing my beliefs.

      look at me now, i am stained with blood.

      don’t tell me time heals, it is no remedy.

      maybe i know how to cover up scars,

      how to fake smiles so that nobody sees.

      i’m always cut open inside of my heart

      and pain keeps reminding me i still exist.

      i really tried fighting the demons away,

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