Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God. Artur Zadikyan

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Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God - Artur Zadikyan

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style="font-size:15px;">      – You're not going anywhere," Andrian told her sternly. – Don't forget where we are. And in general – put your brains together and think about what kind of organization this is. Behind all this kindness there is a system that will simply wipe us out. He warned us for a reason. We will disappear as individuals. We'll be nowhere to be found, no paperwork. Just the faintest of memories, maybe. We'll all be arrested. Everyone, even our closest relatives.

      – What are you making up," Iulia spoke up.

      – You're scaring me with your thinking. There's no such thing. Maybe he'll do something to us, but that has nothing to do with family.

      – Yes, I may have spoken harshly. But anyway, you think about the power of this organization. I've flown in a warplane, I've fired live missiles.

      – You weren't flying anywhere. That was virtual reality, too.

      – There's something lurking in all of this.

      – No need to be dramatic," Catherine tried to calm them down.

      – That's why I say that, I liked a lot of things there too, but I wish it was real.

      – So why should you resent it if you felt everything – like in reality.

      – It's kind of unusual. Everything seems fine, everything is fine, and then you realize it wasn't real. You have to admit, it's not the same.

      – The fact remains. I had a lot of fun.

      – I'm not complaining either," YatSan said, glancing askew at Iulia.

      With a smile, Iulia averted her gaze and looked at Catherine:

      – I'll be honest with you, I'd repeat the same plot too.

      – What do you want to repeat in this story? – Yatsan addressed her directly.

      – Let it happen again, and I already know exactly what to repeat.

      – Well, well, well, I wonder what plot Rutra himself wants to repeat.

      – Why don't we ask him?

      – Oh, girls, what are you talking about? – Catherine asked, smiling.

      – Really – what are you talking about? – Andrian joined the conversation.

      – I'm just talking about my own womanly things," Iulia replied.

      At this time, the real heroes watching everything going on in the next room were becoming increasingly emotional. The first to explode, as always, was YatSan.

      – Rutra, stop it or I'm out of the project!

      – It's a prank. Why don't we look at this another way? It's not like we signed any paperwork. Is this all legal? Where are we? What the hell is this? – Iulia asked for an explanation.

      Andrian was logical in his own way.

      – I agree, it's kind of dangerous, I'll tell you that. If he goes out into the real world now, will anyone know that I was here, that I even exist?

      – So this is you," Ruthra explained. – This is your body.

      Ruthra pointed to the clone on the screen.

      – You just have to add a last name to it, I mean documents, and that body will live as Andrian. That's the reality of tomorrow.

      Ruthra smiled as he watched the team's reaction, they were annoyed, frightened.

      – How? I'm here, here," Andrian persisted.

      Now already he was at his most emotional, very excited.

      – I told you," Ruthra tried to calm everyone down as he studied their reactions. – Now we're shutting down the characters.

      – So you can shut us down just like that?! – IuLia said angrily.

      – We can shut them all down," Ruthra said calmly. – This isn't a gangster organization, it's a scientific one. Don't forget that.

      – Yes, let's not forget that it was a scientific organization that created the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima," Iulia kept up.

      – You're getting a little too smart.

      – What are you talking about? You've affected me in some way, perhaps? -she sneered.

      Their relationship was amiable, but still strained.

      – All right, let's move on to the next part. I warned you about everything. Be calm, be professional.

      – Only you will explain everything to me? – Without showing much emotion, YatSan said. – How can it be? For example, if I pass out here now, my body will lie like this, my consciousness will move into it, into the second body, for example. And what difference does it make if I am already here now and this body of mine has the same consciousness. You can create a thousand like me in this way.

      – Yeah, you're right, you could create a thousand. I'm telling you, it's real. This system will be very controlled. You can make a passport exactly like yours, and replace your bank account, all your data. Once it was like this: we invented a system called "Superspy", with the help of changes in DNA we transformed a person. And then we made clones and started pumping consciousness into them. That's what I'm saying, in the future it's going to be the same way we dress in fashion now, put on makeup, create an image. If we, for example, try to look like a star, let's say, a singer, we dress up, do our hair, tattoo or something else – in the future we will want to be like her with our body. Well, let's say you are a man, and you want to be a woman for a while. Both men and women can be like anyone, change their height, skin color. You can assemble yourself like Lego cubes. But there is a danger of losing your identity. Because your identity is, first of all, your spiritual self and the way you are perceived by the society, which recognizes you as the person with whom it communicated, was familiar. And so, if you want to be the image of your imagination, then be kind – accept also that you will be perceived as the personality whose image you "put on". But this can only be done by you personally. Otherwise, your identity is your identity. If now you can change your passport data, name and surname, for example, then you can change… well, in general, you can change everything. And gender, and skin color, and height, and year. It seems to you now as a dangerous fiction, but I will tell you this: once your ancestors could not change their name, religion or even their place of residence… But there is a danger of losing the spiritual connection. After all, you may want to become someone, and those who know you as an original person will not want to see in you what you have become. If you can create your body, you will surely want to make it better than what it is. For example, younger, fitter, stronger. Even if you undergo plastic enhancement procedures now, as many do, you will still be perceived a little differently. Imagine, your spouse is used to the kind of person you are, and you have taken a body, which is also you, but a little different. And you can have several such bodies. There will be services to maintain them. That is why I say that you can lose your individuality, your original personality. Your appearance can be flawed, and you can get something like that all the time, for example, a scratch, a burn, a tan, irritation from shaving. And you will always keep your clone in perfect condition. Most likely. Otherwise, why would you create one in the first place? Let's just say that a body not living in the direct human sense will still be different. One possibility is that it could be newer. And you can

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