Your Personal Horoscope 2020. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2020 - Joseph Polansky

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year ahead is about personal transformation. This will happen through crisis, near-death kinds of experiences and encounters with death. Generally, this doesn’t indicate actual physical death – it is usually on the psychological level. This is a year where you can give birth to the person you desire to be, the person you are capable of being. The stresses you feel are birth pangs.

      The power in your 8th house shows a sexually active kind of year – especially when compared to the past two years. Whatever your age or stage in life, the libido is stronger than usual.

      Neptune has been in your 10th house of career for many years now and will be there for many more. Thus the career is a major focus – that and spirituality. More on this later.

      The spiritual life is even more pronounced now that Uranus is in your 12th house of spirituality. He entered last year and will be there for many more years. There is great change happening here and much spiritual experimentation. More details later.

      Saturn will make a foray into your 9th house from March 23 to July 1, before moving back to your 8th house until December 18. This shows a testing of your religious and philosophical beliefs – they get ‘reality therapy’. Some will have to be amended, some will be discarded. This will become a long-term trend from December onwards.

      Jupiter spends most of the year in your 8th house. This too shows enhanced libido. Love is expressed physically – sexually. More on this later. Often this transit shows inheritance, but it can also indicate profiting from estates or being named to an administrative position in an estate. Hopefully no one has to actually die.

      Jupiter’s move into your 9th house at the end of the year (on December 20) is a wonderful aspect for college-level students and for those applying to college. There will be good fortune here.

      Your most important areas of interest this year will be sex, personal transformation and occult studies; religion, philosophy, theology, higher learning and foreign travel (from March 23 to July 1 and from December 18 onwards); friends, groups and group activities (from June 28 onwards); career; and spirituality.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are finance (until May 6); communication and intellectual interests (from May 6 onwards); sex, personal transformation and occult studies (until December 20); and religion, philosophy, theology, higher learning and foreign travel (from December 20 onwards).


       (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both these perspectives were identical. But now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Health should be good this year, and will get even better as the year progresses. The end of the year should see you with higher energy and better health than when you began. There is only one long-term planet in stressful alignment with you – Neptune. All the others are leaving you alone, and by the end of the year two (Saturn and Jupiter) will be making harmonious aspects with you.

      Your empty 6th house – only short-term planets move through there this year, and their impact is temporary – is another good health signal. You don’t need to pay too much attention here as your health is good.

      Pluto, your health planet, travels with both Saturn and Jupiter this year. Thus there can be surgery (or it might be recommended to you), but it doesn’t seem serious and the end result looks good. Pluto is the generic ruler of surgery and he has been in your 8th house of transformation for many years now, so you tend to see surgery as a ‘quick fix’ to a health problem. But these same aspects favour detox regimes too, and this option should be explored as well. You get good results from this and often it will do the same thing as surgery (only it usually takes longer and involves more discipline).

      The spouse, partner or current love could also be having surgery. He or she should also explore detoxing options.

      Good though your health is you can make it even better. Give more attention to the following – the vulnerable areas of your Horoscope (the reflex points are shown in the chart below):

      Important foot reflexology points for the year ahead

      Try to massage all of the foot on a regular basis – the top of the foot as well as the bottom – but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’ as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles, and especially below them.

       The colon, bladder and sexual organs. These are always important for Gemini as your health planet Pluto rules these areas. As always, safe sex and sexual moderation are ultra-important. A herbal colon cleanse every now and then would be a good idea.

       The spine, knees, teeth, skin and overall skeletal alignment have become important areas since 2008, when Pluto moved into Capricorn (and they will be important for many more years too). So, regular back and knee massage would be good, as would regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath. Therapies such as Alexander Technique, Rolfing or Feldenkrais would be good. Give the knees more support when exercising. Regular dental check-ups are advisable.

       The lungs, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. These are always important for Gemini and the reflexes are shown above. Arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged as tension tends to collect in the shoulders and needs to be released.

      Though your health is good this year there will be periods when it is less good than usual. These come from the stresses of the short-term planets, which are temporary and not trends for the year. When they pass your normally good health and energy return.

      These vulnerable periods will be from February 19 to March 20; August 23 to September 22; and November 22 to December 21. Make sure to get more rest during those periods. We will discuss this in more detail in the monthly reports.

      Home and Family

      Mercury, the ruler of your Horoscope is also your family planet, showing that home and family are always important for you. You tend to be a family-oriented person. However, this year, all the long-term planets are in the upper half of your chart – the day sector, the sector of career and outer activities. And though the night sector will strengthen a bit as the year progresses, it will never be dominant. Additionally, your 4th family house is basically empty (only short-term planets will move through there), thus this area is not as pronounced as usual. Career is much more important this year than home and family issues. The empty 4th house, as our regular readers know, tends to the status quo. It can be read as a good thing too. You seem satisfied with your home life and have no need to make major changes. You sort of take the domestic situation for granted. The home front is relatively quiet this year.

      Your family planet is a very fast and often erratic planet. Sometimes he moves very quickly (through three signs and houses in a given month); sometimes he moves slowly (staying in one sign for a whole month). Three times a year he goes backwards. So your family life tends to reflect this. It can be erratic. However, you are used to this and by now know how to handle it.

      Because Mercury moves so quickly there are many short-term family trends that depend on where Mercury is and the aspects he receives. These are best discussed in the monthly reports.

      Parents and parent figures in your life are also having a quiet kind

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