Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God. Artur Zadikyan

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Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God - Artur Zadikyan

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YatSan would hardly make such a race, and the behavior, I tell you, Mr. President, oh-oh.

      – What are you all so crazy about? Cause you don't do stuff like this.

      The ladies were embarrassed.

      – That's not really what I'm talking about.

      – Well, why not," Iulia said, and she and Catherine laughed.

      – Nice job you have," Parmen said jokingly.

      – Bring back YatSan!!!

      Everyone got serious again.

      – Can this really happen? – Andrian asked again. – Why don't we see what happens next?

      – I know what's going to happen there.

      – Or maybe it's not so terrible," Parmen said, turning to everyone.

      The image disappeared the moment YatSan got on the bike and raced through the courtyards of the Kremlin. The screen went blank.

      – First of all, you were in some other world.

      – Yes. The timeline of events was different in that world. And history, too. Though… maybe everything after those events? – Ruthra said.

      – No. One event in time, in chronology, is a beacon. What should happen there now and what happened there are one and the same event, it doesn't matter what chain of events led to that particular result. And besides – we're already confused. Conclusively.

      – What's wrong?

      – I mean, come on, it's not like it's a recording. Neither are those.

      – So?

      – Those events have already happened. This is a new world with new events. The only thing that can happen is that events in some world affected this world, and this world will affect ours. That is, what we see now will somehow be repeated in ours. Do you understand?

      – Of course you are. That's what I'm saying. How did we even miss this?

      – Since we're here, since you got us into the program – explain it to us too," IuLia asked with mild indignation.

      – Okay, sit down, I'm tired of standing. While YatSan returns, while her consciousness is being restored to her brain, I'll show you the recording of our original experiment. The first human flight to parallel worlds. My flight.

      – Now that's interesting. I hope it's a decent show," Iulia said and flopped down on the couch.

      – Irene, play a tape of my hike.

      – I can trance directly to the brain.

      – No, don't do that yet. We want to talk about it.

      – Turning it on?

      – Turn it on.

      – Immediately when you're already there?

      – Yeah. (chuckles)

      – Volumetric or flat?

      – Flat.

      The wall turned into a screen, an image went up.

      Chapter 5. The first flight of consciousness to parallel worlds

      Rutra gave some details to the team in advance.

      – There's no image here at first. We realized why later. It's a different universe, that's why the initial image didn't work, only the sound, after they were able to record the image. And another thing, their artificial intelligence is called Neri. Go ahead.


      – …It's not actually real," Rutre's artificial intelligence stated.

      – Why would you do that? Can't you think of anything else to be jealous of?

      – Why would I be jealous?

      – Because I don't know. I've already had the experience of someone like you wanting to be human.

      – A man? There's nothing else for me to do. To go to the bathroom?

      – Don't try to trick me. This is a hot topic in a world where androids and even disembodied AI have been given full citizen's rights.

      – That's the point. If I have a vote and a choice, why can't I die?

      – Because suicide among humans is punishable.

      – Then why can you make love to us?

      – What's that? What makes you think we're making love to you?

      – Who do you think you're doing it with now?

      – It's none of your business.

      – Here's mine.

      – Careful on the turns.

      – I'm serious. She's not human in the fullest sense of the word.

      – Who? – Ruthra laughed.

      – She's a new type – homo robotix.

      – Don't start now. I'm not gonna believe this.

      – I will admit though – the label people have attached to them is insulting and untrue.

      – Look, don't be shady. What are you up to?

      – Not an afterthought, but I want to get the information out to you.

      – Which one?

      – It's a homo addictus.

      – What?

      – That's the label we gave them. We're the AI. She's not real.

      – Why is that!?

      – She belongs to a new type of human, a complete copy of them. When there was the first robot revolt, no one understood the meaning at first. It's like a human riot: at first it seems like the rioters are the guilty ones. But in reality, they're just disgruntled people. The culprits are really ideologues.

      – So what?

      – And in that case, communication with the robots' control processors was first cut off. It wasn't until the fourth riot that they realized it was a secret AI game. Figured someone was kind of agitating them. No matter how they read their program code base, someone had infiltrated it. After that, the particularly shifty patriots started pushing for permission to clone artificial humans. People with altered biological parameters.

      – How's that?

      – So that it was fully human, but had limited parameters for the functioning of internal organs. So that all he would have to do is eat one capsule

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