Criminal. Scrapper. Part 3. Damantha Makarova

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Criminal. Scrapper. Part 3 - Damantha Makarova

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Empress had all the right and power to bring the man down.

      But as the days went by, Serena slowly began falling into a desperate stupor, realising that, perhaps, the Empress was not as just as she thought.

      Chapter 4. Empress

      Lindon walked into the training room and saw Hunter relentlessly boxing in the atmospheric settings that were almost close to Veluthian.

      «Any news?» Hunter stepped away from the punching bag and looked at his friend.

      The Veluthian shook his head sadly. He too was worried that days were passing by, and there was no news on what was happening to Serena or her case.

      «How long have you been here?» Lindon asked, seeing the Terran slide down the wall in desperation and exhaustion.

      «Two hours… at least.» Hunter gritted his teeth. «I can’t rest, Lindon. I can’t…»

      «Growler, return Terran settings please.»

      «Yes, Lindon.» the AI replied, changing the settings almost immediately.

      «Take a break, brother. Things like these take time.» Lindon felt even more unnerved ever since Lyssa was confiscated for the time of investigation and they had to stay with Cipher on his ship.

      «We don’t even know what they’re doing to her in that prison!» Hunter gritted his teeth.

      «Veluthians are proud people, Hunter. We honour our code of conduct. Our prisoners are always treated fairly.»

      «And what guarantees are there that this Empress of yours will even remember about her promise?» Hunter punched the wall in frustration.

      «The only guarantees we have are her word, given to Serena in front of a lot of witnesses.» Lindon shook his head. «Things like this will not go unnoticed if the people won’t hear any sort of update or development on such a case. Usually, Royal Trials are broadcasted all throughout the Laithorian Empire.»

      «Usually does not mean all the time!»

      «True. But even those that are not broadcasted, are being talked about in the media. We are proud people, Hunter. We honour the code. And if someone does not… we arm ourselves and go against them.»

      «And how many people have you all done that to? Personally?» Hunter frowned, feeling nothing, but anger. «I know nothing of your system, but I’m supposed to trust your Empress will be fair to Serena?»

      Lindon sighed heavily and walked up to his friend, kneeling next to him:

      «Please understand that the title given to our Empress is not that of legacy. We do not pass this title from mother to daughter or father to son. All throughout our history there were times when the Emperor or Empress was overthrown by their own people, because they no longer honoured the Code. If Laithora, or whole of Velutha finds out that Serena’s case was forgotten about… there can be riots. There can be unrest. This is exactly the reason Serena risked everything to do what she did. She placed her trust in the Empress being the same person everyone knows her to be. Because if unrest begins… the Empress will fall out of favour. We have to trust her.»

      «You Veluthians…» Hunter grimaced. «You keep talking about honour and the Code, but you are just like humans. Just as corrupt and greedy. Just as flawed.»

      «Perhaps, some of us, yes. But it doesn’t mean we all are. Just like being human doesn’t mean all humans are corrupt and evil in their nature, right?»

      Hunter took a very deep breath.

      «I just…» he growled, jumping to his feet. «I just wish there was some way to know if anything is happening out there.»

      Lindon straightened and put his palm on Hunter’s shoulder:

      «We need to wait. And have faith. Other than that… there’s nothing we can do for the time being. Don’t exhaust yourself with training just because you feel helpless, alright?»

      «I don’t feel helpless, Lindon. I’m desperate and enraged that days are going by without any news as to what is happening in that darn prison!» Hunter growled, squeezing his fists.

      «You need rest, brother.» Lindon sighed heavily. «After all, we can be summoned at any given time to the trial.»

      «If there even will be one!» Hunter growled, heading out.

      Lindon shook his head, understanding the distress his friend was in. Having the woman he loved – they both loved! – incarcerated and being under investigation was definitely nerve-wracking. The Veluthian didn’t know if they will be in any position able to help Serena’s case at all, considering they too were under investigation.

      And if things go wrong, Lindon and Wolfin would have to face their charges right here on Velutha, but as to Hunter, Cipher and Pher – the trio would be sent out to the Terran authorities. After all, the Terrans were, in fact fugitives from the Company that issued a bounty on their heads.

      Knowing very well that he still needed to keep his head cool and his determination unwavering, Lindon headed to the bridge. Ever since Serena was arrested and MSS Lyssandra confiscated for the trial proceedings, they were all cramped up in the SS Growler, which was found to be cleared for them to be on, as no one was really thinking about them at the moment. The authorities only swept through the ship to know if there were any of the possible contraband, but as soon as they realised everything was at Lyssandra, they left the crew remain on the Growler until the end of the trial.

      And since then Lindon unofficially took upon himself the role of a Commander – just like before losing his own ship. Mitigating the rising unrest among the crew, answering any possible questions – all this and much more was weighing on him, as he tried hard not to think about Serena making a terrible mistake by putting her trust in the Empress and those close to her.

      Approaching the bridge, Lindon noticed Cipher jumping to his feet and hurried in, as the Growler AI reported:

      «You are being hailed by Captain of the Imperial Guard Dillian Dorn Merr-Philas.»

      Cipher glanced at Lindon and saw him nod:

      «Put him through!»

      The screen lit up, showing the very same man they were dealing with while confined to their ship for the past week. The Veluthian seemed calm, collected and proud as always:

      «I was asked to inform you that you are being summoned to the palace. As I was made aware, the Empress wanted to question Lindon Dorn Grey-Linn, Wolfin Ghor-Dinn, Cipher Reeds and Hunter Winters before she would speak to Serena Dal Thara-Lyss.»

      «We are honoured for the invitation and are ready to face the Empress.» Lindon stepped up.

      «Ten minutes. I shall escort you to the palace personally. No weapons, if you be so kind.»

      «Of course.»

      The screen grew dark and Lindon exchanged glances with Cipher.

      «Growler, tell Pher, Wolfin and Hunter to meet us by the cargo bay in five minutes!» Cipher ordered.


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