The Apple of youth: the practice of reuvenation inside book. Ведьма Лилит

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The Apple of youth: the practice of reuvenation inside book - Ведьма Лилит

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to be your own doctor, or suffer and feel pain. With thoughts that’s ok and have to be like this. Everyone live like this.

      I can argue and say that our consciousness is capable to program our body for health or diseases.

      This principle is known as placebo. And I call it body programming.

      Evidence of this is that when we are very stressed for weeks, months, we automatically programming ourselves to diseases. And we don’t even suspect it.

      Then person getting diseases from nerves. And can’t always bring health back.

      The other side of the coin is that we can specially program our body for health.

      It’s very cool that you opened a book by person, who himself coped with a chronic diseases. And knows a way to repeat this result for others.

      Moreover, I will tell you this method once. You will do this experiment based on my book. You will can get healthier and rejuvenate your body.

      And most importantly, in the future you will know a way to restore health again in different organs and from various diseases. From doctors will only need diagnostics.

      Understand? This is a lifesaver in case of unforeseen persistent diseases, which everyone already has in second half of life. But can be even earlier.

      I have good news for you.

      1. You will can heal yourself now and calm down with your health problem. Feel good in your body. You will not want to jump out of body and hide somewhere.

      2. You will know for future how to treat various diseases using the universal method of healing various diseases. I've already done it for myself. You will need only repeat.

      3. As a bonus, I also found the way to bring back youth. This is slowly skin rejuvenation as a reaction on repeatings of commands for youth.

      No one yet guessed that our body can restore with the power of consciousness not only health, but also youth.

      Why does it work? Our body can be programmed and you and I can use it. Need only technic that I found.

      Following the instructions in this book, you will need to do:

      1. Make the recording of the healing command according to my instruction.

      2. Turn on this command on systematical repeating on the computer for 2 months, 12 hours at night.

      3. Get the first results in first week in the form of pain disappearance.

      You will feel the first results of healing in your body. You will see that our body can restore itself.

      4. Completely get rid of the annoying disease in a few months.

      I wrote the full technique in this book. You will do everything according to my instructions and you will definitely get your result.

      Ask yourself a question.

      You are ready to continue to be sick, endure, swallow pills, in the hope that they will help.

      Or look for other healers in the hope that they will definitely help. It is not always possible and not with all diseases. Just like regular doctors.

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