Binary code Mystery number two. Artur Zadikyan

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Binary code Mystery number two - Artur Zadikyan

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heads, climbed to the tops of the mountains. But even this amusement is over. With the permission of the government, Zone-51 "privatized" the territories surrounding it. Civilian airplanes are also banned from flying over it due to the nuclear tests conducted here. During the day, there is a sepulchral silence on and above the base, one even gets the impression that the facility has been abandoned for a long time. But as soon as night falls on the ground, glowing dots soar into the sky, and they do not behave like normal airplanes. In general, everything is like in a good thriller. And then the science fiction begins.

      A waitress brought them food as special visitors. Despite the strict secrecy of the place, Ruthra had seen that it was a place where they tried to make it as comfortable as possible. "It's obviously necessary to keep from going crazy," he thought. Ruzi, reluctant to eat, continued her story:

      – Once I was enthusiastic about everything mysterious and unknown, including "flying saucers", collected all possible information about them, using a journalist's crust, met with leading domestic ufologists and contactors. But with time there was a skeptical attitude, as to something not respectable and not serious. Although once already here in Los Angeles, I saw with my own eyes in the sky at 3 a.m. something clearly "unidentified" – a bright plasma clot hovering above the horizon. While I was trying to figure out what it was, it jerked out of place, turned at a right angle and disappeared from view in a flash. But, touching on this topic, it is impossible to avoid UFOs, because it is here, it is on them all and twisted. Now, of course, it is difficult to surprise me.

      "Of course," thought Ruthra, "after saying that, who's going to let you out? He knew very well why. For for many decades Area-51 had been one of the most mysterious sites on Earth, surrounded by many legends and speculations, guesses and assumptions that the U.S. government had been reluctant to shed light on, which only made them more intriguing. For example, there are persistent rumors that here are being developed and tested the most modern aircraft, created on the basis of technology extracted from aliens. And one of them is the F-117A, developed by the Stealth program (production of aircraft that are not visible to radar systems). The word stealth in translation means "cunning", "subterfuge". This version is to some extent indirectly confirmed by the fact that the work related to the "invisible" aircraft of this class was carried out under the top-secret project Have Blue, and the word blue in the U.S. Air Force is a code designation for communication with UFOs. Naturally, those who need it want it to remain a rumor.

      – At first, when I was just getting into this topic, I didn't think it would come to this. You know, a lot of people think that everything is calm, that it's all a joke. Many people get carried away and overstep the boundaries, but the invisible eye is watching, not slumbering. I also got carried away, collected and systematized eyewitness stories. You can believe in eyewitness stories or not, but they are there. I will try to organize in chronological sequence all the key points of testimonies related to this topic, without, of course, being responsible for their reliability. I am a journalist at heart and here I do not stop conducting my investigation. The thing is that here in one department do not know what they do in another. My father started to wonder about what really happens here. He wanted to understand why they were installing Alikhanov. In one of the documents, not known how extracted by him, with the label Top Secret/Majic under the title "Project "Discontent"" was collected information about aliens from other planets, starting in 1936, when in Germany allegedly crashed disc-shaped flying machine. Having taken possession of the remains of the UFO, the Germans attempted to reproduce its technology. And in 1947, and the Americans in the hands of also fell victim to an alien ship crashed, and even with the bodies of dead aliens. About this story written not only mountains of articles, but also novels. Local newspapers and radio stations then transmitted the official message of the U.S. Air Force about the crash of the "flying disk" on a ranch near the city of Roswell, New Mexico. And they themselves, having realized, a few days later denied this information: the wreckage, they say, belonged to a balloon-probe or an unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicle. But they were not believed, and in Roswell pilgrimage of "alien-dependent" citizens continues to this day. For them in the city opened a museum of ufology with a dead alien on a hospital gurney, for them annually organized a festival of ufologists. The motives of such activity of local citizens are understandable and were in the hands of the authorities, in the direct (in the collection of taxes) and figurative (diversion from reality) sense. All that was happening had to be given a fairy-tale, magical meaning, so that it was difficult to perceive it logically. Later I found out that the mysterious construction works under the bottom of the salt dried lake Groom began in 1951. Our center began to be built even then.

      "Yes, ma'am, you'll sing a lot of things in this area, but that's not news to me," Rutra said in his mind. He knew that the U-2 spy plane experiment had been completed at Groom Lake in 1955. And that Zone-51 had been constantly modernized and expanded since then, too. By 1980, 180 above-ground buildings and structures had already been erected on the territory of the base, the main of which had 14 underground floors. The intrigue of what was happening also gave the fact that in the fifties astronomers were discovered a whole "fleet" of space objects that approached the Earth and settled in equatorial orbit – at altitudes from 160 to 800 kilometers. Whether in reality it was a UFO or someone skillfully disguised their satellites – and did not find out. In the documents, which allegedly accidentally published by British officials of the appropriate rank, meant literally the following: "Another group of humanoid aliens from the constellation of the Pleiades came into contact with the U.S. government during these events. This was discussed at the highest levels. Of course, after that there were various rumors with a conspiracy theory orientation. In March 1954 was issued a new directive JANAP-146, which stated that data on all unknown objects, including UFOs, should be regarded as a message of paramount importance, directly related to national defense, that their disclosure is punishable by the Espionage Act. Shortly after the directive was issued, civilian airline pilots were also instructed not to disclose UFO sightings.

      Ruzi knew about all this, of course, but, unlike Rutra, she spoke of it as an event in which she herself had participated. Ruthra wanted to change the conversation to something that interested him, but his curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to know what it all meant to her, whether it was worth saving her. She went on as if she were in the middle of a conversation.

      – Five UFOs landed at Edwards Base. American President Eisenhower himself arrived to meet the alien guests. The encounter, like the previous one, was filmed. I have information that both tapes are stored here in a safe place.

      "She's not afraid to talk about it? What is she afraid to talk about? She doesn't widen her eyes," Ruthra wondered. He also thought that after the statements of such dignitaries, lack of belief in the aliens equaled disbelief in the aliens themselves. "That's something to ponder," Ruthra thought, and remembered, to confirm his thinking, another statement. "There's no point in hiding the fact that aliens landed on the planet in the late '40s and we're in communication with them," David Rose, a former high-ranking CIA official, had "cracked" shortly before his death.

      Ruzi interrupted Rutra's musings.

      – As far as I know, there was an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens that went something like this: we keep your presence secret, you do not interfere in the affairs of the Earth community. Dr. Gabo, who of course you must know about, claimed to have seen with his own eyes intact UFOs captured by the Air Force, which they were attempting to control as part of Project Red Light, which was conducted at the Tonopah Proving Grounds and then at Area-51. The goal of the project was to create engines similar to those on the "flying saucers".

      The last statement seemed strange to Rutra, because, according to his information, according to the same "reliable" sources, the project "Red Light" was suspended in 1962, although, even very responsible people claimed that because of an alien ship exploded over the base during test flights. As told by outside observers, the explosion was visible over at least three states.

      Rutra ate with gusto, Ruzi, on the contrary, continued to "peck". She talked more than she ate. When Rutra hinted that he knew something about the incidents, including the explosion, she, either not realizing

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