Journey to the Emerald Era. Science fiction story. Sanzhar Kondybayev

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Journey to the Emerald Era. Science fiction story - Sanzhar Kondybayev

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style="font-size:15px;">      – Of course, Sanzhar. See you later. See you later! – Richard answered with a smile, unfolding his newspaper again.

      Sanzhar muttered words of farewell and quickly walked towards the university. His heart was still beating faster than usual, and his thoughts were chaotically rushing about, searching for a logical explanation for what had happened. He looked back to make sure the man was not following him, but Richard was already immersed in reading the newspaper, as if nothing had happened. Having reached the auditorium, Sanzhar stopped in front of the door, trying to calm his breathing and collect his thoughts. Before him was a normal school day, but something inside told him that this day would be the beginning of something unusual, something that could change his life forever.

      2:2 Strange movement. Sanzhar, still slightly shaken by the strange meeting with Richard, quickly crossed the courtyard of KIMEP and headed towards the building where the cinematography class was about to begin. As soon as he entered through the glass doors, he felt the coolness of the air conditioner, which contrasted sharply with the warm morning air outside. He paused for a moment, trying to calm down and switch to the upcoming classes, but thoughts about the meeting with Richard did not leave him.

      He headed for the stairs leading to the second floor, where the cinematography hall was located. The stairs were wide, with marble steps, dimly lit by the morning light coming through the large windows. Sanzhar climbed them, thinking about the upcoming film viewing, trying to distract himself from the strange events that had happened in the morning.

      The cinematography hall was one of his favorite places at the university. It had an atmosphere of immersion in art, where each film became the subject of detailed analysis and discussion. Sanzhar always looked forward to these classes, as they allowed him to delve deeper into the world of cinema, to understand the intricacies of the plot, the director’s tricks and the camera work.

      But when he entered the corridor leading to the hall, his gaze was immediately drawn to the figure standing at the far end. It was the same Richard he had just met at the entrance to the university. Sanzhar stopped, feeling a slight shudder run through his body. “How could he have ended up here so quickly?” he thought, slowly approaching the figure. It seemed that Richard was standing there specifically to meet him again, as if he wanted to prove that his strange offer was not just words, but a real possibility.

      “Ah, here you are again,” Richard said with a soft smile as Sanzhar came closer. There was a slight satisfaction in his voice, as if he was glad to see the surprise on the young man’s face. “I hope I didn’t scare you too much?” Sanzhar felt his heart start beating faster again. He tried to find the words, but there was only one thing in his head – how did this man get here so quickly?

      – No, of course not, – answered Sanjar, trying not to show his excitement. – It’s just that the offer was… unexpected, that’s all.

      Richard nodded, as if understanding all the doubts that tormented Sanjar.

      “It’s natural,” he said, looking straight into the young man’s eyes. “It’s not every day that you’re offered time travel. But believe me, this offer makes much more sense than it might seem at first glance.”

      Sanjar looked at Richard, feeling his inner tension growing. It was as if it were real, but at the same time everything seemed unreal, as if he found himself in the center of some fantastic story that he himself was not yet ready to believe.

      “You know,” Richard continued, taking a step closer, “the world changes every year, and sometimes, to understand where it’s heading, you need to look at it from the future. You’re interested not only in what’s happening now, but also in what will happen next, aren’t you?”

      Sanjar nodded silently, not knowing what to say. He was sure that before him stood a man who knew much more than he could imagine. But this man was offering him something that went beyond ordinary understanding, something that could change his life.

      “I invite you to see the future with your own eyes,” Richard continued, his voice becoming almost hypnotic, as if he really had the ability to see beyond the veil of time. “Imagine how your knowledge and understanding of what is to come can influence your today, your decisions, your dreams.”

      Sanzhar, feeling his head filling with more and more questions, slowly shook his head. He understood that the offer sounded tempting, but also incredible.

      “Sorry, Richard,” he said finally, trying to sound as confident as possible. “I can’t accept such an offer. I’m a student, I have my own responsibilities, my studies. It’s too… incredible.”

      Richard frowned slightly, but then his face took on a friendly expression again.

      “I understand,” he said, nodding respectfully. “It’s not easy to make such a choice. But know that the offer still stands. If you change your mind, I’ll be happy to help you see what others can only dream of.

      He extended his hand to Sanjar again, and Sanjar shook it automatically, feeling for a moment the cold hardness of the ring, which again reminded him of the mystery of this man.

      “I hope that we will see each other again,” Richard said before turning and heading down the corridor towards the lecture hall.

      Sanjar remained standing, feeling how his heart slowly began to beat in a normal rhythm. He glanced at his watch and realized that it was time to go to class. But something about this meeting continued to bother him, like a slight breath of wind that could not be caught or explained.

      Running into the classroom with the last students, Sanjar tried to concentrate on the lesson, but thoughts about the strange meeting did not leave him. His comrades were cheerfully discussing something and joking, the teacher, looking at his watch, stood up from the table and began the lesson:

      “Hello everyone. So, I ask for silence and attention. Today our lesson will be devoted to… But Sanzhar was still thinking about that hallway where the strange man in the hat had offered him a glimpse into the future, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that this day would be the beginning of something greater than he could have imagined.

      2:3 Coursework. Sanzhar hurried to his seat in the classroom, noticing that the students had already taken their seats and were quietly discussing the upcoming lesson. The huge screen, occupying the entire front wall, was already ready to show a film, and the soft, subdued lights in the hall created an atmosphere of anticipation. He quickly sat down next to his friend, who nodded briefly in greeting.

      The teacher, Professor Miras, known for his passion for cinema and his meticulous approach to film analysis, stood behind the lectern. He was short, but had an impressive charisma, and his presence immediately attracted the attention of the entire audience.

      “Good morning, students,” he began, looking around at the audience. “Today we will not just watch a film, but also an in-depth analysis of one of the most significant works in the science fiction genre. I chose this film for a reason. It raises questions that concern not only technology, but also philosophy, morality, and what it means to be human. The professor paused, giving the students time to absorb the importance of the upcoming lesson.

      – Today we will be watching the film Blade Runner by Ridley Scott. This film is not only a cult classic in the world of cinema, it touches on themes that remain relevant today. I want you to pay attention to how the film explores the boundaries

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