Valley Of The Moon. Jack London

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Valley Of The Moon - Jack  London

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at all."

      "Oh! Oh!" Mary cried. "You're gettin' worse an' worse. I never think such things."

      "Whoa, Mary! Backup!" Bert checked her peremptorily. "You're in the wrong stall. Billy never makes mistakes like that."

      "But he needn't be so raw," she persisted.

      "Come on, Mary, an' be good, an' cut that stuff," was Billy's dismissal of her, as he turned to Saxon. "How near did I come to it?"

      "One hundred and twenty-two," she answered, looking deliberately at Mary. "One twenty two with my clothes."

      Billy burst into hearty laughter, in which Bert joined.

      "I don't care," Mary protested, "You're terrible, both of you-an' you, too, Saxon. I'd never a-thought it of you."

      "Listen to me, kid," Bert began soothingly, as his arm slipped around her waist.

      But in the false excitement she had worked herself into, Mary rudely repulsed the arm, and then, fearing that she had wounded her lover's feelings, she took advantage of the teasing and banter to recover her good humor. His arm was permitted to return, and with heads bent together, they talked in whispers.

      Billy discreetly began to make conversation with Saxon.

      "Say, you know, your name is a funny one. I never heard it tagged on anybody before. But it's all right. I like it."

      "My mother gave it to me. She was educated, and knew all kinds of words. She was always reading books, almost until she died. And she wrote lots and lots. I've got some of her poetry published in a San Jose newspaper long ago. The Saxons were a race of people-she told me all about them when I was a little girl. They were wild, like Indians, only they were white. And they had blue eyes, and yellow hair, and they were awful fighters."

      As she talked, Billy followed her solemnly, his eyes steadily turned on hers.

      "Never heard of them," he confessed. "Did they live anywhere around here?"

      She laughed.

      "No. They lived in England. They were the first English, and you know the Americans came from the English. We're Saxons, you an' me, an' Mary, an' Bert, and all the Americans that are real Americans, you know, and not Dagoes and Japs and such."

      "My folks lived in America a long time," Billy said slowly, digesting the information she had given and relating himself to it. "Anyway, my mother's folks did. They crossed to Maine hundreds of years ago."

      "My father was 'State of Maine," she broke in, with a little gurgle of joy. "And my mother was horn in Ohio, or where Ohio is now. She used to call it the Great Western Reserve. What was your father?"

      "Don't know." Billy shrugged his shoulders. "He didn't know himself. Nobody ever knew, though he was American, all right, all right."

      "His name's regular old American," Saxon suggested. "There's a big English general right now whose name is Roberts. I've read it in the papers."

      "But Roberts wasn't my father's name. He never knew what his name was. Roberts was the name of a gold-miner who adopted him. You see, it was this way. When they was Indian-fightin' up there with the Modoc Indians, a lot of the miners an' settlers took a hand. Roberts was captain of one outfit, and once, after a fight, they took a lot of prisoners-squaws, an' kids an' babies. An' one of the kids was my father. They figured he was about five years old. He didn't know nothin' but Indian."

      Saxon clapped her hands, and her eyes sparkled: "He'd been captured on an Indian raid!"

      "That's the way they figured it," Billy nodded. "They recollected a wagon-train of Oregon settlers that'd been killed by the Modocs four years before. Roberts adopted him, and that's why I don't know his real name. But you can bank on it, he crossed the plains just the same."

      "So did my father," Saxon said proudly.

      "An' my mother, too," Billy added, pride touching his own voice. "Anyway, she came pretty close to crossin' the plains, because she was born in a wagon on the River Platte on the way out."

      "My mother, too," said Saxon. "She was eight years old, an' she walked most of the way after the oxen began to give out."

      Billy thrust out his hand.

      "Put her there, kid," he said. "We're just like old friends, what with the same kind of folks behind us."

      With shining eyes, Saxon extended her hand to his, and gravely they shook.

      "Isn't it wonderful?" she murmured. "We're both old American stock. And if you aren't a Saxon there never was one-your hair, your eyes, your skin, everything. And you're a fighter, too."

      "I guess all our old folks was fighters when it comes to that. It come natural to 'em, an' dog-gone it, they just had to fight or they'd never come through."

      "What are you two talkin' about?" Mary broke in upon them.

      "They're thicker'n mush in no time," Bert girded. "You'd think they'd known each other a week already."

      "Oh, we knew each other longer than that," Saxon returned. "Before ever we were born our folks were walkin' across the plains together."

      "When your folks was waitin' for the railroad to be built an' all the Indians killed off before they dasted to start for California," was Billy's way of proclaiming the new alliance. "We're the real goods, Saxon an'n me, if anybody should ride up on a buzz-wagon an' ask you."

      "Oh, I don't know," Mary boasted with quiet petulance. "My father stayed behind to fight in the Civil War. He was a drummer-boy. That's why he didn't come to California until afterward."

      "And my father went back to fight in the Civil War," Saxon said.

      "And mine, too," said Billy.

      They looked at each other gleefully. Again they had found a new contact.

      "Well, they're all dead, ain't they?" was Bert's saturnine comment. "There ain't no difference dyin' in battle or in the poorhouse. The thing is they're deado. I wouldn't care a rap if my father'd been hanged. It's all the same in a thousand years. This braggin' about folks makes me tired. Besides, my father couldn't a-fought. He wasn't born till two years after the war. Just the same, two of my uncles were killed at Gettysburg. Guess we done our share."

      "Just like that," Mary applauded.

      Bert's arm went around her waist again.

      "We're here, ain't we?" he said. "An' that's what counts. The dead are dead, an' you can bet your sweet life they just keep on stayin' dead."

      Mary put her hand over his mouth and began to chide him for his awfulness, whereupon he kissed the palm of her hand and put his head closer to hers.

      The merry clatter of dishes was increasing as the dining-room filled up. Here and there voices were raised in snatches of song. There were shrill squeals and screams and bursts of heavier male laughter as the everlasting skirmishing between the young men and girls played on. Among some of the men the signs of drink were already manifest. At a near table girls were calling out to Billy. And Saxon, the sense of temporary possession already strong on her, noted with jealous eyes that he was a favorite and desired object

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