For big and small people. Roman Akimov

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For big and small people - Roman Akimov

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tosses the new item onto the common pile and goes into another room.

      Versachka – How was your day, Tesya!?

      Tesya – I’ll share with you how my day went!

      Versachka – How’s your schooling?

      Tesya – It’s boring to study, of course… If only you could come with me, it would be much more fun! Only you understand me, Versachka! Come here, I’ll hug you! I feel like I’m not needed by anyone…

      Versachka – Sweet, sweet Tesya! Don’t be sad! It’s just tough right now, but everything will get better, you’ll see… I need you! I love you very much!

      Tesya (laughs) – Don’t wiggle, don’t wiggle, Versachka! You know I’m scared of tickles!

      Meanwhile, outside, the windows and small lanterns on the walls of the kingdom’s houses light up.

      Town Crier (on the hill) – Royal decree! Due to the challenging situation on our borders, a curfew is imposed! Violators will be detained by our valiant guards for further investigation of all circumstances and will be punished in accordance with the laws of our kingdom! Hail to the king!

      The First Evening…

      Tesya is drawing with colored pencils on white paper, and Versachka sits nearby. Victoria’s husband comes out of the neighboring room.

      Tesya – Daddy, daddy, look!

      Victoria’s Husband – Oh my, what’s this?

      Tesya – I drew it myself!

      Victoria’s Husband – But it’s winter… And your tree is green, and these… colorful leaves?

      Tesya – I just thought…

      Victoria’s Husband (weary, almost indifferent) – Haven’t they told you that an artist shouldn’t think? They, my dear, should reflect the truth and the reality that uplifts fundamental things in the eyes of the beholder, like love for the kingdom, respect for the law, labor… the ability to endure hardships for the common bright future!

      Tesya – I just…

      Victoria’s Husband (annoyed) – How much is three pieces of bread plus three pieces of bread? Hasn’t your mother taught you to add? Show with your fingers!

      Tesya (shows with fingers) – Probably like this!

      Victoria’s Husband (shows the correct answer) – Not probably, like this! Learn to understand bread first, and then draw green trees and these… leaves in winter!

      Tesya – Okay, Daddy…

      Victoria’s Husband goes into another room, and Tesya freezes in place.

      Versachka – Let me see! Oh, what a magnificent and majestic tree! How much we all miss summer… Let me close my eyes right now! Ah, Tesya! I can hear the rustle of its leaves in the evening’s summer breeze!

      Tesya – It seems like you understand me!

      She hugs Versachka.

      Versachka – Of course, I do, but I just can’t express it like a human!

      Victoria enters with large bags.

      Guard (outside the window) – Turn off the lights! Lights out! Turn off the lights!

      Victoria – Just in time! A step the length of a lifetime! But what did I bring, my dear! Yes, yes, you understand it correctly! Soda! Is it a celebration or not? Take it and bring it to the kitchen!

      Victoria actively takes off extra clothes.

      Tesya – Mom, look at what I drew!

      Victoria – Hm… (pause) A tree… (pause) And why aren’t you in bed yet? Don’t you want Uncle Guard to take you to the guardhouse? There’s no paint there, only soot and dampness…

      Tesya – No, Mom!

      Victoria – Then hurry! (to her husband) My dear, wonderful, long-haired, and curly husband, today marks six years since we’ve been together!

      Victoria’s Husband – Oh, really?

      Victoria – That’s right! This occasion calls for celebration!

      Guard (knocking on the window) – Turn off the lights!

      Victoria – Yes, yes!

      Victoria’s Husband and Victoria go to the kitchen, closing the kitchen door with a familiar sound. Through the glass of the kitchen door, only silhouettes can be seen. Later, faint voices and some household noise can be heard from the kitchen. Outside, the guards march in formation. The sound of boots is audible.

      The first night…

      In the distance, a crescent moon drifts above the hill. Moonlight seeps into the room. The wall clock starts making a distinct ticking sound.

      Pillow – Psst… It’s me, the pillow! Oh, you’re not sleeping… There’s something you need to hear! The socks will tell you now!

      The socks crawl up, and from the wall, the clock continues to playfully tick.

      Clock – Hello! I hope I’m not too loud?

      First sock – We all think you should know this!

      Victoria (from the kitchen behind a closed door) – You may be much younger than me, but you know… I’ve never felt that difference… I love you! For you!

      Pillow – Go on, sock, but take your time!

      First sock – Then it’s better if the second sock tells!

      Second sock – As you all know, I was hung on the hanger in the closet a day ago, where an autumn hat patiently sits among many other things… I’ve been with her all this time… gathering the necessary information!

      Clock – Tick-tock, tick-tock! To the point…

      Second sock – The hat told me that in the closet, she constantly observes strange movements… And sometimes at night, she hears as if someone is trying to open the doors!

      First sock – It can’t be!

      Versachka – Perhaps she’s just imagining things?

      First sock – Perhaps,

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