Better English. Английский в историях для школьников. Александра Делизонас

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Better English. Английский в историях для школьников - Александра Делизонас

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unconventional55, but undeniably 56creative and potentially beneficial 57for students."

      As club members gathered to congratulate him, I gave JB a sly wink. "See? I told you that history stuff would come in handy58."

      JB grinned back. "Yeah, you were right, as usual. Thanks, dude."

      Story 3 – Questions

      What club was Kyle excited to join?

      What did Kyle's grandpa pack for his lunch?

      Why did JB and Kyle get detention?

      What historical topic did Mr. Stern lecture about?

      What did JB create for the Robotics Club presentation?

      Why do you think JB procrastinates on his projects, even though he's clearly creative and capable?

      Analyze Mr. Stern's teaching style and his interactions with students. Is he an effective teacher? Why or why not?

      JB tricked Mr. Stern to use his voice in the Robotics Club presentation. Do you think this behavior was excusable? Why or why not?

      What does JB's invention, the Stern-Bot 3000, reveal about his character and his relationship with Mr. Stern?

      In what ways does the story demonstrate the importance of creativity, resourcefulness59, and thinking outside the box?

      Story 4

      – The Spooky Halloween

      Halloween was just around the corner, and the school hallways were a whirlwind of costumes and candy chatter. But for me, the excitement had fizzled out like a cheap firework. Back in Westwood, Halloween was the bomb. My friends and I would spend hours crafting our own costumes, raiding our parents' closets for old hats and scarves, and transforming cardboard boxes into spaceships and pirate ships. We'd run through the neighborhood until our legs ached, our trick-or-treat bags overflowing with candy. Later, we'd gather around a bonfire, our faces aglow in the flickering light as we swapped spooky stories and roasted marshmallows.

      Those memories felt like a lifetime ago. Now, the thought of dressing up and begging for candy seemed silly, a relic of a childhood I was leaving behind. The costumes in the store windows looked cheesy60, the decorations felt over-the-top61, and the whole holiday seemed to have lost its magic. It was like a favorite song that had gotten stuck on repeat, the melody growing stale 62with each listen.

      JB noticed my downer 63mood. "Hey, dude, why the long face?" he asked, nudging me with his elbow.

      "Just missing the old days, I guess," I sighed. "Halloween doesn't feel the same anymore."

      JB grinned that mischievous grin of his. "Don't worry, buddy," he said. "I've got a surprise for you. It'll be a Halloween you won't forget."

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      to clutch – сжимать


      expression – выражение


      to wear off – проходить, исчезать


      to shuffle – шаркать ногами


      whirlwind – вихрь


      hinges – петли


      to show the ropes – ввести в курс дела


      to cluster – сгруппироваться


      gnarly – отпадный, жуткий


      to bust – застукать


      half-pipe – хафпайп (рампа для скейтбординга)


      lawnmower – газонокосилка


      alien – инопланетянин


      to tackle – решить, взяться за


      to lighten the mood – разрядить обстановку


      exhibition – выставка


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unconventional – нетривиальный


undeniably – бесспорно


beneficial – благотворный


to come in handy – пригодиться


resourcefulness – находчивость


cheesy – слащавый


over-the-top – чрезмерный


stale – затхлый


downer – зануда