Headless Horseman. Captain Mayne Reid

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Headless Horseman - Captain Mayne Reid

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Luna behind! Leave her to be trampled to death, or torn to pieces — as you say she would! No — no, Mr Gerald. I prize the spotted mare too much for that. She goes with me: over the chasm, if we can. If not, we both break our necks at the bottom. Come, my pretty pet! This is he who chased, captured, and conquered you. Show him you’re not yet so subdued, but that you can escape, when close pressed, from the toils of either friend or enemy. Show him one of those leaps, of which you’ve done a dozen within the week. Now for a flight in the air!”

      Without even waiting for the stimulus of example, the courageous Creole rode recklessly at the arroyo; and cleared it by one of those leaps of which she had “done a dozen within the week.”

      There were three thoughts in the mind of the mustanger — rather might they be called emotions — as he sate watching that leap. The first was simple astonishment; the second, intense admiration. The third was not so easily defined. It had its origin in the words — “I prize the spotted mare too much for that.”

      “Why?” reflected he, as he drove his spur-rowels into the flanks of the blood bay; and the reflection lasted as long as Castro was suspended in mid-air over the yawning abysm.

      Cleverly as the chasm was crossed, it did not ensure the safety of the fugitives. It would be no obstruction to the steeds. Maurice knew it, and looked back with undiminished apprehension.

      Rather was it increased. The delay, short as it was, had given the pursuers an advantage. They were nearer than ever! They would not be likely to make a moment’s pause, but clear the crevasse at a single bound of their sure-footed gallop.

      And then — what then?

      The mustanger put the question to himself. He grew paler, as the reply puzzled him.

      On alighting from the leap, he had not paused for a second, but gone galloping on — as before, close followed by his fugitive companion. His pace, however, was less impetuous. He seemed to ride with irresolution, or as if some half-formed resolve was restraining him.

      When about a score lengths from the edge of the arroyo, he reined up and wheeled round — as if he had suddenly formed the determination to ride back!

      “Miss Poindexter!” he called out to the young lady, at that moment just up with him. “You must ride on alone.”

      “But why, sir?” asked she, as she jerked the muzzle of the mustang close up to its counter, bringing it almost instantaneously to a stand.

      “If we keep together we shall be overtaken. I must do something to stay those savage brutes. Here there is a chance — nowhere else. For heaven’s sake don’t question me! Ten seconds of lost time, and ’twill be too late. Look ahead yonder. You perceive the sheen of water. ’Tis a prairie pond. Ride straight towards it. You will find yourself between two high fences. They come together at the pond. You’ll see a gap, with bars. If I’m not up in time, gallop through, dismount, and put the bars up behind you.”

      “And you, sir? You are going to undergo some great danger?”

      “Have no fear for me! Alone, I shall run but little risk. ’Tis the mustang. — For mercy’s sake, gallop forward! Keep the water under your eyes. Let it guide you like a beacon fire. Remember to close the gap behind you. Away — away!”

      For a second or two the young lady appeared irresolute — as if reluctant to part company with the man who was making such efforts to ensure her safety — perhaps at the peril of his own.

      By good fortune she was not one of those timid maidens who turn frantic at a crisis, and drag to the bottom the swimmer who would save them. She had faith in the capability of her counsellor — believed that he knew what he was about — and, once more spurring the mare into a gallop, she rode off in a direct line for the prairie pond.

      At the same instant, Maurice had given the rein to his horse, and was riding in the opposite direction — back to the place where they had leaped the arroyo!

      On parting from his companion, he had drawn from his saddle holster the finest weapon ever wielded upon the prairies — either for attack or defence, against Indian, buffalo, or bear. It was the six-chambered revolver of Colonel Colt — not the spurious improvement of Deane, Adams, and a host of retrograde imitators — but the genuine article from the “land of wooden nutmegs,” with the Hartford brand upon its breech.

      “They must get over the narrow place where we crossed,” muttered he, as he faced towards the stallions, still advancing on the other side of the arroyo.

      “If I can but fling one of them in his tracks, it may hinder the others from attempting the leap; or delay them — long enough for the mustang to make its escape. The big sorrel is leading. He will make the spring first. The pistol’s good for a hundred paces. He’s within range now!”

      Simultaneous with the last words came the crack of the six-shooter. The largest of the stallions — a sorrel in colour — rolled headlong upon the sward; his carcass falling transversely across the line that led to the leap.

      Half-a-dozen others, close following, were instantly brought to a stand; and then the whole cavallada!

      The mustanger stayed not to note their movements. Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the fall of their leader, he reserved the fire of the other five chambers; and, wheeling to the west, spurred on after the spotted mustang, now far on its way towards the glistening pond.

      Whether dismayed by the fall of their chief — or whether it was that his dead body had hindered them from approaching the only place where the chasm could have been cleared at a leap — the stallions abandoned the pursuit; and Maurice had the prairie to himself as he swept on after his fellow fugitive.

      He overtook her beyond the convergence of the fences on the shore of the pond. She had obeyed him in everything — except as to the closing of the gap. He found it open — the bars lying scattered over the ground. He found her still seated in the saddle, relieved from all apprehension for his safety, and only trembling with a gratitude that longed to find expression in speech.

      The peril was passed.

      Chapter Seventeen. The Mustang Trap

      No longer in dread of any danger, the young Creole looked interrogatively around her.

      There was a small lake — in Texan phraseology a “pond” — with countless horse-tracks visible along its shores, proving that the place was frequented by wild horses — their excessive number showing it to be a favourite watering place. There was a high rail fence — constructed so as to enclose the pond, and a portion of the contiguous prairie, with two diverging wings, carried far across the plain, forming a funnel-shaped approach to a gap; which, when its bars were up, completed an enclosure that no horse could either enter or escape from.

      “What is it for?” inquired the lady, indicating the construction of split rails.

      “A mustang trap,” said Maurice.

      “A mustang trap?”

      “A contrivance for catching wild horses. They stray between the wings; which, as you perceive, are carried far out upon the plain. The water attracts them; or they are driven towards it by a band of mustangers who follow, and force them on through the gap. Once within the corral, there is no trouble in taking them. They are then lazoed at leisure.”


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