At depth. Erick Poladov

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At depth - Erick Poladov

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seconds later, Luther de Bont looked at the figure of the owner of the yacht and a provocatively dressed girl, whom he carefully hugged by the fillet, who appeared on the pier.

      2. HECTOR CAGE

      – Doctor Cage. Dr. Cage – a student called, jogging along a corridor after the teacher.

      – Whoa-whoa. Don’t rush, Margaret. Everything will fall out of your hands now.

      – Sorry. Just wanted to ask.

      – I’m not running a hundred meters here. There is no need to rush so much – the forty-two-year-old teacher continued in a soft tone.

      Margaret only smiled in response.

      – Well, ask.

      – Dr. Cage, I wanted to ask you about the essay on cetaceans that you said to be done by next week.

      – Are you having any difficulties? – the teacher asked puzzledly, continuing to leisurely walk along the corridor with the leather briefcase.

      – As if… in general, I couldn’t really find enough data about dorudon. Even on the Internet, all information comes down to only a mention of their existence in the Eocene era, and in the library there are only a few encyclopedias, which only provide a definition of biological and species affiliation.

      – Why did you even choose dorudon?

      – I just wanted to write about some monster. Well, you know, a hefty predator, and it has an unusual appearance. I liked it in the movie you showed.

      – I’ll give you some of my monographs. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to draw objective conclusions based on them. Still, my advice to you is to choose someone else. Let’s say kutchicetus or protocet. These are also representatives of the Eocene. But there is a little more information about them, and their body structure is much more interesting.

      – Then, can I change it?

      – Certainly.

      – Thank you.

      – No problem.

      – Goodbye, Dr. Cage.

      Hector Cage collapsed into the seat of his Ford, sighing with ease that the work week was over. Teaching at the new university was not easy for him. This is his second year of work and he has never yet managed to get a place on a research expedition to go study new and rare species of fish. And something told him that this would not happen very soon. At his previous job, he systematically found himself as part of an expedition, going on research to Australia, Thailand, Japan and Malaysia. Now all his work boiled down to continuous lectures and listening to the tedious remarks of many students who were not able to distinguish different types of living fish, not to mention the swimming creatures that inhabited the Earth in the era of dinosaurs.

      In order not to get to the point where he begins to feel sick from working with the same materials twenty times a week, Hector had to turn to a private psychoanalyst for a prescription for a sedative. Otherwise, the old story that got him fired from his previous university may repeat itself.

      It was already dark outside. The city streets were shrouded in natural darkness, diluted by the glow of street lamps and car headlights.

      Having crossed the threshold of his rented apartment, Hector set water to boil for a cup of strong tea. Turning on the kettle, he went to the laptop, hit the keyboard several times, and after a couple of seconds the sounds of the song «Mamy Blue» began to be heard from the stereo system. While waiting for the kettle to boil, Hector Cage sat back on the sofa, listening to the voice of Julio Iglesias and feeling how all the accumulated negativity was gradually evaporating somewhere. This continued until the craving for sleep set in and Hector’s consciousness turned off, falling soundly into a deep sleep.

      Only in the morning did Hector lift his face from the upholstery of the sofa six minutes after he realized exactly where his body was. He managed to get to his feet only after his bones had at least woken up a little, namely after an hour and a half.

      Turning off the music, he decided to boil water to make a cup of tea that had not happened the day before. But at the last moment the ichthyologist preferred to drink coffee.

      Hector looked in the mirror and wondered who he saw in it. He looked as if he had been subjected to severe torture, not allowing him to sleep all weekdays. It was already noticeable how the bags under the eyes were looming, and the hairstyle, shabby due to the lack of a pillow, only emphasized the condition called «vegetable».

      The clock showed twenty minutes to nine when the doorbell rang.

      At the threshold stood a tall dark-skinned man dressed in a respectable suit.

      – Good morning. Dr. Hector Cage?

      – Yes. Hello. Yes. It’s me, confused in the flow of words, Hector answered.

      – My name is Stephen Frost – said the man at the threshold, holding out his hand. – Nice to meet you. I represent the company «Best Technologies». May I steal some time from you?

      With a gesture of his hand, the scientist offered to go to his modest apartment.

      – Sorry for the mess. I just can’t find the time with work.

      – No, everything is fine. Do not worry. If you saw my apartment, you would understand that your simply shines.

      – Tea? Coffee?

      – At your discretion.

      While Hector poured the invigorating instant drink, Stephen Frost carefully examined the bookshelf, on which most of the books were devoted to river and ocean fauna. Among them were reference books about the inhabitants of the world’s oceans, divided by time periods of the geochronological scale from the Triassic period to the Calymmian period. Judging by the titles on the spines of the books, it was clear that the scientist was particularly interested in cetaceans.

      Hector placed two cups of coffee on the coffee table, after which he invited Frost to sit on the sofa, and he sat down on the chair on the opposite side.

      – Well… – Hector said, inviting Frost to get down to business.

      – Your library is impressive.

      The scientist looked at his collection of books with an indifferent glance for the thousandth time and said:

      – I spent my whole life on this.

      – Do you have to study rare fish species from time to time?

      – Well, it happened before. Actually, that’s what I liked about my job. Observe live what few people have seen before. And to explore…

      – Have you written any manuals in your field?

      – Manuals? No. A mountain of monographs, but not a single book. It was in the plans, but a change of job got in the way. So what did you want to talk about?

      Stephen Frost leaned slightly towards

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