Binary code Mystery number two. Artur Zadikyan

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Binary code Mystery number two - Artur Zadikyan

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fell under another control. And so on in complicated ways to the center "Zero". Accordingly, when there was information that a special service was monitoring the banking operations of citizens, Rutra smiled.

      Rutra commissioned a review (over the last 30 years) of large transfers and financial transactions of international organizations legally operating under other names; the same for employees of closed research institutes, suspended or dismissed high-ranking military officers, intelligence officers, their relatives and their circle of contacts.

      – I hope you can handle your main job and your new one. Is that clear? How long my next business trip will last, I cannot yet determine.

      – You won't be in touch? – asked the head of security.

      – That's a possibility.

      – What to do if BT Group refuses to use the single digital signature certificate protocol previously adopted in the European Union? – The Information Control Administrator has already asked.

      – I don't think it will come to that, if it does happen, then they should certainly, in accordance with our internal rules, coordinate this issue with the center. If not, you turn on Tempora and blocking of inter-network traffic, and then GCHQ will take over.

      GCHQ – Government Communications Headquarters is the UK intelligence service responsible for conducting electronic intelligence and ensuring the protection of government and military information. The center is a member of the UKUS SIGINT alliance and is responsible for the collection and analysis of information in the countries of Europe, including the European part of Russia and Africa. The intelligence service is part of the Joint Intelligence Committee, together with MI5 (domestic intelligence) and MI6 (foreign intelligence).

      – For all questions you will contact me, using a specially organized for this program communication complex, under the legend of the Institute of Experimental Physics. Not directly, but through Christina to VNIIEF Sarov, and there the automation is already in place.

      – I see," the employees replied in unison, some in a voice, some nodded, mostly the male part; the female part expressed the expected and, apparently, long overdue.

      – Tell me, Chief, why do you keep leaving us? – smiling and jokingly asked the ladies from the analytical department.

      – Everything will be fine, I'll be back soon, we'll celebrate, – said Rutra, reassuring, because in "Zero", purely because of the specifics of the organization, there was an atmosphere where the team could not "go wild" in the circle of "alien" individuals.

      Something suspicious was seen in everything, and it was already a professional reflex.

      – Yay, hurry up, it's getting boring.

      – All right, keep your nose to the wind, I'm outta here. Goodbye.

      – Goodbye," they said in unison.

      Already on the way out, the head of his own security department approached him and said in a quiet voice (more to indicate the individual importance of the information than for the sake of secrecy):

      – You know, I've been paying attention lately to the fact that our department is getting information out of official channels of communication.

      – How did you figure that out?

      – There has been no dispatch from you, however there appear to be assignments based on the recommendations of your analysis.

      – Orders from who?

      – From a higher authority.

      – From Hristoforovich?

      – Yeah. You can send it to us directly.

      – Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I must have missed something. What's the nature of these recommendations?

      – Ordinary – make a report, analyze what's going on, plan something.

      – What was the last one?

      – You should have been reported to you by your assistants, they probably think you know. That last one was rather odd.

      – Which is what?

      – To trace, analyze cases of schizophrenia, namely split personality or suspicious, not peculiar before behavior of persons having access to secret regime objects.

      Rutru was surprised by this, he didn't show it, he pretended to be aware.

      – Based on the recommendations of my analysis, you say?

      – That's right," the security guard reported.

      Ruthra thought of the connection between the topic and the "pumping" of personalities. It was an indication of how seriously his report was taken. In his heart he rejoiced, it meant that in parallel with his activity there was work on the program he had set. Of course, the seriousness of the assumption could put many people under suspicion, yet often at such sites gifted individuals had to think to themselves.

      – Yes, it happened," Ruthra reassured the man, trying not to belittle his loyalty and trust. – I had to consult with my superiors. You know, like Papanov in The Diamond Arm.

      They smiled at each other, after which Rutra walked out, the JIT chief seeing him off with a glance. Being sure of this, Rutra turned around and said to approve of his subordinate's action:

      – Fix everything," he nodded and closed the door.

      "What could it be, why didn't Hent tell me about it, what's it for?" – thought Ruthra already in the elevator.


      On the plane, Ruthra, as usual, was thinking with himself to put the necessary information in the necessary sequence on the "shelves" of memory, and at the same time he was doing his favorite thing for "tuning" the brain – "telling" himself about the place of his next trip. And there was a lot to tell about.

      Cheyenne Mountain is a secure underground NORAD complex, the center of the North American Joint Air and Space Defense Command. Cheyenne Mountain is located in the state of Colorado, near the city of Colorado Springs. The steel bunker was built at a depth of 700 meters inside the granite rock and according to the calculations of the creators can withstand a nuclear strike with a power of thirty megatons. A 1400-meter tunnel leads inside the mountain, behind it is the main airlock, covered by 25-ton doors that remain airtight at an excessive external pressure of 40 atmospheres. The complex is resistant not only to nuclear explosions, but also to earthquakes. The complex includes: the Airspace Situation Monitoring Operations Center; the Missile Warning Center; the Space Monitoring Center; the NORAD and Space Command Joint Center; the Joint Intelligence Community Center; the National Civilian Warning Center; the Center for Software Development of System Elements; and the Weather Forecasting Center.

      The plane has landed at Denver International Airport. Anyone entering the airport in Denver will be shocked by what they see. This place is the subject of many suspicions and questions, to which everyone gives a different answer. There is a dark and unexplained symbolism literally pervading all the structures that catches everyone's eye.

      The Denver International Airport was opened in 1995, despite the fact that the large Stapleton Airport was already in operation here. Its creators convinced the public of the necessity of building a new airport, giving such arguments that the city needed a new

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