Creative Ideas. For special children. Dina Veksler

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Creative Ideas. For special children - Dina Veksler

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kind, look after Chesky, Nina, and I are going to the clinic.»

      «And good morning to you too… Well, of course, I’ll look after him. Go.»

      Chesky squeezed past Alina into the room, loaded with a huge box of Lego. Without wasting time, the boy immediately began to build a grandiose building. Jane tried to doze a little more, but the trick failed: Chesky resolutely pushed almost half of the details of the designer towards her: «You, too, build!» His nephew continually accompanied his work with some remarks:

      «It will be a house. It’s beautiful, right? And there will be a path, long, flat, right? Beautiful?»

      He struggled to draw his young aunt into a dialogue, and the half-asleep Jane was forced to answer: «Yes, of course, it’s beautiful, well done!» The same thing ten, fifteen, twenty times! Jane slowly began to boil. She remembered her friend, constantly showing off her new blouse, her handbag, and her branded cosmetics. Well, a person just constantly wants to be in the center of everyone’s attention! Apparently, Chesky also really needs this. But Jane was terribly tired of answering the same questions all the time. Something needs to be done about this. And what if you try to fight the unpleasant habit of your nephew with his own methods?

      «Nice track? Yes?» Chesky again insistently demanded the approval of his work.

      «Nice, Chesky?» Jane decided to put her idea into practice and forwarded the question to Chesky himself. The surprise written on the child’s face in large letters slightly amused the young aunt.

      «Yes, beautiful…» Chesky said, a little bewildered. Jane hid a satisfied smile: it worked! She got out of bed and perched on the floor next to her nephew.

      «Where are those bricks that you left for me? I will also build a house; I have not done this for a long time.»

      Once upon a time, Jane was very fond of constructing buildings from Lego, and now she has again taken up construction with pleasure. Chesky’s face beamed with a smile: together with Jane, they will build not just a house, but a real castle! Sticking out the tip of his tongue from zeal, the boy enthusiastically helped Jane, periodically asking: «Beautiful, right? I’m good, right?»

      But Jane used the previously tested method and forwarded the question to Chesky. After a while, she noted with satisfaction that her nephew no longer asked questions. «Looks like it worked!» The girl thought and smiled. It seems that she coped with one unpleasant habit of her nephew; there was one more. Chesky never listened to the end of anyone; he certainly had to interrupt the interlocutor. How to fix this, Jane did not yet know, but she promised herself to do everything possible.


      The castle turned out to be a feast for the eyes: tall, beautiful, with thin turrets and openwork bridges. After admiring the joint creation, Jane went to the castle to put away the details of the designer in the box. Alina was about to return home, and the girl wanted to put the toys back in place for the arrival of her older sister.

      «No! It is forbidden! Beautiful!» Chesky’s reaction to Jane’s attempt to restore order was, in general, predictable.

      The boy never agreed to destroy his creations with his own hands and did not allow others to do so. Usually, Alina put the columns and paths built by Chesky back in place when the boy was already asleep. Recently, the responsibility to clean up after her brother was entrusted to little Nina.

      «Yes, it turned out very beautifully…» Jane herself felt sorry for destroying the beautiful castle. And then it dawned on her: «Chesky, I know what we will do!»

      Recently, a girl was presented with a great camera for her birthday. Jane decided to capture their common creation with her nephew. Taking out the camera, she took a couple of pictures of the beautiful castle and showed the result to Chesky. The boy was delighted.

      «Beautiful! Our castle! Great!»

      «Chesky, come on, pose for me next to the castle. People should know by sight the author of such a wonderful structure.»

      There was no need to persuade his nephew: Chesky, smiling proudly, sat down next to his creation, and Jane quickly took a few shots. Considering the photo session over, Chesky rushed to throw the details of the Lego around the room, accompanying this rampage with loud cries: «Hurrah!» Jane captured this on camera. Mentally sympathizing with her sister, she began to calm her outraged nephew:

      «All right, Chesky, enough frolic, let’s put things in order.»

      They put the first Lego pieces together in a box, and little by little Chesky got involved and finished the cleaning himself. Touched by the sight of her nephew fascinated by his work, Jane took a few more pictures. She even had a name for these shots when she was looking through the pictures: «Diligent Chesky puts things in order.» Fleetingly, Jane was surprised at how different Chesky can be. Voices were heard in the hallway: Alina and Nina returned home. For today, the babysitting job for Jane was over.


      Where did the cute and calm child go? From the moment Alina returned home, Chesky seemed to have been possessed by a demon: he did not let his mother say a word, constantly interrupting her, looked into the bag without asking, pushed Nina away, and then completely began to jump on the sofa, screaming loudly. Alina, tired of making comments to the guy, sent him to a corner so that he would reflect at his leisure on his behavior. Chesky, however, also arranged entertainment for himself out of punishment: he selflessly scratched the wall with his finger and muttered something unintelligible under his breath.

      Jane, slightly shocked by such a sharp change in her nephew’s behavior, kept clicking the camera. She decided not to say anything to Alina yet, postponing the conversation for later.

      In the evening, the girl went to her friend’s to prepare for the next exam together, and at the same time printed out photos of Chesky. Returning home, Jane found her nephew very excited. Alina even complained to her sister that she couldn’t calm Chesky down.

      «Chesky, come here, I’ll tell you…» Jane did not have time to finish the sentence. The nephew swooped down on her like a whirlwind:

      «And I, and I have…» the words poured out of him like peas from a leaky bag, but it was completely impossible to catch any meaning.

      However, Jane tried to listen carefully to Chesky. After a few seconds, the flow of indistinct interjections dried up, and the girl finally managed to insert a word:

      «Did you say everything, Chesky? Can I talk now?» The boy nodded, and Jane finally said what she wanted: «I brought photographs in which you are in the lead role. Well, let’s see them?»

      The girl took out a pack of photographs from her bag and laid them out on the table. Chesky began looking at the photographs with interest. The one on which he put away the details of the Lego, he especially liked:

      «I did that!»

      «Of course, well done, look how you try to put things in order!» Jane noted that the nephew did not forget to praise himself. «We will hang this picture on the door of your locker so that everyone can admire such a diligent mother’s assistant.»

      «This is a bad photo,» Chesky was holding a picture in his hands, capturing him at the

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